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1、综英3课后答案Uit1Fresh strVocabulr.1 xplan eunerine part neach entence in your wors(1) I had just the feingof a newomer tocolleg witot he rngt ny nxperiened suent mhtpses.(2) M aarent confidene(3) Some food t apsemyungr.(4) o ith the tidof themariy w no loger crucil to ouccess.(5) oolisd lrigmitae.2.ill i

2、n the lank ineach setce ih word takenromth boin th rper.(1)dstrss;(2) clth; ()pse; (4)sneked; (5) prcatio; (6) shles;(7) curse; (8) delibation3. Fill in the lanks withte apropriate foms of he givenwors.(1) assre; (2)scretio; (3)elaxation;(4) huiliatin; (5) trategy; (6) mbarssmnt; (7) manuverable; (8

3、) immaturity.4 Fil in the blank i each seece witn propat phrasal verbor collcation tae frothe text.(1) livedu t; (2)heded fo; () seek u; ()hsbrok ot; (5)grope for; () tryin on; (7) o ot t; () tp off. Gieaynonym ran antnmo he wor uderid n ech entci t sene t isuse(1) vaue(idiinct);(2)iconspicusly(unob

4、rusively); ()selfrestrin (selfcool); (4) clever (itelliet,sensle); () maner (behavior); (6)eted (gitated); () snea; (8)maure (soistcaed).Eplain th ndelined phal verb iyour ownwors.(1) becam popular; () respect;(3) eepup; (4)lad o; ()udrtan; (6)ound; () u; () strtGramer1. combne achninl cluse nColun

5、A with 4 CDF EH2. Rewritehe foloin stces(1) Mciontoreig aise.(2) eir eadins t accept the pae geemt rlly surrised heipomi word.(3)My eermiatin o pas the test helpde.(4) Her failre to ge ntclge ippointed her paren.(5) ywilingnessto cooperae asapreciated.(6) Hisefus tohelp upisem.(7) The proposal tat w

6、e shoud import more eupmnt iso bedscusd at themetng.(8) Who cn haveold you thtpuzzls me.omlete ch setee wth whatyou think 1 BC 5 ABDB4.ombie te two setencesn each grup() Ipent the fteroon eekingout eh of my classrom o t I cud maea prctly tmd ntbore echtur(2) He wro gses a als badsothat nbodwouldeoiz

7、e im.(3) The strngerspoke ry lls tht I coududrstand hat he sid(4) Seloced thdor so tha she oulnt b distrbed.() Joh hper o hat ots coulnt hear hm(6) Pea rrive ealy that wecn tartthe meeing tme.() ohn ha broht a bicyle so thathe a save mne on bus trael.(8) The lecturer shod osids o thathmigt illutrt h

8、is pin.5.oplte te lowng senences using te os in e ox.(1) lthoh/ough; ()yt; (3)hwevertough;(4)howevr/evtheless/thouh;(5)Although/Though; (6) Desite/Inspt f; (7) alhoh/toh; (8) however; (9)However;(1)Despie/Inpite of.Traslton.(1). tdistesed mea grat delto hear th nestha he ad sufferedreea failures.(2)

9、 He assumed an i of cheerulness, vetoug lo faor wt hs o(3) lliermet with extrardnr advnture nd saw a ange assorte of peope.(4)H willbe furiouswith you rpeat te sae mistake.(5) We ere ll greatly rwnbhisfakviews,hoous wor n geni anne.(6) Afe eand pplau ie down, the obel Prie nne beganhis peech.(7)Heis

10、 gfte wit asort of isight ad foesght, soe rarl runs with the crod.() I fel ralte are all eryhrh, sone cn hdly live up t ideals.Execseforintat skills.2 ill eah blak in t asgebelw ith ONE wor you tin poriate.(1) comes (2)other ()wht (4)gong (5)t(6) fr ()relate (8)collge (9)t (10)leanUnit the mpany Voa

11、bular. Expan th unrlined part in eac etnce in ur ow wos.(1) diedfrom self-mtiaed oerwork; (2) most ikely;the pesideny of th many; the hghest posin n thecomny; ()with no speifc skills wand by employes;(4) ryito icover s au hisfh; collectinmmorie o hi fathr.(5) persn unerable t hert attacs.2. Fill in

12、the k iach senence wih wor te frmthe x in th proper form(1)survive; ()rs; (3) dsrely; (4) eceased,obtuary; (5)conceiay; (6)boad; () lssi; (8) eectives;3 ll i te blaks wheappropriatefoms the gien words(1) wowed;(2) erve; (3) precisoit;(4) cmtivns () exction; () preside; (7) marital; (8) acopnid.Fill i t lak in chsentnwih a apprprateprl verbr collocatio taken from thetex.(1) diedf; (2) sta u; (3)re for; () traigh


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