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1、英语中能接不定式作宾语的主要动词口诀(25个主要动词)三个希望两答应, hope, wish, expect, agree, promise两个要求莫拒绝。 demand, ask, refuse设法学会做决定, manage, learn, decide/determine不要假装在选择。 pretend, choose/select打算提出俩计划, intend, offer, plan, mean申请失败负担起, apply, fail, afford准备愿望又碰巧。 prepare, desire, happenI hoped to have seen you in Paris las

2、t week.我原指望上星期能在巴黎见到你。I wish to be forever with him.我希望能永远和他在一起。I expect to see you soon.我期盼着能马上见到你。Sally agreed to be my date tonight.莎丽同意今晚跟我出去约会。She promised to be a film star.她有希望成为一名电影明星。I demand to know why he had done it.我要求知道他为什麽做出这种事。Everyone asks to have a sweet life.每一个人都要求拥有甜蜜的生活。This is

3、 the reason why he refused to accept the fact .这就是为什么他不想接受这个事实的原因。We finally managed to get there in time.最后,我们设法及时赶到了那里。Anyone can learn to speak English.任何人都可以学着说英语。I decided to conquer English from today!我决定从今天开始攻克英语!Jim has determined to work harder than before.吉姆下决心比从前更努力工作。She pretended to be

4、happy when she saw her father.她看到她爸爸的时候假装高兴的样子。Can you choose to fall?你真能选择堕落吗?I intend to improve my English test, because it is very bad.我打算提高我的英语成绩,因为老是考得很糟糕。Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要教鱼游泳(不要班门弄斧)。I plan to translate the novel.我计划要翻译这篇小说。I did not mean to hurt your feelings.我没有想要伤害你的感情。

5、International students can also apply to become resident assistants after a year in the dorms.国际学生也可以在宿舍住满一年后申请成为居民助理的。He failed to seize the opportunity .他没有把握住那个机会。How can he afford to go abroad every year?他怎么能支付得起每年出国的费用?Do you prepare to accept the challenge?你做好准备接受挑战了吗?Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old.人人都希望长寿,但没人愿意变老。I happen to have an honest partner.我碰巧有一个忠实的好搭档。



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