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1、Section Speaking & Writing.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。King Evan was so conscious about keeping his people happy and considered them as his own family. He took great care to _1_ his peoples needs and they lived happily.However, King Evan used to hear his court(宫廷)men say that

2、 people in his kingdom always _2_ him for various reasons. One day, he secretly took a trip around his land to find out what made his countrymen feel _3_. However, he could not see any unhappy people and this gave him great _4_.He decided to _5_ a huge boulder(巨石)in the middle of the road to test th

3、e people who passed by. _6_ his soldiers had placed a huge boulder in the road, they all hid in a nearby place to _7_ what would happen next.The boulder almost covered half of the road and many wealthy people simply walked around the boulder.Nobody really seemed to care about the boulder _8_ the mov

4、ements of vehicles.The kings court men also saw the boulder but did _9_ to move it away. Instead, they badmouthed the _10_ for not maintaining the road properly. These were the people whom the king _11_ to be loyal! The king was shocked to _12_ their words.A fruit seller walked along the road with h

5、is fruit. When he saw the huge boulder, he _13_ and tried to move the stone. After some _14_, the fruit seller removed the obstacle(障碍物)from the road _15_.He saw a huge bag placed under the boulder. He picked up and was extremely _16_. The bag had a note on it, saying, “Here is a _17_ for you! The b

6、ag has 1,000 gold coins inside and they are for the one who _18_ this obstacle!”The fruit seller was so happy and he was also _19_ by the king to a party where he was rewarded nicely. Every obstacle we face in our life is a(n) _20_!1A.satisfy BexpressCrecord Dunderstand2A.remembered BthankedCblamed

7、Dforgave3A.excited BrespectedCbored Ddispleased4A.advice BreliefCpower Dpressure5A.fix BhangChide Dplace6A.Before BSinceCAfter DUnless7A.consider BguessCwatch Dask8A.disturbing BcontrollingCdirecting Dchanging9A.something BnothingCeverything Danything10A.king BsoldiersCofficial Dpassersby11A.knew Bp

8、rovedCannounced Dbelieved12A.repeat BhearCwrite Dread13A.left BsmiledCstopped Dreturned14A.attempts BtestsCresearch Ddiscussion15A.easily BnaturallyChopefully Dsuccessfully16A.nervous BsurprisedCangry Dfrightened17A.task BgiftClist Djoke18A.notices BbreaksCremoves Dcovers19A.challenged BforcedCsent

9、Dinvited20A.opportunity BconcernCmessage Dpossibility答案与解析语篇导读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个卖水果的人因移走国王故意放在路上的巨石而得到了奖励,这个故事告诉我们生活中的每一个障碍都是一个机会。1A考查动词词义辨析。A.satisfy满足;B.express表达;C.record记录;D.understand理解。根据本空前的“King Evan was so conscious about keeping his people happy and considered them as his own family.”可知,Evan国

10、王想让他的子民幸福地生活,他把他们当成自己的家人,所以他努力满足子民的需要,故A项正确。2C考查动词词义辨析。A.remembered记得;B.thanked感谢; Cblamed责怪;D.forgave原谅。根据本空前的“However, King Evan used to hear his court(宫廷)men say that people in his kingdom always ”可知,然而,他经常听到臣子们说他的子民总是以各种各样的原因责怪他,故C项正确。3D考查形容词词义辨析。A.excited兴奋的;B.respected受尊敬的;C.bored 无聊的;D.disple

11、ased不高兴的。臣子们说他的子民总是以各种各样的原因责怪他,所以一天国王决定微服出宫,看看是什么让他的子民不高兴。本空后的“unhappy”亦是提示,故D项正确。4B考查名词词义辨析。A.advice建议;B.relief安慰,欣慰;C.power力量;D.pressure压力。根据本空前的“However, he could not see any unhappy people and this gave him great _4_”可知,然而,他没看到任何不高兴的人,这让他大感欣慰,故B项正确。5D考查动词词义辨析。A.fix固定;B.hang挂; Chide隐藏;D.place放。根据

12、本空后的“a huge boulder(巨石)in the middle of the road to test the people who passed by.”可知,他决定在路中间放一块巨石来考验路过的人,故D项正确。6C考查连词词义辨析。A.Before在之前;B.Since自从;C.After在之后;D.Unless除非。根据本空后的“his soldiers had placed a huge boulder in the road, they all hid in a nearby place to _7_ what would happen next.”可知,在他的士兵们把巨石

13、放在路中间之后,他们都躲在附近的一个地方看接下来会发生什么,故C项正确。7C考查动词词义辨析。A.consider考虑;B.guess猜想;C.watch看;D.ask问。根据语境可知,他们都躲在附近的一个地方看接下来会发生什么,故C项正确。8A考查动词词义辨析。A.disturbing干扰,妨碍;B.controlling控制;C.directing指导;D.changing改变。根据本空后的“the movements of vehicles”可知,没有人在意妨碍车辆流通的巨石,故A项正确。9B考查代词词义辨析。A.something某物; Bnothing什么都没有;C.everythi

14、ng一切;D.anything任何事。根据本空前的“The kings court men also saw the boulder but did”可知,国王的臣子们也都看见了巨石却没有把它移走,故B项正确。10A考查名词词义辨析。A.king国王;B.soldiers士兵;C.official官员; Dpassersby路人。根据本空后的“for not maintaining the road properly.”可知,他们反而责怪国王没有妥善维护道路,故A项正确。11D考查动词词义辨析。A.knew了解;B.proved证明;C.announced宣布;D.believed相信,认为。

15、根据本空后的“to be loyal!”可知,这些人就是国王认为是忠诚的人,故D项正确。12B考查动词词义辨析。A.repeat重复;B.hear听;C.write写;D.read读。上文说臣子们责怪国王没有妥善维护道路,听到这样的话国王感到很震惊,故B项正确。13C考查动词词义辨析。A.left离开;B.smiled微笑;C.stopped停下;D.returned返回。根据本空后的“and tried to move the stone.”可知,一个卖水果的人停下来,试着把巨石移到一边,故C项正确。14A考查名词词义辨析。A.attempts尝试;B.tests测试;C.research调查;D.discussion讨论。根据本空后的“the fruit seller removed the obsta



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