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1、六年级英语第十三周周练习班别: 姓名: 成绩 : 一. 看图,找出相应的单词或短语,把编号写在括号里。(12分)A. house B. mouth C. mountain D. where E. hair F. high G. right H. night I. fight J. bright K. light L. chair ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、写出下列动词的过去式形式 (20分)1.read 2.ride 3. sing 4.lose 5.forget 6.wake 7.win 8.take 9.watch 1

2、0.put 11.climb 12.get 13.clean 14.study 15.find 16.pull 17.carry 18.give 19.hear 20.happen 三、根据上下文选词填空。(10分) (一)clean, full , messy, table , penBen cleaned up the living room this morning. It was very _. First, he put the cups on the _. Then he gave the_ to his father. After that, he threw away the

3、paper. The trash bag was _. He took the bag out. At last, the living room was _ and tidy. His father was very proud of him. (二) find, lost, get, carrying, pull1. Oh, no! I _my bag!2. He lost his keys. Lets help him _ them.3. Hes _ some plates. He has to be careful.4. What did you _ from your mother?

4、 - A gift.5. Dont push! You have to _.四、从方框内选出最佳选项完成对话。(10分)A. Dont worry.B. Its time to go to school now.C. I forgot to do it!D. I cant find it!E. Your teacher will be very angry.A: Ben, its 7:30. _B: OK, Mom. Oh, no. Wheres my homework? _A: _Ill help you.B: We have to hurry up. Well be late for sc

5、hool!A: Is it on your desk?B: No, it isnt. X| k |B| 1 . c| O |mA: Is it in your bag?B: No, it isnt.A: Did you do your homework last night?B: Oh, I remember._A: Thats really bad, Ben. _B: I know. It wont happen again. 五、阅读理解。(10分) Yesterday was Sunday. Dave didnt go to school. In the morning he studi

6、ed Chinese. After lunch he cleaned his room. The day before yesterday it was messy but it was tidy yesterday. He was very happy. In the evening he used a computer.1. What day was it yesterday? 2. Did Dave go to school yesterday? 3. What did he do in the morning? 4. What was his room like yesterday afternoon? 5. What did he do in the evening? 六、请用6句话简单介绍一下昨天你和爸爸妈妈在家里大扫除的情况。(5分) 1


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