冀教版八年级英语上册Lesson15 A present for Li Ming【导学案】.docx

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1、Lesson 15 A present for Li Ming学习目标:1. 掌握单词:size, fit anyway, style句型:1. What can I do for you?2. I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.3. Do you have any other styles?2. 注意 :the same . as .能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型情感目标:学习购物的句型,并且了解庆祝别人生日时送礼物的方式及庆祝形式。学习过程:课前复习:听写单词、短语、句子单词造句、问答翻译表演猜词、叙述文章、小品对话预

2、习:短语:1. the same size as. 2.try on3.would like 4. go into句型:I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.课文导入,抢答问 题Have you got any presents?How did you feel when you got a nice present?What did you do with it?重点讲授:l.What can I do for you?你想要点什么?改句是礼 貌用语,尤其是服务员对顾客经常使用这个句子。 相当于 Can/May I help y

3、ou?或 Is there anything I can do for you?What can I do for you , madam?夫人,你 要买点什么?Im looking for a sweater for my son. 我 要给我儿子买件毛衣。2.Try on this jacket, please.请试穿一下这件 夹克。try on意为“试穿”,是动副短语,宾语是代 词用宾格且放在中间,宾语是名词可以放在中间也 可以放在后面。I like this skirt. Please let me try it on.我喜欢 这件裙子。,请让我试一下。3.1 think hes th

4、e same size as Brian.我认为他 和布莱恩穿一样大的尺码。the same .as.意为“和是 样的.” .Jenny likes the same colour as I.詹妮和我喜 欢同样的颜色。4. I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.我认为李明无论如何人也不会喜欢哪件夹 克。当主句的主语是第一人称,谓语动词样think, believe, suppose, guess等时,否定主句实际上是否 定从句,即“否定转移”。I dont think they have seen the movie.我认为 他们没有看过那部电影。巩固练习:考考你的记忆力,补全单词。1. Jenny wants to buy a pfbr Li Mings birthday.2. Please tthis jacket on.3.1 dont like the colour, but I like the s.4. Jenny wants to buy a present.(改为 1 司义句)Jenny to buy a present.教师总结:



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