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1、新标准英语(三年级起点)第七册 Module 7 Unit1 I dont believe it !史丽娜执教 辽中镇第一小学张智文评析辽中县教师进修学校教材分析 I dont believe it! 是六年级教材,六年级的学生即将进入中学阶段的学习,因此本册教材既扩展了新的学习内容,又复习巩固了以前学过的内容;既为小学阶段的学习进行必要的总结,又为中学阶段的学习打下了牢固的基础。本课教材以生动、有趣的动物形象展示了动物的习性,使学生对动物的习性有了深刻的了解。 学生分析六年级的学生学习英语已经有三年多的时间了,新鲜感已经淡化了,加上年龄的增长,更加害怕出错,英语课堂往往变得沉闷起来,但是学生

2、对于他们日常生活中的活动还是比较感兴趣的,从这方面入手,学生的学习兴趣容易被激活。设计理念1 以活动为组织形式。英语的课堂教学离不开真实的语言环境,在真实的语境下开展教学活动,才能表达真实的语义,在教学中要进行真实的语用训练;英语教学活动,要有利于学生学习英语知识技能,从而提高实际语言的运用能力;英语教学活动应注意英语学科和其他学科间相互渗透和联系,使学生的思维和想象力、审美情趣和艺术感受、协作和创新精神等综合素质得到发展。2 从情感、态度入手。关注学生的情感、态度是基础教育改革的一个重要方面。基础教育阶段的英语课程不仅要使学生的语言知识和语言技能得到发展,而且更有责任和义务培养学生积极向上的

3、情感态度。积极向上的情感、活泼开朗的个性有助于学生积极参加语言学习活动,获得更多的学习机会;强烈的学习动机、浓厚的学习兴趣和大胆的实践精神有助于学生提高学习效果;坚强的意志和较强的自信心有助于学生克服英语学习中遇到的困难。Teaching aims :Knowledge aim: Use the third person singular of “say,eat, love,think and copy ,” in the present simple tense.Ability aim: Let the students introduce the abilities of animals.

4、Moral aim: Let the students know how to protect themselves.Important points:. How to grasp the four-skill words: believe, lucky , bamboo , copy , fantastic . How to use the sentences.Difficult points: How to use the present simple tense.Teaching materials: CAI, recorder, pictures and etc. Teaching m

5、ethod: TPR. Teaching process:Step . Warm-up .The teacher and the students greet each other. .Sing a song with the cartoon show. “Old Macdonald had a farm. Students sing the song and clap their hands. 点评:通过伴随着卡通片唱歌、模仿动物的声音,使学生感受别有情趣的农场生活,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,调动了学生学习的积极性,使学生迅速地进入了学习状态。Step . Revision T: I hav

6、e many riddles. Lets guess, ok? Ss: Ok. CAI show the riddle.a. Theyve got no legs. They live in water.T: What are they? S1: Fish. b. Theyve got long tails. They climb trees very fast. They like bananas.T: What are they? Ss: Monkeys. 点评:教师设计了猜谜语的活动,猜谜语是学生喜欢的活动形式,在猜谜语的过程中发展了学生用英语思维的能力。Step . Presentat

7、ion and Practice.T: This class well learn Module 7 Unit 1 I dont believe it! (Write on the blackboard).Ill lead you to learn many knowledge about animals. Do you like animals?Ss: Of course, we like.T: Now, who can copy animals? (Teacher explain “copy”)Students copy a cat/ a dog/点评:开篇点题,直接介绍本课所讲的内容,让

8、学生产生求知的欲望,学生模仿动物,为了解动物习性打下了良好的基础。. T: Now, look, whats this? Do you know it? CAI show. (A panda.) S1: I know it is a panda.S2: I know it lives in the zoo. S3: It is fat. S4: Its black and white. S5:I know we cant hurt it. S6:It eats zhuzi. T:Yes, you are right. Zhuzi ,bamboo(CAI show the picture of

9、bamboo, write “bamboo” on the blackboard). Pandas eat bamboo. They love bamboo. Now, lets guess “How long do pandas eat every day?”(CAI show) S1: 2 hours? S2: 4 hours? T: No, let me tell you. 12 hours. Ss: Wow! How long! T: Can you eat for 12 hours a day?Ss: No.T: So we can say “They are very lucky.

10、”(Teacher explain “lucky” and write “lucky” on the blackboard) T: Look, whats this? Do you know it? CAI show.(A snake).S1: I know it is a snake. It can climb.S2: Its long. S3: It is very dangerous.S4: I know it cant see very clearly.T: Yes, you are very clever. What do you want to do when you meet a

11、 snake? S5: I think I cant move because it cant see me very clearly. If I dont move, it cant find me. T: Ok, very good. You know how to protect yourself. Please remember “Dont move.”点评:利用多媒体进行教学,直观地展示图片,进行会话教学,体现了语言的交互性,学生说出了自己对于动物的所知所想,发散了思维,培养了学生自由运用语言的能力。.T: I have a new CD-ROM. (Teacher explain

12、the meaning of CD-ROM) Its about animals. Do you want to see it?Ss: Yes.T: Please answer my questions.CAI show the questions.a. Who gives Daming the present? b. Do snakes like music? c. Why is the snake coming out of the box? d. What do you think of the CD-ROM? Read the dialogue after recorder. Stud

13、ents answer the questions.(Teacher explain “fantastic, believe” and write them on the blackboard.) Students act the dialogue.点评:采用了任务型的教学方法,让学生带着问题有目的地去听,去学,在学习的过程中思考问题,从而掌握本节的重点,提高了学生的思维能力。Step . Drill. T: We know pandas love bamboo. Monkeys like bananas. What do you like to eat? Please talk with y

14、our partners. One student makes a collective report.Team 1 S1: I like noodles. Do you like noodles?S2: Yes, I do.S1: I like noodles. He likes noodles.Team 2 S1: I like apples. Do you like apples? S2: No, I dont. I like oranges. Do you like oranges? S1: No, I dont like oranges. I like lemons. And you? S2: No, I dont lemons. S1: I dont like oranges. He doesnt like apples. We dont like lemons.点评: 学生分组自由讨论自己的喜好,在复习一般疑问句的同时,增进了彼此的了解。Step . Consolidation.T: This Sunday, well go to the zoo. Well see m


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