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1、教 学 设 计课题Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. Section A (1A -2C) The first period课型 New class学习目标Method: :1.Reading 2.listening 3.practice Key Vocabulary: 1.prefer 2.lyric Ability Objects: 1. train students listening skills. 2.train the students to express preferences Moral: Lets enjoy music it

2、always brings us happyness重点The listning practice 难点Relative clauses with that 教学用具recorder, a small blackboard and some tapes of different kinds of music 导学活动流程Step 1.Presentation Task 1. The kinds of friends you like.1. Friends play a very important role in our daily life. What kind of friends do

3、you prefer? Make a list about the topic. Pay attention to “who”.e.g. outgoing, not silly, love sports, can keep secrets I prefer friends who are easygoing and generous.I like friends who love sports becauseI dont prefer friends who are2. Write a small article about what kinds of friends you prefer.e

4、.g. Friends play an important part in my life. I prefer friends who are easygoing and generous. And I like friends who love sports because Im very good at sports. I dont prefer friends who are shy or selfish. I like friends who I can tell my worries to, because I need help sometimes. I hope that I c

5、an make more friends.3. Note down all the sentences with the word “who”.Task 2. The school uniforms you like.1. In Unit 3, we talked about the kind of clothes we wear. Most of the classmates think we should be allowed to design our own school uniforms. Can you tell me what kind of school uniform do

6、you prefer? Pay attention to “that”e.g. original, not ugly, out of style I cant stand clothes that are I dont prefer clothes that are I prefer school uniforms that areSummary:1) 人 (n.) + who + 从句 物 (n.) + that + 从句2) 关系代词who / that的作用: a. 做代词,代替先行词 b. 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语 c. 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来3) who / that

7、在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致导学活动流程e.g. I prefer shoes that are cool. I like a sandwich that is really delicious.I love singers who are beautiful. I have a friend who plays sports.step2 1. Lead-in. Review the name of different kinds of music: pop, dance, Latin, rock & roll, classical, rap, country, f

8、olk, new age, light2. Listening: 1a, 2a, & 2b.3. List as many as phrases to describe the kind of music:e.g. quiet, loud, gentle, energetic, slow, fast, exciting, crazy, not noisy, not too loud, can dance to, can sing along with, has great lyrics, can make me cry List as many as phrases to describe t

9、he kind of musicians:e.g. can write their own songs, can play different kinds of music, can make us happy, can play original music2. Write a small article about what kinds of school uniforms you prefer.e.g. I dont like our uniforms at all because they are ugly. I cant stand clothes that are ugly and

10、 out of style. I prefer clothes that are unusual. And I dont prefer clothes that are not comfortable; I dont like clothes that are too expensive, either. If I can design our own uniforms, I will design clothes that are fashionable and comfortable二 。师生合作1. 第一次学生合作:check homework 2、第一次师生合作:1.ask the s

11、tudents: what kind of music do you like ? I like music that I prefer music that 2.make their own sentence with the relative clause above 3、第二次学生合作: 1. practic 1c and 2c 4、第二次师生合作:Solve important and difficult points .such as ,that /who/prefer 三成果欣赏:make sentences then Read sentences to the class Wha

12、t knd of music do you like?What kind of musicians /singers/groups do you like ?布置作业:完成分层课练卡的拓展和能力层。板书设计Unit6 I like music that I can dance toSection A (1a-2c)1. prefer 2. lyric 3. Some phrases . that are red that is big 4. express references 5.Sentences I like flowers that are red. I like the house

13、that is big Relative clause with that I like /prefer music that has great lyrics that I can sing along with . that isnt too loud. that I can dance to I like singers who write their own music I like music/singers/ groups/musicians that . I love music/singers/groups/musicians that . I prefer music/singers /groups/musicians that .小结与反思附:学生学练测


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