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1、北京市西城区初三一模试卷 英语知识运用(共5分)四、单项填空(共分,每题1分)从下面各题所给的A、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. heei Mike? ave yu sen ?A. h B.m C. is .himef22 Lil many nlish nvessine she wentt the middle schol.Ard B read .hread Di rdin3. ety is than a hr girl in hr clas. s tal .taller C. ta D. thtals2-Where er yo when I calld yo estera

2、yafenon?- inth cnaA. wasseing amovi B. seea movie C. e n a oi . ilee v2. el have a meing t Hlt Hol ay, . B.in C. a D. frm26. Hry u, youllss te trainAbut B.so C. nd D. or7. -Whad y do last night? -I a rporA. rite B wrote wll rie D. hae witten8. he teaer asked u smng fr ourmohrsonMohrsD. d B. t do C.d

3、ig D did29 e 7homes FotbalWorl p son Canada.A. wll be hed B wl old C.holds D. he3.-Culdyou tel me ? -Inabook stre at th cor.where you boght ths boo B hered ub this boC. whe yo uy this boo D. re d yu buy this book五、完形填空(共15分,每题1.分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。TheHugThe phoneran It ws Lis

4、a, my 86-yer-olfriend. Lis wswodrng if Icouldtake her o Fint to se te 31 . I romised er coud, so on the dateof he appointmt(预约)I dro her home opc he upasysightwas 2 , sosh wasntable todrie er car anymrwee,she still k her d wte Cadilacnd ise that I rive it wheeer w went nyereLss apointmetwent 3 and s

5、ewasreallaisfied withr doctor. Thn, w weron ourway to get a te o aIt a cloudy daywihou n aino snow,ut h road wstillbusy.Th 34 was sto ad as ewere nan area by he marketWwe at a 3 sopwhen someone hit usm behind. Lisa wsvery angry, and he en sedto sy soe dirtword in a owvoie. I cod this situaioncld get

6、veryba.The relwsnt any eson whysoeon huld rearend(追尾)te car soI wast ewhat was goin on whenIpledove. Iwaselngalitt 7 wen Igooutfth car. A walke sting to open. o some unown 38 ,I walked vr t thisyoung man a put m rms arod her nd gaveher ug. hengav ha h alte otr dors shut!Li go ou and when hesaw e hui

7、g this irlsh own.Icalldhe polie and h cameot an oo areprt reallydon kow hatwaactulyng on thtda. Id know I ust waned to hug hi grl in my min and I bev it 0 us ll ro wha couldhave ben a ruysene.A. ye dotor B. husceaer C. uictaer D ffc orke32. hurting B failing C. haging Dimproing3. bdly Bwell C. late

8、D. qety34. A traffic B. rwd rai D. bus5A suden B slo C. omplete . quk. unertan B. ecgnize C. show D. tll37. A. omfortble B. tired C paifu .nervos38.eason B exuse C. pose D. anser 39Aked B.coole C. fell . wakd40. earated Btugh C. benete D. aved阅读理解(共50分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共30分,

9、每题2分)AFnids ctivities GuideStaum(体育馆)Trsow ou can tae rip toWebey tatium! WeblyStadum is oe f te mos famosfootall tadumsi h wrld. Yo will et lok i thechanig rms, andvisit the ral x(主席台).Where:es LnonPrice:Adlt: nder8: Tie Tou BsTiem Tour Bu is b tour of onon get n one of thebestbss evr! nd th gue te

10、l you aouallatsofondon in the past, nw nd even theutu!Where: CntraLodonPrice:Adul: 2 Under 18:14hete WorkshosIf yu v actng, hould gt Thtre oksos. Therou canarmre aboutaing adake fiedeverytem youllwork shws accorng t yourideas. Athe of thetermyoulc tem out!Wher: 4Cmdn Road,odonPrice: 100 p trmBuou ca no take a tor ron ondons orl-famous OlmiParkfromth ater! Thebaot leaves oth hour s jt tur u a et on he boat! It rs al


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