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1、2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The bed has been( )in the family. It was my great-grandmothers originally.问题1选项A.handed outB.handed overC.handed downD.handed round【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项hand out“分发;施舍”,B选项hand over“移交;提交”,C选项hand down“宣布;把传下去”,D选项hand around“分发;传阅”;然后我们带入原句可以发现原句想表达的意思应该是这张床是家里流传下来的

2、,因此C选项符合题意。句意为:这张床是家里传下来的。原来是我曾祖母的。2. 单选题Ann used to( )when we went to the same school. But now she is always on time.问题1选项A.being lateB.lateC.be lateD.getting late【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语。结合题干和选项可知本题考查非谓语,而used to后面要加动词原形表示“过去常常做某事”,因此A、B、D不符合语法规则。句意:我们在同一所学校时,安总是迟到。但是现在她总是很准时。3. 单选题For the people who have n

3、ever traveled across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do not make the voyage for the(1)of its interest. Most of us are quite happy when we feel(2)to go to bed and pleased when the journey

4、(3). On the first night this time I felt especially lazy and went to bed(4)earlier than usual. When I(5)my cabin, I was surprised (6)that I was to have a companion during my trip, which made me feel a little unhappy. I had expected(7)but there was a suitcase(8)mine in the opposite comer. I wondered

5、who he could be and what he would be like. Soon afterwards he came in. He was the sort of man you might meet(9)? Except that he was wearing(10)good clothes that I made up my mind that we would not(11)whoever he was and did not say(12). As I had expected, he did not talk to me either but went to bed

6、immediately.I suppose I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was already the middle of the night. I felt cold but covered(13)as well as I could and tries to go back to sleep. Then I realized that a(14)was coming from the window opposite. I thought perhaps I had forgotten(15)the door, so

7、 I got up(16)the door but found it already locked from the inside. The cold air was coming from the window opposite. I crossed the room and(17)the moon shone through it on to the other bed,(18)there. It took me a minute or two to(19)the door myself. I realized that my companion (20)through the windo

8、w into the sea.问题1选项A.reasonB.motiveC.causeD.sake问题2选项A.tired enoughB.enough tiredC.enough tiringD.enough tiring问题3选项A.is achievedB.finishC.is overD.is in the end问题4选项A.quiteB.ratherC.fairlyD.somehow问题5选项A.arrived inB.reached toC.arrived toD.reenacted at问题6选项A.to seeingB.that I sawC.at seeingD.to se

9、e问题7选项A.being lonelyB.to be lonelyC.being aloneD.to be alone问题8选项A.likeB.soC.similar thanD.the same that问题9选项A.in each placeB.for all partsC.somewhereD.anywhere问题10选项A.a soB.soC.Such aD.such问题11选项A.treat together wellB.pass together wellC.get on well togetherD.go by well together问题12选项A.him a single

10、 wordB.him not one wordC.a single word to himD.not one word to him问题13选项A.up meB.up myselfC.to myselfD.myself up问题14选项A.draftB.voiceC.airD.sound问题15选项A.to closeB.closingC.to have to closeD.for closing问题16选项A.to shutB.for shuttingC.in shuttingD.but shut问题17选项A.while doing like thatB.as I did like tha

11、tC.as I did soD.at doing问题18选项A.It was no oneB.There was no oneC.It was anyoneD.There was an one问题19选项A.remind to lockB.remember to lockC.remind lockingD.remember locking问题20选项A.had to jumpB.was to have jumpedC.must have jumpedD.could be jumped【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:D第7题:D第8题:A第9题:D第10题:D第

12、11题:C第12题:C第13题:D第14题:A第15题:A第16题:A第17题:C第18题:B第19题:D第20题:C【解析】1.考查固定搭配。D选项for the sake of“为了,由于”;A选项,for the reason of“由于,因为”;B选项for the motive of“出于的动机”;C选项for the cause of“因为”,带入原文我们可以发现D为最佳项,句意:他们不是为了利益而远航的。2.考查形容词辨析。形容人感到疲倦用tired,形容某事或某物能引起疲劳,很累人用tiring;当修饰形容词时,enough要放在形容词后。原文的主语是人,要用tired。答案为

13、A。3.考查over的用法。be over“结束”。achieve“实现”,finish“结束”,语义上可以的,但是动词跟在journey后应为三单形式加词尾-es,in the end“最后”。4.考查副词辨析。quite,rather,fairly这几个副词均可表示“适度的”,“在某种程度上”或“不很”的意思,常用以改变所修饰的形容词或副词的分量。但是只有rather可与比较级的词语连用,空格后面有比较级earlier,因此答案为B。5.考查动词词组。arrive in some place“到达某地”;没有arrive to这一搭配,排除C;reach表示“到达”时为及物动词,后面无需加

14、介词,因此排除B;D选项reenacted at没有此项搭配,排除。6.考查固定搭配。I was surprised to see“看到使我很惊讶”,固定搭配。be surprised at something因某事物而吃惊,与题意不符。其他的选项均无此搭配,B选项的表达不符合英语的语言规范,排除。7.考查动词词组和形容词辨析。expect to do something “预计会做某事”,固定搭配,排除A、C。lonely 强调寂寞的感觉,alone只表示一人独处,并不强调寂寞感;而原文看得出来作者并不寂寞,所以他想表达的只是一个独处的含义,答案为D。8.考查副词辨析。like和as都表示“像一样”,不同之处在于like后面跟词,而as引导从句; 没有similar than这个表达,D选项也不对,应该是the same as。因此能够表达出“像我的一样”的语义且和后文搭配的只有A。9.考查介词辨析。anywhere“任何地方,随处”,强调任何;in each place在每个地方,强调每个; some



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