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1、Word-FormationAbstract : A further way besides borrowing in which the vocabulary of English has expanded to accommodate to the natural and social world in which it is used has been to employ means internal to the language itself for devising new word. This is the area of word-formation. Morphologica

2、l productivity can be defined as the property of a given word formation process to be used to derive a new word in a systematic fashion. Most linguists divide the word-formation into major word-formation and minor word-formation .The major word-formational processes are :- Affixation - Compounding-

3、ConversionThe minor word-formational processes are :- Abbreviation- Back formation- OnomatopoeiaKey Word : affixation, derivative, compounding, abbreviation, onomatopoeia1 AffixationAffixation, also called derivation, is a process in which a free morph is combined with a bound morph, a prefix, or a

4、suffix. It is generally defined as the formation of words by adding derivational affixes to different types of bases . There are two types of derivative . One bases on free root with affix or bound root , the other bases on bound with affix or other bound root .1.1 Types of affixes- prefixes- suffix

5、es- infixesModern English has a number of highly productive affixes. For example, the prefix over can be added to verbs which express activities to indicate that too much has taken place, i.e. something has been overdone, cf. overcook, overcoat, overstay. Likewise, the suffix ness can be added to an

6、 adjective make a noun designating the quality express by the adjective, its nouniness, so to speak.1.2 Two types of derivatives structure 1.2.1 Free root + affix/bound root 1) prefix + free root e.g.: Indefinite (a. uncertain), unforgettable (a. memorable) , minibus (coach)2) free + suffixe.g. : we

7、althy (a. rich) , successful (a, achieving aims) , extremely (adv, to a very high de.g.ree) , comfortably (adv. in a comfortable way)3) prefix +free root + suffixe.g. : enrichment (a. sb/sth being rich or richer) , international (a. connected with two or more countries) , unchangeable (a. that can n

8、ot be changed)4) combining form + free roote.g. Afro-American , Afro-Asian , techno-chemistry , microwave1.2.2 Bound root + affix/bound root1) prefix + bound root (without formation)e.g. contradict (v. to say sb has said is wrong) , descend (v. go down) , despair (v. give up all hope)2) bound root (

9、without formation)+ suffixe.g. confidence (n. trust in) , liberate (v. emancipation) , linguist (n. a person who knows several foreign languages well)3) prefix + bound root (without formation)e.g. distinctive (a. special ) , intolerable (a. cant bear) , contradiction (n. a lack of agreement between

10、facts)4) combining form + combining forme.g. macrobiosis (n. long life) , microscope (n. an instrument used in scientific study for making very small thing look larger)2 CompoundingComposition or compounding is a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit, that

11、 is, a compound. Compounding is perhaps the most common way of expanding the vocabulary of English. It allows users to combine two familiar words to form a new lexeme.Very often compounds are written as two words, which means that they are accepted into dictionaries a little reluctantly. Certainly,

12、dictionaries seem not to list compounds in anything like the numbers in which they are in use. This may be justified perhaps because compounds are frequently transparent and their meanings are relatively accessible without a dictionary. Furthermore, many of them do not become lexicalized, but have a

13、 very transitory life.According to the words characteristic, there are compound nouns, compound adjectives , compound pronouns , compound verbs , compound adverbs , etc .2.1 Compound Nounsn. + n.: bar code , mouse mat , Websitea. + n.: blueprint , compact discadv. + n.: off chance , overdose , under

14、clothes-ing + n.: learning strate.g.y , marketing campaign , parking metern. + v.: daybreak , earthquake , parking meteradv + n : downfall , income , offset , output , upliftv. + adv.: get-together , handout , makeupn. + -ing: air-conditioning , brainstorming , family planningprep.+n.: afternoon , b

15、y-product , overcoat2.2 Compound AdjectivesAs adjective is a core : airsick , band-new ; dark-blue , icy-cold ; all-mighty , evergreen , overripeAs noun is a core : blue-collar , present-day ; breaknecl , cross-country ; chicken-hearted , dog-eared , wine-coloredAs ing or ed is a core : energy-saving , epoch-marking ; easy-going , far-reaching ; mass-produced , poverty-stricken ; absent-minded , half-done , newly-built2.3 Compound Verbs1) Formed by back-formation : house-keep from housekeeper windowshop from window-shopping henpeck from he



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