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1、 第二学期高一年级第三次月考英语试卷 第卷(选择题,共00分)第一部分 听力第一节:(共5小题;每题15分,满分7.分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。.Wht does t man wan to be?A Awriter. B Asinr. C. ctor.How does theman advis th woman toget the otel?B tax. . By ubwy. C.y bus.3.Wtdoes hwoansugst?A Repairng te tephoe.B. Cookng at home.C. uingth Interne.4Whati e mnsfavorte s

2、o?A. Soc.B. Vlleybal. nis.5.Watpet ds th man ant?A. pr.BA bbt C.A dog第二节:(共小题;每题.5分,满分225分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。.Wha doesth wmawn t i?ARed wine . Chmpagn. C. oke7.hatwil twondo ne?A.Greet mon. B. nd er ke. Visthenewouse. 听第7段材料,回答第8、题。.How muchidtheblu cat cot?A.10 B. 0 C. $80.What reve

3、nted he wmn from buying h red oat? Is sze. . It col. C. Its pre听第8段材料,回答第102 题。10.Whadoes t mn ikemot aboutthe niersity? Th choo gym. B.The playgo C. The simming pool11W s th ms fth ow?A. InSydney. . I ornt C. n Cberra.What is te omansaor? usines. B.Mth. C. La.听第9段材料,回答第316 题。13.at class des the wma

4、n hae at 10 mo Tesday?A.Socia age B ture Sdies. C. Language Devlopmet.14When desnt the oman ave cass? A. O onay and riday aftenos. B. Onesdyandhursdayfernons. C On edesday and Friy ftnons.1Wnis the clas Educaton n Mondays? . 2 pm .A 9:4 . C. At10 am. 6ow often dos he oman hae omuncatio tdes? A. Once

5、 a wee. B. Tce a wek. C. ree tiesa wek.听第10段材料,回答第10题。17. is older tth speaes fatr?A Kei. B.Joh. C Arthur.8.Wht elation s iso t t speaer?A. Hssistr B. Hi nie. C.His wie.Were does ae lie? .In England. . IIndia. . InAea. 2How mancusins dethepae hve? A Four. B. Five. C.Six.第二部分 阅读理解(共2节,满分分)第一节(共5小题;每题

6、2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文。从每题所给选项A C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A “Hmestay s formofstudy abroad progrm.I allowshe vistor t re aoom rom a la (本地的) family to bter ndrstand th local ifesyle.I as hels to mproe the viitanguageabiliy,”si teacher dugashool meeting astterm“Studentswo ih t learnmor abou oreign culturs or to get fr

7、eigneperencehould inhskid of olidy am sre yu wontbdisaponted(失望的)” Aftrthi secialmetig,I always thoght bout tis knd fhlday.Last mnth,I ad achanca lst o o on sch holida with omof mychoolmatsanwe we oLondon,alacewheeIa wated togo sinceyar ao we ere sti youn,wed agroup leader who plannd things r us and

8、 looked aestregot to Lond,we ent tota with different meIwasluky thatm host famly (寄宿家庭) ws a white coule who adaughtr abou ae.hey reted me a a daughter of theirfamily uin my stay there.Thy wer ntesed e and I eart alt fthisfro tm,too. Theholidaywas filled with actvitsevrydy.Afrbreaf,a ocal teerwuld c

9、omeotae usin hisca.hene old have clsesor go o asihtseigtripto dfrent les o iterestie he Big n,the LondonBridge,and the cknam aace.W oud gobackto our own hme after hectivites. Te holidy sa vlabeexerence for me.I ejed evey minute of it.Ye,tie real fle fast.Treweks latr,e had lve “home” fo Hong ng.In t

10、h “esa”progra,a vitoran _.tk a in fign mtingsBundrsad hs clture betterCearn me abu holidsDimprve languagablity22he wrter ad ante t vit ondon since_.Ate seal eeting Byear ago Clast mo D.hestayboa23Te wriers hotami _Aadwo whie ughrsB.went sghtseingwth her.was vr ki to herD.sintreedi her ativties24om t

11、h pasage,we nowhatte wrtr_ n Lon.Aspent hreewk i herhomeBwise oty little longrhd lasses in my inerestin pces.helpd the teaher taketh studntsin a crB skn stuentwhihsbjet h orshe hate most.9 ot of 1 studs wil answe “ath”.No mat whih count you i, mtterwhich rde youare i,ou myno learn rt,ggraphy,hemistry or hinese,butyo always larn mah.Why ts so?H



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