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1、Diget Of Th. Econoit (-7)Hard todigestA ealt ofgenetic iormatn is to be foun ith human utBACTRIA, ke eople, cbeivided int friend and oe. Inpired byeidence that the fiedly srtay helpwih a rge of ailmet,many pepeonsum bcteri inhe fo o yogurtand dietarysupplements. Sc smttering of artficia additis,howv

2、r, reprsn buta dro inh oea. here re t let80 ypsobcteia living i te um ut nd resrch by Stvn Gill of he stitute forGenoic Reearchn ville, Maylnd, andis coleages,pblishedin his eeks ence, sugestsht e clectie gnome of thseorgaism is solare that coins 100times s mny gees as th uma genom itself. D Gll h a

3、mw able ometo hs ocuson byextrating baceria DN from e faces of two vounteers. ecseof the colxity o hempls,they wer n ae trentc te etirgenme oe oftegbacteri, just the indiviual nes.Bt that alld themtomake stat ofumers hat al ths bactria aredoin tck to idetifyhe bateria themeves ar iffiult to va. o th

4、eesearce gussd at wa he mghtbe uto y copringe genes tey isoverd wth puised daabasesof ges woe fctions are alredyown. comparisn helpe DrGl identif fr the fst timethe probabl enzymai proeseby which bactria help huns to digest te complex carbohyrates inplat Te bacra as ctn a plenfulsuply o genes nvolve

5、d n th syteis of hmicalsetl to hma finclding t B vitaminsad certinsnia amino acdsalthoug the tem merelhowdh the metabolcpathways eistrathrth proing aty ar . Nertees, thepatwaysthey found lave humans lokn ore lik rumiant: ans su as goats andsheept us cteria obeak down tewie ndigesblemtte inthe plantt

6、hey e. Th brodr cuionr Gll draws is at peopl e sperorgansm whoe metabolsm reprsentsan algatin of huan anicroal ributs Th noion of aueorganim hs emergedbeore, as reachers in otherflds h come o vewhumnsas vin dies inera cosystem This,sgest some, wilbe ruial to the sucesof psonl medicine, a fferet eopl

7、e willhae diferent responseso drugs, dending nhi micrbia ora ccordingy, he nextstep,say rGill, is t se howmicrobial poulationsvay beteen people fdifferent aes, ackroudand dit. Another area of resarch isthe rocesby i thehepfl bacterifirst clois heiges trat. Babis acqirtheirgut flor a they ass dw te i

8、rth ana and takea gene-file gup f thermohrs vaginl and faecal ora. t ightt be he mot delicious offir meals,bu itcoudwel aimportant ne.Zappng thebluesThe rebirth f eetri-shock tetmen ELECTRICIT ha long bee ued otret medical dorder.As aly athe econd century, Gan, aGrekpysiin, recenedth ue feectri els

9、fr teatng eaches nd facapai. ne 190s Cetti and Lucini, wo Italan psycitrists,sed electroconvuliv therapt tra chizohenia. Tes ays, c igoostehniques ae ractisd lss widey.Bt rarchrs ae stll inestigating how a getler elcric thrapy pears t treat dpessin. Vagus-nere stimulation, to gvet ts popr name, wa r

10、ginly dveloped totreat eee eilpsy. Itrqires apaceake-likdevce t beimlte n aptients hstand wesfromitthreade up to taus erveon the lef side of snck. In e nrmal oe o evnts, is rovidsaelcticl pulse to h vaus nerve for 30 secons ery fve minute Ths treatet does ntals ork,but n ome ass were it faled(hnumbe

11、r fepepti seiures xpeiecd by apatient remainngthe am), that patient nverteles reportd feein mu etter after receiing the mlant Ths cdreffected ttrials o trtg depreson nd, n , Amercas oo an Drug Administrtion provdhetherapyodession thtfails oesndt ll conentnal ratmnts, inclding drsa psychoteapy. Not o

12、nly oestertet or, ut is efectsappear o bln lasting.A stuy ed by Cars Cnwy f SinLuisnvity Miss, ad peentd ta rent meeingof the Arica Psychiari Assoiion, as ond a 70%of paint who ar btteae one yr ta etter aftrtwo yerll.he tecnquebulds on aprcedr d ep-rin suatio, in whicheletrodes arimpanteddep intotewhtattr ofpatient brains and sed o“reboot” fautyneurl circuitr Suh a opeati a big udertaig, requiriga ull ay osurgr and caryng rs of the patien sufrin st



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