804 The One With The Videotape(教育精品)

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《804 The One With The Videotape(教育精品)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《804 The One With The Videotape(教育精品)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、804 The One With The VideotapeScene: The Hallway, Chandler and Monica are returning from their honeymoon.Chandler: Wait. Before we go in, I just want you to know I love you. I had a great time on our honeymoon, and I cant wait to go in there and spend the rest of our life together.Monica: Youre real

2、ly sticking with the shell necklace huh? (Points to necklace of shells hes wearing.)(Joey and Phoebe burst forth from his apartment.)Phoebe: Hi!Joey: Hey! Youre back! (Hugs and kisses all around.)Monica: Hi sweetie!Phoebe: Come on in! (They grab the luggage and drag it into Joey and Rachels forcing

3、Monica and Chandler to follow.)Phoebe: So how was the honeymoon?Monica: Oh, so much fun. But the best part is, we met this incredible couple on the way back.Phoebe: That was the best part? (To Chandler) Good honeymooning tiger.Monica: No, they were really cool. They were on their honeymoon too!Chand

4、ler: Theyre terrific, and they live right here in the city.Monica: Yeah, can we go call them? Is it too soon to call? I wanna call.Chandler: Im sorry, were just kinda excited because we finally have a couple to hang out with.Monica: I know.Joey: A couple? Like two people? Like (points to himself) on

5、e (points to Phoebe), two people?Monica: This is different! Greg and Jenny are in a relationship.Phoebe: Oh, Greg and Jenny yuck! (Angrily) Hi Greg, Im Chandler this is Monica. Hi Monica, this is Jenny. Hi Jenny. Hi Greg.Chandler: Listen, they are really great. If you just got a chanceJoey: Yknow wh

6、at? Why dont you just give us our souvenirs and get the hell out of here?Chandler: We reallydidnt get a chance toPhoebe: You have got to be kidding me!Monica: We didnt get anything for anyone.Joey: Hm-mm! Yeah nice necklace!Monica: That you can have.Opening CreditsTranscribers Note: Tradition was br

7、oken here as there were no commercials immediately after the opening credits, just more show.Scene: Monica and Chandlers, Ross and Rachel are entering with the rest of the gang already inside.Rachel: Hi!All: Hey!Ross: Hello!Rachel: Welcome home.Ross: So, how was the honeymoon?Monica: It was great! I

8、t was great! How about you?! I mean youre having a baby!Rachel: Oh! Look! I have a sonogram picture! Monica: Oh great! (Shows them the picture.)Chandler: Ross! Its got your wavy black lines!Monica: All right, so now that Ross knows can you tell us yknow how it happened? I mean, when did it happen? H

9、ow many times did it happen?Phoebe: Monica! Thats not right! Start with where.(Rachel looks at Ross and gets his approval.)Rachel: Well it happened about six weeks ago, and uh I had just got home from work and Ross was already there cause I guess he had been hanging out with Joey.Joey: Youre welcome

10、 buddy.Ross: (glaring at him) Yeah, thanks. (Joey nods no problem.)Rachel: And so I had a lot of work to do so Ross, nice guy that he is, offered to help me out. And then we had a little wine, we got to talking, and the next thing you know out of nowhere Ross comes on to me.Ross: (laughs) Umm thatst

11、hats a little misleading.Rachel: What is?Ross: The lie you just told.Rachel: That-that you came on to me?Ross: Theres the one!Rachel: But you did! I mean, lets be honest.Ross: Yes lets. Yknow what? Uh, its-its not important. What is important is that, is that were having a baby. And its notDoesnt ma

12、tter who came on to who.Joey: Whom. (Everyone looks at him shocked.) Thats right.Rachel: You know you kissed me first.Ross: What? What?! You were begging me to kiss you! You-you-you were sending me signals all over the place!Rachel: I was sending you signals?Ross: Yeah!Rachel: Oh please. Okay, anyon

13、e in this room think that I would send Ross begging symbols, please show of hands. (Ross raises his hand and no one else.)Ross: Yknow what?! It doesnt matter! It doesnt matter what you believe! What matters is what happened!Rachel: Okay. So these signals Ross, explain this to me, cause maybe I need

14、to be more careful. I mean, am I sending you these signals right now?Ross: Yknow what? Yknow what? Rachel, just-just drop it.Rachel: No please, show me how I begged you!Ross: I can show you, I have it on videotape! (Stunned silence) Its an expression.Commercial BreakScene: Monica and Chandlers, time

15、 has lapsed, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Monica are sitting at the kitchen table.Phoebe: I cant believe he taped the two of them having sex!Joey: Yeah! You gotta tell a girl before you tape her. Such a rookie mistake.Chandler: Yknow who has a great video camera?Phoebe: (nasally) Greg and Jenny?Monica: Do you still wanna call em? I wanna call em.Chandler: Lets call em.Joey: Yeah! Ask them if they brought their friends any souvenirs!(Monica goes over and dials their number.)Monica: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Eighth street deli?Joey: Hey, hang up! You get food poisoning just talkin


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