外研版英语七上试题入学分班考试试题(DOC 4页)

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1、Common Progress Please Criticize2016年七年级分班考试英语试题一听录音两遍,选出你听到的句子中所包含的短语,将答案标号写在题前括号内( ) 1. A. washed clothes B. watched TV C. cleaned the room( ) 2. A. have a toothache B. have a headache C. have a fever( ) 3. A. ride bikes B. flew kites C. fly kites( ) 4. A. went fishing. B. went swimming. C. went h

2、iking.( ) 5. A. wake up B. high up C. get up二听录音两遍,根据所听句子,选择合适的答语。( ) 1. A. I flew kites. B. I go to the park. C. Im going to the zoo.( ) 2. A. Im excited. B. Hes fine. C. Shes angry.( ) 3. A.Thirteen years old. B. Thirty dollars. C. Thirty colas.( ) 4. A. Im happy. B. Im sad. C. Im crying.( ) 5. A.

3、 She is eating a hot dog. B. She is at home. C. She is from China.三听录音两遍,根据你所听到的内容补全短文,每空一词。 In October 2003, Shenzhou V ( 1 ) into space with Yang Liwei. He was Chinas ( 2 ) man in space. Yang Liwei ( 3 ) about twenty-one hours in space. He made a video about his space ( 4 ). Lots of people saw it

4、and now he is very ( 5 ).四、 单项选择。 1. - Is this your pen ? - Yes. - _. A. Thank you B. You are welcome C. Here you are2. I _born in May, 2002.A. am B. was C. were3. _took you there? My parentsA. Who B. How C. What4.Ivgotatoothache.Imgoingtothe _. A.parkB.dentistC.teacher5. - _ are his football clothe

5、s? - Under the bed.A. Where B. What C. Whose6. Your grandma is old . Please _her. A. look like B.look at C. look after7.- Whoserulerisit? - Maybeits_. A.PeterB.PetersC.Marys 8. - _ are you going to do this afternoon?- Im going to the park.A. When B. What C. How9.Iwanttofindagoodbook.Imgoingto the_.

6、A.libraryB.cinemaC.museum 10. You are eating dinner _ I am eating dinner , too.A. but B. for C. and五用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. _ (collect)stamps is my hobby.2. His mother often _ (cook) dinner.3. We all like _ ( fly ) kites.4. Mrs. Green has two _ (child).5. What did you do yesterday? -I _ (do) my homework.

7、六.情景交际,根据对话内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。A. Good idea!B. What about you?C. Did you go to school yesterday?D. What are you doing?E. Im going to take some bread and some water .A: Hello, Mike.B: Hello , John. 1 A: Im drawing pictures . 2 B: Im writing a letter . 3 A: No, I didnt. I was at home .B: Tomor

8、row is Sunday .lets go to climb the mountains .A: 4 B: What are you going to take?A: 5 B: Me, tooA: What time shall we go ?B: Lets go at half past seven .A: OK!1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._七、轻松阅读,判断正()误()。ABob comes from England. He is eleven. He likes to play basketball. His father Mr Brown works in a big sh

9、op in Shijiazhuang. Bob has a brother. His name is Mike. He is only four. It is Saturday. Bobs family are all at home. Mr. Brown is sitting on a chair and reading a book. Bob is cleaning his new bicycle. His brother is playing with his dog. 1. Bob likes to play soccer. 2. The family has four people.

10、3. The family are all at home4. Bob has an old bike.5. Mike is playing with his cat. BIna and her brother, Billy, were visiting Lost Valley Farm. In the afternoon they wanted to go horse-riding. Ina and Billy were good riders, so their parents said it was OK. They took a map and some food for a snac

11、k(快餐) and set off.Ina and Billy were riding slowly through the hills when they saw a wild horse. They decided to ride after it. The race lasted a short time. The horse ran too fast and was soon far away. Ina and Billy stopped and tied their horse to a tree. Then they knew they were lost!They werent

12、afraid because they had a map. In the end they found their way back to the farm by reading the map. They were very happy.6. Ina and Billys parents let them go horse-riding.7. Ina and Billy were riding fast when they saw a wild horse.8. The wild horse ran very fast. 9. Ina and Billy were afraid becau

13、se they were lose.10. In the end, Ina and Billy found their way back to the farm by using the map. 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中所包含的短语(每小题1分共5分)AC B A B二、听录音,根据所听句子,选择合适的答语(每小题1分共5分)C C B A B三、听录音,根据你所听到的内容补全短文,每空一词(每小题1分共5分)1. flew 2. first 3. spent 4. travel 5. famous 四.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空. (每小题1分,共5分)1. collecting 2. cooks 3. flying 4. children 5. did 五、单项选择。ABABACCBAC六.情景交际,根据对话内容,选择句子完成下列对话(每小题1分,共5分)D B C A .E 七、轻松阅读,判断正()误()。FTTFFTFFFT英语一、听录音两遍,选出你所听到的句子中所包含的短语,将答案标号写在题前括号内



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