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1、牛津 6A 知识点梳理U1Part 1单词句型1 表示和自己有直系血缘关系的:Father(父亲,爸爸)mother ( 母亲,妈妈) sister (姐姐,妹妹) brother (哥哥,弟弟)等以上称谓对于我来说都是家人,即 my family members表示和自己有或无血缘关系得:Grandfather(祖父,外祖父) grandmother(祖母,外祖母),grandson(孙子,外孙)granddaughter (孙女外孙女),uncle(叔叔,舅舅),aunt(姨父,姑父 阿姨,姑妈,婶婶),cousin(堂表兄,堂表第,堂表姐 堂表妹 )2. play games 玩游戏;p

2、lay footbal 踢足球;play badminton(打羽毛球)【知识拓展】play 后跟球类运动时不加定冠词,但跟乐器时,乐器名称前要加定冠词 the Lets play badminton together after school! 让我们放学后一起打羽毛球吧I usually play football with my father on Saturday. 周六我常和父亲一起踢足球I can play the piano. 我会弹钢琴Listen! Someone is playing the violin.听有人在拉小提琴3. go 后面常跟动词的 doing 形式,表示去

3、做某件事情【知识拓展】go shopping(去购物);go swimming(去游泳) ;go cycling(去骑车)go travelling(去旅游); go fishing (去钓鱼) go skating 去溜冰 ;go skiing 去滑雪My grandfather sometimes goes fishing on a warm afternoon. 在暖和的下午,我爷爷Its a fine day. Lets go cycling! 多好的天气呀 让我们一起去骑车吧4. go to a restaurant 去饭馆吃饭 ;go to the park 去公园注意 这几个固定

4、搭配中的名词前要加适当的冠词,比如:go to the cinema 去看电影go to the supermarket 去超市等My family usually go to the restaurant at the weekend. 周末我们家常去饭馆吃饭Mum, can I go to the supermarket with you? 妈妈, 我能和你一起去超市吗?5. watch TV 去看电视 ;watch a film(看电影) 此处,watch 意思为观看,又如 watch 看卡通,动画片; watch carefully(仔细观察)I like watching carto

5、ons very much. 我非常喜欢看卡通片The science teacher usually asks us to watch him carefully.科学老师常让我们仔细观察6.本单元出现了三个频度副词: always 总是,一直usually 经常,常常 sometimes 有时We should always help each other. 我们始终应互相帮助My father usually goes out for a walk after dinner.晚饭后我父亲经常出去散步She sometimes watches TV after homework. 做完作业

6、后她有时候会看电视Part 2重点语法1)A :How many + 名词复数 + do you have ?B :I only have one / I have (number) 2)A :What (else)do you do with your + 名 词 ?B :I always / usually / sometimes / never do sth. with my + 名词Introduction 介 绍 :This is / These are Express good wishes 表示祝愿 :Happy birthday !3)频度副词 always ,usually

7、,often ,sometimes 和 never 在一般现在时中的用法 : 放在 be 动词、助动词后面,放在行为动词前面。She is often late for school .When do you usually do in the morning ? He usually goes to bed in the morning .4)人称代词单复数人称代词物主代词反身代词主格宾格形容词名词性单数Imemyminemyself复数weusouroursourselves单数youyouyouryoursyourself复数youyouyouryoursyourselves单数hehi

8、mhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitself复数theythemtheirtheirsthemselves1. 主格做主语,放在句首:I often go to the supermarket . (me)2. 宾格做宾语,放在动词、介词的后面:I sometimes go shopping with him (he)3. 形容词性物主代词做定语,放在名词前面:后面必须加名词Our classroom is very big and clean. (we)4. 名词性物主代词做主语、宾语、表语:后面不能加名词Is this her T s

9、hirt ?No ,hers is red . (she)That new flat is ours . (we)3) 一般现在时: 主语除了是三单主语是第三人称单数I go to school on foot .She goes to school on foot .I dont go to school on foot .She doesnt go to school on foot . Do you go to school on foot ? Does she go to school on foot ? Yes ,I do . / No ,I dontYes she does . /

10、 No ,she doesnt动词变化以 s ,x ,ch ,sh ,o 结尾+es ;以辅音字母+y 结尾,去 y+ies ;havehasU2Part 1词性转换词性转换:friend n. friendly a. friendship n. help n. v. helpful a. helpless a. kind a. kindness n. kindly ad. pollute v. pollution n.discuss v. discussion n.use v. reuse v. useful a. useless a. angry a. angrily ad. anger

11、n.visit n. v. visitor n.Part 2词组积累talk to/with sbtalk about sth = discuss sthlike to do/doingenjoy doingevery dayevery night/morning/afternoongo out at nightwalk to school = go to school on footbe togetherplay togethereat ones lunchshare ones foodhelp each othereach other = one anotherhelp other peo

12、pleother people = othersbe late forask sb about sthwork hardbe kind toget angryget coldshare sth with sbtell lieslive in the USAvisit Garden Cityfor the first timeon Saturdaya friend of the Earthpick up rubbishlook after = take care of = care forall the things around us pollute the environmentair/la

13、nd/water/noise pollutionkeep cleankeep + adj; keep quiteput rubbish into rubbish binsleave rubbishtell sb to do ; tell sb not to doask , invite , allow , want sb not to dowant to bewant/agree/deside/hope/offer/try/manage + to do promise to do ; promise not to dodiscuss sth with sbPart 3重点语法1.语言功能1)A

14、 :Thank you !B :Not at all ./ Youre welcome ./ Its a pleasure ./ Thats all right.2) A:We want to look after the environment . B :All right .2.语法要点1)We like to + v together2)be + adj :She is always naughty/clever/friendly/helpful比较 :She always gets angry . She never tells lies.3) A:Where have you been ?B:I have been to A:Have you been to yet?B: yes, I have just /already been to ./YNo, I havent been to yet. / no, I havent been thereyet.4) we promise to ./we promise not to .U3Part 1词性转换happy a.- happily ad. -unhappy a. sand n. -sandy a.sun n. -sunny a.cloud n.- cloud



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