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1、There were two “Regions of terror” if we would but remember it and consider it.如果我们记起并经历过的恐怖,就会发现有两种恐怖统治。The one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood;一种是在狂热的激愤中涂炭,另一种则是在无情冷酷中嗜血;The one lasted mere months; the other had lasted a thousand years.一种持续仅仅数月,另一种则延续千年;The one inf

2、licted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred million一种把死亡降临在一万人之上,另一种则荼毒了一亿人之多。But our shudders are all for the horrors of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak. 然而我们只会因较小的恐怖及暂时的恐怖所带来的惨状而战栗,Whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the ax compared with lifelong

3、death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heartbreak? 但是相比一生在饥饿、寒冷、侮辱、虐待和心碎中慢慢地死去,斧劈的速死又算得什么?What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake?相比在刑柱上被火慢慢地吞噬,被闪电击中而亡又算得了什么?A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by the brief Terror which we have all been so d

4、iligently taught to shiver at and mourn over;一个城市的墓地能够容纳短暂恐怖所填埋的棺材,我们一直以来学会了在这种恐怖面前不寒而栗,沉痛哀悼but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by the older and real Terror但是整个法国几乎无法容纳这更为古老而且是真正意义上的恐怖所装填的棺材。that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its va

5、stness or pity as it deserves. 这种恐怖有说不出的痛苦和恐怖,但是却没有人教我们从其广度和其所应得的同情来看待它。Happiness in Shakespeares time, and later as well, referred to good fortune, good luck, to favorable circumstances visited, somehow, on a particular person who registered such a state of affairs subjectively with a condition of

6、good cheer, pleasurable feeling.莎士比亚期间以及之后,幸福指的是一个人不知什么原因被财运、好运和有利环境眷顾时,流露出的振奋和喜悦之情。One was satisfied with ones situation, glad to be in ones given place and time by virtue of how ones life has gone. The emphasis is, put differently, upon fatean almost external force. 人容易满足于自己的现状,为自己所过的生活以及即将面对的特定处境

7、感到高兴。要强调的不同是,他将一个外在力量加在命运上。To be sure, individuals craved pleasure, money, power, territory, a certain woman, a certain manbut happiness was not in itself sought. 可以确定的是,人们渴望快乐,金钱,权力,地盘,特定女人和特定男人,但是却不会去追寻“幸福”本身。Rather, a persons personal and workaday success was noted by that person, and thankfully

8、acknowledgedhis or hers by virtue of divine grace, or the stars and their mysterious doings, or quite simply, a serious of fortuitous events.更确切地说,一个人总是感激地记录并肯定自己的个人成就和成功事业。认为自己是被神眷顾,是被星星神秘地帮忙,或者简单地说,是一系列的偶然事故降临。In assessing the social, political and human strength and potential of America, one can

9、concentrate on such large issues as Americas role in Southeast Asia and such other international problems as its fluctuating relations with its economic and ideological allies and adversaries; 在评价美国的社会、政治和人力资源方面的势力及潜力时,我们可以把注意力集中在美国在东南亚的作用等一类宏观事务上。我们还可以聚焦于其他国际问题,例如美国与其经济、意识形态方面的盟友及对手之间的变动不定的关系,the p

10、ersistent and manifold and overtly cruel forms of racism; 形式多样、纠缠已久且赤裸裸残忍的种族主义the more subtle manifestations of inter-ethnic conflicts and the rejection of the poor, the aged and the infirm in a nation that prides itself on its affluence; 更微妙的种族间冲突,穷人、老年人和体弱多病者在一个以富饶自诩的国家惨遭抛弃and the fact that a high

11、ly developed technological society that has pioneered in space exploration continues to tolerate large-scale decay of the residential portions of its inner cities, 以及更关注与此类事实,那就是一个高度发展的且引领着空间探索的科技社会,却对内陆城市居民区的衰败视而不见deterioration of public education and accelerated pollution and wastage of its natural and human resources.公众教育质量的恶化以及对其自然和人力资源的加速破坏和浪费。



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