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1、隔膜阀的主要生产工艺The main producti on process diaphragm valvesA. 铸造工艺A. Casti ng Processa. 熔炼:采用双联熔炼,冲天炉为直统型单排风口。a. melting: the use of double-melting cupola system for straight sin gle exhaust outlet.b. 造型:全部采用机械造型。有一条用于生产5以下口径隔膜阀的半机械化生产线;6以上的铸件则采用单机造型,置于浇铸线上浇注,精度要求高的小型铸件采用壳型铸造方法生产。b. modeling:All mechani

2、cal modeling. There used to producea 5 diameter diaphragm followi ng semi-mecha ni zedproduction line; 6 above the casting is used stand-alone model, placed in the casting online casting, high precision small casti ngs produced using shell cast ing method.造型机用的型板为快换式型板;模型采用金属模和塑料模,也有少量的木模。型板尺寸:造型线 上

3、为500mm X 400mm;单机为1200mm X 800mm。Moldi ng machi ne with a plate for quick-cha nge plate; model uses a metal mold and plastic, but also a small amount of wood mold. Plate size: styli ng line for 500mm X 400mm; standalone is 1200mm X 800mm.c. 型芯:芯砂多数采用有机粘结剂,在造芯工艺上可分为三种类型:形状简单,精度要求不高的砂芯米用油砂,由人工打制,连续烘炉进

4、行烘干;形状细小,精度要求高的砂芯采用树脂砂, 以 煤气加热的热芯合射芯机成型;尺寸较大的且精度要求高的砂芯,用树脂自硬砂木制芯合人工制作,然后自然固化。由于大量采用树脂砂制芯,所以铸件内腔质量较高。c. core: core sand most orga nic bin der in mak ing the core process can be divided into three types: simple shape,less precisi onsand cores using oil san ds, chipped by hand,con ti nu ous ove ns were

5、 drying; shape small, highprecisi on sand cores res in sand to the hot core gas heati ng combined core shootingmachine molding; larger size andhigh precisi on sand core, with a woode n core resin Sandco-produced artificially, then naturally cured. Due toextensiveuse of resin sand core, so the higher

6、 the qualityof the casti ng cavity.d. 清整:铸件落砂在去除冒口、下边、毛刺后用砂轮磨平,最后 用抛丸处理。d. cleari ng: casti ng off the sand after the removal of the riser, below, glitches with polished wheels, and fin ally shot blasti ng.B. 铸件的质量控制B. Quality con trol of the casti ng首先对金属原材料进行化学分析,采用多层次把关,成份合格后方可使用,主要是控制硫磷的含量。First

7、 of metal raw materials for chemical an alysis,multi-level checks, before use of qualified in gredie nts,mai nly to con trol the content of parathi on.对熔炼茨铁水,每小时要分析一次,采用具有空调设备的恒 温室内的分光光度计分析;铸件的机械性能每炉测试一次。Mainz for smelting iron, once every hour to analyze, usingthe spectrophotometer has a heated in

8、door air-c on diti oning equipme nt; the mecha ni cal properties of cast ings perfurn ace test aga in.对造型用砂和造芯用砂每小时也作一次性能分析,以确保型砂和 芯砂的质量。Modeli ng made of sand and core sand per hour also make a performanee analysis, in order to ensure the quality of the sand and core sand.C. 机加工C. Machi ning有机械加工衬里

9、设施、隔膜压制、装配及测试检验等部门。其机械加工部分规模较大,能与年产100万台阀门相适应。机床数量较多,有两台阀体加工中心,还有六台数控机床和一台仿形车床等,这些设备保证了加工精度和生产效率。其它均属普通机 床。对阀体密封面加工,小规格在普通机床上用靠模加工;中型规格用加工中心完成;大规格阀体则不加工,用砂轮打磨后以样板测量成型。阀体及阀盖法兰上钻孔、攻螺纹有二种,一种采用自动分度的 卧式数控机床(型号为MS112);另一种则在加工 中心上完成。就其机械加工设备除加工中心外,一般设备和加工用的刀具,夹具也很普通。There machi ning lining facilities, diap

10、hragm press ing, assembly and test and in specti on departme nts. A larger portion of the size of its machining, with an annual output of 1 milli on un its valves to adapt. A larger nu mber of machi ne tools, machi ning cen ters with two body, there are six sets of CNCmachine tools and a copying lat

11、he, etc. These devices en sure the machi ning accuracy and productivity.Others are ordinary machi nes. Seali ng surface of the valve body machi ning, small size machi ne tools rely on com mon-m ode process ing; medium size complete with a processing center; large size valve is not working, after gri

12、nding to a model with a measuring wheel molding. Body and bonnet flange drilli ng, tapp ing there are two kin ds, one automatic indexinghorizontalCNCmachine (model MS112);ano ther is done on the process ing cen ter. Its mecha ni cal process ing equipme nt in additi on to process ing cen ters, gen er

13、al equipme nt and process ing tools, jigs are also very com mon.D. 衬里D. li ning隔膜阀的衬里工艺分为两类:一种是橡胶与塑料类,属于高分子材料;另一种是搪瓷,属于硅酸盐类(目前国际还新拓展了衬陶瓷及玻璃等非金属材质 )。Lining process diaphragm into two categories:one is rubberand plastic, polymer materials belong; another is enamel, are silicate(currentinternationalexp

14、ansion of the lineralso new ceramic and glass and other nonm etal materials).不同品种的橡胶,包括硬橡胶、软橡胶、丁基胶、氯丁胶和天然 胶等,其衬里工艺基本相同,只是原料成分、工艺参数不同;但不同品种的塑料衬里工艺却有较大的区别:有的用喷涂技术, 有的则采用注塑热压成型。Different varieties of rubber,includinghard rubber, softrubber, butyl rubber,neoprene and natural rubber, with itslining proce

15、ss is basically the same, just ingredients, process parameters are differe nt; but the plastic lining process there is a large variety of differe nt differe nee: some with spray tech no logy, while others are using injection compression molding.衬里质量的优劣取决于材料、配方、工艺条件、铸件表面的质量、清整和抛丸处理乃至磷化处理等相关工艺的成熟与否有密切的关联,诸多因素的某个环节失当,均能影响其内在理化成分、机 械性能、耐腐蚀性能以及与金属粘结牢度等质量的优劣。Quality depends on the merits of the lining material, formulation, process conditions, the quality of the casting surface, cleari ng and blasti ngtreatme ntand eve n phosphateprocess ing and other related processes mature or areclosely associa



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