Module 3 The Violence of Nature无答案

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《Module 3 The Violence of Nature无答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 3 The Violence of Nature无答案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 学习目标:1. 熟读Module 3的单词。2. 结合语境 ,记忆词汇、短语并运用。3. 针对自己的情况 ,整理并提出自己的质疑。重难点:1. 掌握重点单词:experience,strike,hopefully等的用法。2. 完成相关联系做到学以致用。学习方法:圈点标注词汇、短语;朗读背诵;小组合作学习讨论、质疑。学习步骤:一、词汇导入:1.写出以下词汇或词组。1. 洪水 n._ 2.经历 vt. _ 3. 引起 ,导致 vt. _ 4埋葬 vt. _ 5. 发生 vi. _ 6.袭击 vt. _7.毁坏 vt. _ 8.以前

2、的 adj._9.可能 ,可能性n._ 10.有希望地adv. _2.Read the word list ,then underline the difficult ones.二、教师点拨:1.experience vt. 经历 ,体验 n.经历 ,可数名词 n.经验 ,不可数名词experienced adj. 有经验的 be experienced in 在.方面有经验2. cause vt.引起 ,导致 cause sb to do sth eg. 这个工程现在仍带给他很多麻烦。_cause n. 原因 ,起因 the cause of .的起因3. occur vi. 发生It oc

3、curs to sb that 某人想到.It occurs to sb to do sth 某人想到做某事Sth occurs to sb.主意或想法被想到occur-occurred-occurred-occurringeg. 我想到一个很好的主意。4. strike vt.&vi.侵袭 ,爆发 ,敲响 ,划火柴 ,突然想到 ,罢工It strikes sb that. =It occurs to sb that.某人突然想到.be on strike 在罢工eg. Two days later disaster struck.It suddenly struck me that we o

4、ught to make a new plan.5. bury vt. 埋葬 ,埋藏bury ones face/head in sth. 把脸或头埋在某物里面be buried in/ bury oneself in 埋头于/专心于.eg. Since she left,hes buried himself in his work.三、 完成练习 ,并进行全班展示。(自主学习丛书p131, 1,2,4,5,6,8,9)1. This car accident _(发生)early in the morning on the main street.2. They are old soldie

5、rs who _(经历)the Second World War.3. He sat there silently,with his head_(埋藏)in his hands.4. Many people didnt have any preparation in their minds when the tornado _(侵袭)the city.5. Heavy traffic is _(导致)delays on the freeway.6. I helped him choose the _(家具)for his new house.7. An earthquake and a flood are natural _(灾难)。8. After arguing _(剧烈地) ,they reached an agreement.9. The injured _(send)to hospital immediately after the accident occurred.10. Ones death may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a _(羽毛).提出质疑写在方框内 ,至少两条。第 页



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