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1、第二章 常用易混短语辨析1.add to, add to, add up to add to 是个及物动词词组,后直接跟宾语,意为:增加,增添。addto的意思是把加到上,add是个及物动词,to是介词。add up to 是加起来等于,总达的意思,后多跟数字。如:His illness added to our difficulties.他的病增加了我们的困难。Would you please add a few notes to the article?你能给这篇文章加些注释吗?This bill adds up to $15.这个账单总计15美元.2.adhere to, stick t

2、o两个短语都是坚持之意。如果坚持的是意见,计划,决定,原则等,两词可互换。如果坚持的是一种活动,只能用stick to。如:He sticks to (adheres to) his opinion.他固执已见。He sticks to the study of English.他坚持学习英语。3.a kind of, of a kind, kind ofa kind of 是前置定语,后接不可数名词或可数名词单数,意为:一种,某种。of a kind 是固定短语,作后置定语,意为:同类的,质量低劣的。kind of 是副词短语,意为:有一点,稍微,似乎。如:It was a kind of

3、fruit with a hard crust.那是一种壳很硬的水果。They are two of a kind.他们俩是一种货色。We had coffee of a kind.我们喝的咖啡质量太差。He looks kind of weak after his illness.他病后有点虚弱。4a many of, many a a many of 相当于a great (good) many, 后接名词的复数,谓语动词也用复数。many a 表示“许多”,后接名词单数,谓语动词也用单数。如:There are a many ( a great many) schools in Zhen

4、gzhou.郑州有很多学校。Many a man has seen the film before.很多人以前看过这部影片。5.anything but, nothing but, none butanything but 意思是“根本不,决不”,后接名词或形容词。nothing but意为“仅仅,只不过”,相当于only。none but 相当于nothing but,意思是“除了之外,什么也没有”,或“只有”。如:The exam was anything but easy.这一次考试绝不容易。He is nothing but a teacher.他只不过是个教师而已。They chos

5、e none but the best.他们只有选择最好的。6.as a result, as a result ofas a result 是个介词短语,作接续状语,用逗号与其他部分分开,意思是:“结果,因此”。as a result of 是短语介词,后接名词或名词短语,意思是:“由于的结果”,“因为”。如:She didnt study hard, as a result, she failed in the exam.她学习不努力,结果考试没及格。He was killed as a result of the plane crash.他死于飞机失事。7.as it is , as i

6、t was, as it wereas it is 用于句首,意思是:“照当时的情况”或“事实上”,过去时用as it was。 as it were 是独立成分,作插入语使用,常位于句中,意思是:“可以说,好像是”。如:As it is, she has to stay at home.事实上,她非呆在家里不可。The sky is covered,as it were, with a black curtain.天空好像被黑幕遮住了似的。8.at (the) least, in the leastat (the) least 意思是“至少”,“不论怎么样”。in the least与not

7、连用,意思是“一点也不”。如:It requires at leats 2 days.这事至少需要两天的时间。Im not in the least tired.我一点也不累。9.at ease, with easeat ease 意思是:“快活地,舒适地”。with ease表示“容易地”的意思,相当于easily,如:I always feel ill at ease in strange place.在陌生的地方我总感到很不舒服。This thing can be done with great ease.这件事情轻而易举地就可办成。10.before long, long before

8、before long是“很快,不久”的意思,可用于各种时态。long before是“很久以前”的意思,一般用于过去时态。如:I will see the film before long.我不久就要看这部电影。He said he had seen the film long before.他说他很久以前看过这部电影。11.begin with, to begin withbegin with 是动词短语,作谓语,表示“以开始”的意思。to begin with 是不定式短语作独立成分,作插入语使用,意思是:“首先”。如:Lets begin with the question.让我们先从

9、这个问题谈起。I cant go to travel. To begin with, I have no time, besides, I have no money.我不能去旅游。首先我没时间,再说我也没钱。12.be responsible for, be responsible to两词均表示“对负责”。be responsible for是对事负责,be responsible to是对人负责。如:Ill be responsible for what he has done.我会对他做的一切负责。He is responsible to me.他对我负责。13.break ones

10、word, eat ones wordsbreak ones word意思是“失言,食言,毁约”的意思,word只能用单数。eat ones words意思是因为意识到自己的过失而“收回前言”,或者“承认错误”,words只能用复数。如:He is a man who never breaks his word. 他是个绝不食言的人。Its hard for a haughty man to eat his words.要一个傲慢的人认错很难。14.by contrast, in contrast to (with)be contrast 是个介词短语,表示“通过比较,对比之下”的意思。in

11、contrast to (with)是个短语介词,意思是“和对比”,“与截然不同”。如:We can find the similarities and differences between them by contrast. 通过比较,我们能看到他们之间的共性与不同点。In contrast to (with) your belief, we succeeded.与你认为的正相反,我们成功了。15.by heart, at heartby heart 意思是:“靠记忆”,常与get, learn, know等搭配。at heart意思是:“在内心深处”。如:My daughter lear

12、ned many poems by heart.我女儿背了许多许。You are corrupted at heart. 你骨子里是腐败的。pare to, compare withcompare to 一般用来说明两个比较对象之间的共性,意思是:“把比作”。compare with意思是:“把和相比较”,目的是找出不同点。另外,compare with可与can not或者can连用,意思是:“(不)能相比,(不)可匹敌”等意思。如:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人生比做舞台。The lecturer compared the

13、two poets with each other.这位演讲者把那两个诗人相互作了比较。He can not compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.作为一个悲剧作家,他无法与莎士比亚相比。plain about/ on, complain of两个短语都有“抱怨”的意思。complain about/ on批“抱怨”时,意思是泛泛的、没有具体内容的唠叨。complain of 是有具体的“抱怨”的对象和肉容,也可以用来表示“投诉”的意思。如:She always complains about (on) her life.她总是抱怨

14、生活。She complains of his laziness.她抱怨他太赖。18.correspond to, correspond with这两个短语在作“符合,一致”讲时可以互换,但correspond with还可以表示“保持通信联系”的意思。correspond to 表示“等于,与相称”的意思。如:The house exactly corresponds with (to) our needs.这个房子恰好符合我们的需要。We have kept corresponding with each other since graduation.从毕业后,我们一直保持联系。His e

15、xpenses do not correspond to his income.他的花费与他的收入不相称。19.consist in, consist of, consist withconsist in 意思是:“在于,以为主要或惟一因素”。consist of意思是:“由组成,由构成”,可以与composed of 互换。consist with 意思是:“与一致”,“符合”,相当于be in harmony with。另外,consist是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构。如:The difference between the two machines consists with power.这两台机器的差别在于功率的不同。The book consists of six chapters.全书共分六章。His action consists with reason.他的行为合乎情理。20.cut into, cut down, cut back这组短语都有“减少,削减”的意思。cut in


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