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1、精品资料TED英语演讲:在工作场合融洽相处的3种方式我们被教育,努力就一定会有回报,但是这不一定都是真的。“性别、肤色、种族、宗教、残疾和性取向都会影响我们的机遇。” 作家梅林达艾普勒说。在这个颇具实用性的演讲中,她分享了三种方法来支持职场中的弱势群体。“并不存在纠正多样性和包容性的魔法,” 她说,“改变需要一步一步地发生。”下面是WTT为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:在工作场合融洽相处的3种方式,欢迎借鉴参考。3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace演讲者:Melinda Epler中英对照翻译In 20_, I was an e_ecutive

2、at an international engineering firm in San Francisco.It was my dream job.Aculmination of all the skills that Ive acquired over the years: story telling,social impact, behavior change.I was the head of marketing and culture and I worked with the nations largest health care systems, using technology

3、and culture change to radically reduce their energy and water use and to improve their social impact.I was creating real change in the world.And it was the worst professional e_perience of my life.20_年,我在旧金山一个国际工程公司担任行政人员。那是我梦想的工作。我能发挥自己多年学习到的技能:叙述能力、社会影响力和行为改变力。我当时担任营销和文化主管,并和全国最大的医疗系统协作,利用科技和文化的变化

4、来大量减少他们对能和水的消耗,从而增加他们的社会影响力。我的所作所为的确改变了世界。然而,这却是我体验过的最糟糕的职场经历。I hit the glass ceiling hard.It hurt like hell.While there were bigger issues, most of what happened were little behaviors and patterns that slowly chipped away at my ability to do my work well.They ate away at my confidence, my leader sh

5、ip, my capacity to innovate.For e_le, my first presentation at the pany.I walk up to the front ofthe room to give a presentation on the strategy that I believe is right for the pany.The one they hired me to create.And I look around the room at myfellow e_ecutives.我重重地触到了玻璃天花板(意为受到了职场歧视),这深深地伤害了我。尽管有

6、更大的问题,但大多数都是关于行为模式的细枝末节,正是这些琐碎的事情逐渐让我丧失了工作热情。他们打击了我的自信心、领导力和创新能力。比如我在公司的第一次演讲。我站在房间的前面,展示了我觉得公司应该采取的正确策略。这正是我被雇佣的目的。And I watch as they pick up their cell phones and look downat their laptops.Theyre not paying attention.As soon as I start to speak,the interruptions begin and people talk over me agai

7、n and again and again.Some of my ideas are flat out dismissed and then brought up by somebody else and chioned.I was the only woman in that room.And I could have used an ally.而当我环顾房间里行政部门的同事,发现他们都在摆弄手机,或者低头看着电脑。他们根本没在认真听。当我开始说话时,有人开始插嘴了,人们一次又一次地用声音盖过我。我的一些想法被直接无视,之后被其他人提出,却得到了拥护。我是那个房间唯一的女性。我需要一个盟友。

8、Little behaviors and pattern like this,every day, again and again, they wear you down.Pretty soon, my energy was absolutely tapped.At a real low point, I read an article about to_ic work place culture and micro aggressions.Micro aggressions - everyday slights, insults,negative verbal and nonverbal m

9、unication, whether intentional or not, that impede your ability to do your work well.That sounded familiar.I started to realizethat I wasnt failing.The culture around me was failing me.And I wasnt alone.像这样的小事日复一日地发生,逐渐侵蚀着我。很快,我就感到筋疲力竭。在这段人生低谷,我恰好读到了一篇文章,关于有害的办公室文化和轻微的冒犯行为。例如每天有意无意的怠慢、侮辱、负面的语言和行为,不管

10、是有意还是无意,都让我无法高效地工作。这听起来很熟悉。我开始意识到,不是我的能力有问题,而是我身边的文化在让我举步维艰。我并不是个例。Behaviors and patterns like this every day affect under represented people of all backgrounds in the workplace.And that has a real impact on our colleagues, on our panies and our collective capacity to innovate.So, in the tech indust

11、ry, we want quick solutions.Butthere is no magic wand for correcting diversity and inclusion.Change happens one person at a time, one act at a time, one word at a time.像这样的行为,每天都在影响着办公室里不同文化背景的人。而且这一现象也切实影响着我们的同事、我们的公司和我们的合作创新能力。在科技行业,我们通常都习惯于寻找快速的解决方案。但是纠正多样性和包容性的魔法并不存在。改变只能一个人一个人、一次一次、一字一句地发生。We m

12、ake a mistake when we see diversity and inclusion as that side project over there the diversity people are working on,rather than this work inside all of us that we need to do together.And that work begins with un learning what we know about success and opportunity.Weve been told our whole lives tha

13、t if we work hard, that hard work pays off, wed get what we deserve, wed live our dream.如果我们不在意多元化和包容性,就会忽视弱势群体的重要性,我们要一起解决这个问题。解决方案从摆脱我们对成功和机遇的认知开始。我们从小就被教导,一分耕耘,一分收获,我们会得到我们应得的,梦想成真。But that isnt true for everyone.Somepeople have to work 10 times as hard to get to the same place due to manybarrier

14、s put in front of them by society.Your gender, your race, yourethnicity, your religion, your disability, your se_ual orientation, your class,your geography, all of these can give you more of fewer opportunities for success.但这句话并非对所有人都适用。有些人需要付出10倍的努力,才能获得一样的地位,因为他们需要面对社会中的诸多障碍。你的性别、你的肤色、你的种族、你的宗教、你的

15、残疾、你的性取向、你的社会阶层,和你的所在地,这些都会决定你会获得多少机会。And thats where allyship es in.Allyship is about understanding that imbalance in opportunity and working tocorrect it.Allyship is really seeing the person ne_t to us.And the person missing,who should be standing ne_t to us.And first, just knowing what theyre goi

16、ngthrough.And then, helping them succeed and thrive with us.When we worktogether to develop more diverse and inclusive teams, data shows we will bemore innovative, more productive and more profitable.这就是为什么我们需要盟友。盟友可以帮助我们了解机遇上的不公,并想方设法改变它。同盟是去了解你身边的人,和原本应该与你并肩作战的人。先去了解他们的困境,然后帮助他们成功,继而实现共赢。当我们一起努力创造一个更多元化和包容的集体,数据显示,我们会更有创造力、更有效率,并能创造更多价值。So, who is an ally? All of



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