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1、2022年考博英语-首都师范大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题They have considered their high standard of living a (n) ( )for practicing their basic beliefs.问题1选项A.awardB.rewardC.resultD.consequence【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。award 奖,奖品;reward 回报,奖赏,常与for搭配;result结果; consequence后果。句意:他们认为自己的高生活水准是对他们践行基本信仰的一种回报。由空格前后部分的句意可知B项符合题意。

2、答案B2. 单选题Many proverbs ( )in ancient Greece and Rome and medieval Europe, spreading from country to country in Latin texts.问题1选项A.designatedB.descendedC.originatedD.created【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。 designated 指明,指派; descend遗传下来,来自;originated 起源,来源,发生;create 创造,创作。句意:许多来源于古希腊、罗马和中世纪的欧洲的格言,以拉丁文字的形式在国家之间传递着。起源于

3、originate in,只有C项符合句意,答案C。3. 单选题To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose the catalogues showing various products handled by us with detailed( )and means of packing.问题1选项A.specimensB.inspectionsC.paraphrasesD.specifications【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。specimens 样品,范例;inspections 检查,检阅; paraphrases 释

4、义; specification 规格,参数。句意:为了让您对我们的产品有个大概的了解,我们随函给您附了产品目录,它展示了多种我们所经营的产品,包括详细的规格和包装方法。D项最符合题意,答案D4. 单选题Police believe that many burglars are amateurs who would flee if an alarm sounded or lights( ).问题1选项A.came outB.came onC.came toD.came down【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。 came out 出来,出版,灯亮; came on前进,进步,成长; came

5、 to前来;came down 下来。句意:警察相信许多入室盗贼都是些业余人士,警报器一响或电灯一亮他们就会逃跑。A项符合句意,答案A5. 单选题There are several ( )between the original estimates of the cost and the actual bills.问题1选项A.exaggerationsB.discrepanciesC.breakthroughsD.compliances【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。exaggerations夸张,夸大;discrepancies 偏差,差异; breakthroughs 突破;compli

6、ances 服从,听从。句意:在最初的支出预算和实际账单之间有一些偏差。根据the original estimates of the cost and the actual bills可知,这两者之间的关系只可能是有偏差,答案B6. 单选题The Governments policies will come under close ( )in the weeks before the election.问题1选项A.appreciationB.scrutinyC.specificationD.apprehension【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。appreciation “欣赏,感谢”;

7、scrutiny “审查,细看”;specification“规格,说明书”; apprehension“理解”。句意:选举前的几周,政府的政策将会接受详细审查。由Governments policies及close “严密的”可知B项“审查”能与之搭配。答案B7. 单选题( ) the car accident, they would have arrived earlier.问题1选项A.Except forB.But forC.BesidesD.Save for【答案】B【解析】考查连词辨析。except for除了以外;but for要不是; besides此外,而且;save for

8、 保存为,除之外。句意:要不是那场车祸,他们可能早就到了。由下文they would have arrived earlier可知该句表示的是与过去事实相反的虚拟。 but for +n/pron,用于虚拟语气。故答案B8. 单选题With keen( ) , convincing facts and a global angle, the author vividly recorded a brilliant page of the great Chinese revolution.问题1选项A.inspectionB.intellectualC.intentionD.insight【答案】

9、D【解析】考查形似词辨析。inspection 检查,检验; intellectual 智力的,有才智的; intention 意图; insight 洞察力,洞悉。句意:通过敏锐的洞察力、有说服力的事实和全球化的视角,作者生动地记录了中国革命伟大辉煌的一页。空格处应填一个名词,首先排除B项。再根据句意可知D项最合适。答案D9. 单选题Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by drugs” that arent really drugs at all ( )sugar pills that contain no

10、 active chemical elements.问题1选项A.but ratherB.or rather thanC.or ratherD.but rather than【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。 no.but rather. “不是而是”固定搭配。句意:有时候能帮助缓解病人剧痛的不是真正意义上的药物,而是不含任何化学成分的糖衣片。答案A10. 单选题In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the ( )concern of state government.问题1选项A.extinctB.exc

11、ludingC.excessiveD.exclusive【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。extinct “灭绝的,熄灭的”; excluding “排除,除外”;excessive “过多的,极度的”; exclusive“独有的,排外的”。句意:通常来讲,关于国家边境的问题都是政府尤为重视的。D项符合句意,答案D11. 单选题We are writing to the manager ( )the repairs recently carried out at the above address.问题1选项A.with the exception ofB.with the purpose

12、ofC.with reference toD.with a view to【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。 with the exception of “除了以外”;with the purpose of “目的,用途”; in/with reference to “关于,就而言”; with a view to “着眼于”。句意:我们给经理写信反映关于最近在以上地址进行维修的有关情况。C项符合句意,答案C12. 单选题Egyptian authorities are trying to prevent their historical monuments from ( )the savage

13、s of time.问题1选项A.standing byB.counting onC.succumbing toD.holding up【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。standing by 支持,准备行动; counting on 依赖,依靠;succumbing to屈服于 ;holding up拿着。句意:埃及当局正在试图阻止他们的历史古迹随着时间推移而消陨。C项符合题意,答案C13. 单选题Nancy was surprised that they have( ). They seemed to be a happy couple.问题1选项A.split upB.broken d

14、ownC.fallen throughD.knocked out【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。split up“分开;离婚”; broken down “出故障”;fallen through “失败”; knocked out “使筋疲力尽;神志不清”。 句意:南希很惊讶他们已离婚,因为他们看上去是那么幸福的一对。由surprised及happy对比可知,A项符合题意。答案A14. 单选题It is a(n) ( )that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease.问题1选项A.analogyB.paradoxC.correlationD.illusion【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。 analogy “类比”;paradox“悖论,反论”;correlation “相关,关联”;illusion “幻觉,错觉”。句意:法国人吃很多油腻的东西,但心脏病的发


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