【精校版】人教版新目标 Unit 7教案二

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 7How much are these socks?该单元的主题是shopping, 主要词汇有socks, T-shirt, pants, shoes, shorts, sweater, bag, dollar, black, small, short, long, numbers 10-31, 两个语言点是how much question 和指示代词 this, that, these, those, 语言目标是How much is the blue T-shirt? Its 10 dollars. Ok, Ill take it. Thank y

2、ou. Youre welcome.语言目的是通过大量的反复的对话练习, 掌握如何询问价格, 谈论衣服, 表示感谢。与这个单元相关的知识有hat, I like Do you like? Do you have? numbers 1-9。计划本单元教学课时为6课时。其中,Section A 计划用三个课时,Section B 计划用两个课时,Selfcheck计划用一个课时。教学策略是设计大量的对话以及结队活动、小组活动等任务型活动,让学生在重复、模仿中学会对话,进行简单的分角色表演,在完成任务中完成语言学习任务。设计思路:基础英语阶段课程的目标是以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和

3、文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力。新课程倡导任务型教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。因此,我把每个课时的教学内容都设计成由简到难的任务,让学生在克服困难、完成任务中循序渐进地接受新知识,寓乐于学,积极培养和保护学生对英语学习的积极性,建立他们学好英语、用好英语的初步自信心。下面就每个课时的教学内容以及教学活动设计安排做详细地介绍.第一课时内容为Section A 的1a,1b,1c三个部分。包括单词socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, bag, hat, pants, shoes以及对

4、话How much is this T-shirt? Its seven. How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars.教学目的:学会使用新单词;了解如何询问价格。I. Lead in.Greetings. T: Hello, everyone! Do you like shopping?S: Yes, we do.T: Do you know the names of the clothes?S: Sorry, we dont know.T: Thats all right. This class we will learn the names

5、of the clothes. II. Show the names of the clothes with pictures.III. Remember the words and then do the exercises. 1a Match the words with the pictures. 1b Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear.IV. Watch a play. Listen carefully and lets find out how to ask prices.V. PresentationA: Ho

6、w much is this T-shirt?B: Its seven dollars.A: How much are these socks?B: Theyre two dollars.VI. Practice. Two Ss make a dialogue to practice the pattern.VII. Task Look at Meimei Clothing Store, and ask the prices with your partners.VIII. Homework.Practice to use how to use the question: how much.F

7、ind five more clothing names, and write them down on your workbook.教学反思:本课内容是关于购物的,围绕学生的生活实际,又加之内容较简单,所以学生学起来得心应手,表现出极大的兴趣,说明语言来源于生活。第二课时内容为Section A 部分的2a, 2b, 2c三个部分,包括单词black, white, red, green, blue, big, small, short, long 以及Grammar focus:How much is the red sweater? Its eight dollars.How much

8、is this blue T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much is that white bag? Its nine dollars.How much are these black pants? Theyre ten dollars.How much are those blue socks? Theyre three dollars. 教学重点是如何描述衣服,继续练习如何询问价格。教学过程:I. Lead in.Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you like songs?S: Yes, we

9、 like songs very much.T: Now I have a beautiful color song for you. Lets learn to sing it. Ok?S: Ok.Watch the play and sing the color song.II. Presentation: black, white, red, green, blue, big, small, short, long. Find out three opposite in the new words: black - white, big - small, short - long.III

10、. Practice. 1.Remember the new words with your partners.2. Review the names of clothes and describe the clothes. We can do like this:T: What is this?S: Its a hat.T: What color is it ? S: Its red.T: Its a red hat, isnt it?S: Yes, it is a red hat.V. Task one.Say the colors in our classroom and try to

11、describe the things in the picture, such as a red flag. Lets contest.V. Do the exercise. 2a Listen to the conversations. Circle the things you hear.2b Listen again and fill in the price tags.VI. PresentationHow much is the red sweater? Its eight dollars.How much is this blue T-shirt? Its seven dolla

12、rs.How much is that white bag? Its nine dollars.How much are these black pants? Theyre ten dollars.How much are those blue socks? Theyre three dollars.VII. Task two.Pairwork Ask and answer questions about the things in 1a.How much ?Its/ Theyre VIII. HomeworkPlease write five sentences after the pres

13、entation.Please find out five more kinds of color, and write their English names on your workbooks.教学反思:本课学习几个表示颜色的单词,进一步练习如何描述衣服,询问价格,学生的兴趣很大。第三课时内容是Sections A的3a,3b, 4三个部分。单词:clerk, help, want, here。日常用语here you are, you are welcome。 重点是通过练习shopping,学会简单的购物交际。I. Lead in.T: Hello, everybody. Would

14、you like shopping?S: Yes, wed like to.T: Ok. This class we will go shopping together.II. Watch the play about shopping. Know how to want something in a store and how to buy something you need.III. Listen carefully and then fill in the blanks in the conversation.3aLearn the following while Listening.

15、New words: clerk, help, want, Sentences: (Please give more examples such as the following)-I want a new sweater. -Here you are. (new)-Thank you. -You are welcome. (new)IV. Practice the conversation above. Then talk about these things.V. Task.You want a blue T-shirt. How will you do in the store? Please act it in pairs.VI. The memory gameWrite a sentence. Then play a memory game.Example: The blue sweater is seven dollars.-The blue sweater is seven dollars.-The blue sweater is seven dollars. The red socks are two dollars.-The b



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