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1、2022-2023学年高二英语上学期第一次联考试题本试题分第卷和第卷两部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。第卷为选择题,第卷为非选择题第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从题中所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。ARecently LonelyPlanet makes up the ten Asian tourist attractions, Shanghai also in the list of magic area.1. Hokkaido, Japan Though known primarily to the outside world

2、 for its ski resorts and powdery snow, Hokkaidos year-round beauty might soon bee a more familiar sight to foreign visitors. The new bullet-train service from Tokyo should help.2. Shanghai, China The enormous metropolis of Shanghai - Chinas most populous city - has an historic urban core which sits

3、alongside its status as a contemporary, global financial hub.3. Jeonju, South Korea Hundreds of traditional Korean houses remain in central Jeonjus Hanok village.4. Con Dao Islands, Vietnam Once the site of the infamous Con Dao prison, Vietnams isolated archipelago of 16 islands known as the Con Dao

4、 Islands is starting to bee known for its scenery and fresh seafood.5. Hong Kong, China A junk boat set against the famous skyline might be the iconic shot of Hong Kong, but Lonely Planet picked the territory for its natural heritage miles away from Victoria Harbor.6. Ipoh, MalaysiaAround 200 kilome

5、ters north of Kuala Lumpur, the former British colonial city is now a foodie destination, where local street food and boutique cafes abound.Whats more, Taiwan is also included in this book. The footbridge which connects small, uninhabited Sanxiantai Island to Taitung is celebrated for its eight loop

6、ing arches. This coastal county is inLonely Planets list of top destinations in Asia to visit in xx.1. If you want to see beautiful sightseeing by train, youd better go to_.A. Shanghai, China B. Hokkaido, JapanC. Jeonju, South Korea D. Ipoh, Malaysia2. We can infer that LonelyPlanetis the largest_ b

7、ook publisher in the world.A. science B. expedition and adventure C. travel guide D. nature3. There are _ places in China inLonely Planets list of top destinations in Asia to visit in xx.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5BI have been watching my daughters play sports since they were four, and have been shocked at

8、how some parents in the crowd behave.At soccer games, when my girls were very young, parents would be screaming at their children to get their heads into the game, to charge, to “get” an opposing player, or to “kill it.” I understand parents want to encourage their children and their teambut at some

9、 point it bees too much.My daughter Grace is a high school and AAU (Association of American Universities) basketball player and a very good one at that. During a recent game, a parent sitting near me was shouting loudly to her daughter, standing up, expressing displeasure about the way her team was

10、playing and, during halftime, speaking loudly about her personal life. After having her in my ear for more than half of the game, I was so put off that I had to move. Admittedly, I am the quiet parent at games. I clap for the schoolgirls when they make wonderful plays. For the most part, however, I

11、remain silent. Shouting out makes them nervous. I asked Grace to weigh in on this, and she tells me: “Some parents bee extremely emotionally invested in sports games, which can bee a problem for the players. The worst thing is when people point out that crazy parent, and they dont know thats your pa

12、rent.” I am all for parent spectators (观众)cheering on their children and the rest of the team. But I hope you can cheer your children on in a positive way. Shouting things like, “Wheres your head?” “Go after her!” is not, in my view, the way to cheer on high school students or younger children. If y

13、ou have nothing positive to say, hold your tongue. If you find yourself struggling to keep it together, get some fresh air during halftime.4. Unable to stand the mother nearby, the author .A. told her to shut up B. found another seatC. asked Grace for help D. refused to talk to her5. In Graces opini

14、on, crazy parents in the audience will make players feel .A. helpless B. impatient C. frightened D. ashamed6. The author is against parent spectators .A. keeping silent all the time B. saying unpleasant wordsC. cheering on the players D. leaving during halftimeCA lot of us enjoy doing it: you turn o

15、n the camera on your mobile phone and hold it at a high position, making your eyes look bigger and your cheekbones more marked out. You turn to your best side and click. There it is - your selfie. Over the past year, “selfie” has bee a well-known term across the globe. This August the Oxford dictionary added the word to their online dictionary and defined it as: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.”



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