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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑恒星英语听力网_普特英语听力网 恒星英语听力网的英语听力材料。下面是我给大家整理的恒星英语听力网的相关学问,供大家参阅! 恒星英语听力网听力篇1 Lesson Thirty-Six Section One: A. Making a Reservation: Robert Gordon is phoning to book a hotel room in Paris. Receptionist: 45-21-64. Allo?Robert: Is that the Saint-Martine Hotel? Receptionist: Oui. Yes, it

2、is. Can I help you? Robert: Have you got a double room for the night of 23rd July? Receptionist: One moment please. Ill just have a look. Yes, we have got a double room on that date.Robert: Has it got a double bed or two singles? Receptionist: Two singles, monsieur. Robert: And is that with or witho

3、ut bath? Receptionist: Its a room with shower and toilet, monsieur. Robert: That sounds fine. Is there a TV? Receptionist: Could you repeat that, please? Robert: Is there a color television in the room? Receptionist: Yes, but of course. And a video, if you choose.Robert: How much will it be for one

4、night? Receptionist: About four hundred francs.Robert: And what does that include? Receptionist: It includes morning newspaper, continental breakfast and service. Robert: Where is the nearest metro? Receptionist: Opera, monsieur. Its only five minutes from here. Robert: And is there an extra charge

5、for children? Receptionist: If the child is under sixteen and we put an extra bed in your room,the charge is seventy-five francs. Do you want the room? Robert: Yes, for one night-23rd July. Receptionist: Oui, monsieur. May I have your name, please? Robert: Actually, iris for my wife and two daughter

6、s, Mrs. Jean Gordon, Linda and Maggie. Receptionist: Yes, monsieur. So you need an extra bed. And what time will they be arriving on July 23rd . B. Vet: Interviewer: Now youve been a veterinary doctor for some thirty years; what was it that made you become a vet in the first place? Vet: Well, I stud

7、ied as an ordinary doctor in the beginning but I slowly realised that I liked animals very much. I almost prefer animals to people. So I took an extra course in animal medicine. Its as simple as that really.Interviewer: And you still enjoy working with animals?Vet: Oh, yes, very much so. In fact, mo

8、re than ever now. Ive got to know animals much better, you see, and I get on better with them in every way. Their owners sometimes get on my nerves,though. Interviewer: Oh . and why is that? Vet: Well, some people know very little about animals and keep them in the wrong conditions. Interviewer: Wha

9、t sort of conditions? Vet: Oh, you know, some people buy a large dog and then try to keep it ina small flat;they dont take it out enough to give it proper exercise. Other people have a cat and try to keep it in the house all day, but a cat needs to get out and be free to come and go as it pleases. A

10、 lot of people dont feed their animals properly. Its very common to give pets too much food which is very bad for them, especially if theyre not getting enough exercise. Or not to feed them regularly, which is equally bad. An animal is a responsibility which is something many people dont seem to rea

11、lise. Interviewer: You mean people keep pets for the wrong reasons?Vet: Yes, some people want a pet because theyre lonely, or simply for decoration, or just to show how rich they are. Interviewer: And just how do you deal with these people? Vet: Well, I try to tell them what the animal needs; what i

12、s the right sort of food, the proper exercise. I try to teach them that animals are not toys and if theyre to be healthy, they have to be happy.Interviewer: Yes, I suppose youre right. In your thirty years as a vet you must have come across some interesting cases? Vet: Oh yes, there are lots of inte

13、resting cases. I was once called to a lioness who was giving birth and having difficulty. Now that was really interesting. Section Two:A. Monologue: Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, that was our last item, and all that remains for me to do is to thank our performers sincerely on behalf of us all for

14、 the pleasure they have given us this evening. And of course I must express thanks to those whove worked behind the scenes. And especially our producer. But most of all I want to say thank you to all of you for coming here this evening and supporting this event, especially in such weather. I think p

15、erhaps I should take this opportunity to-renew my sincere apologies to those sitting in the back rows. Weve made temporary repairs to the roof, but unfortunately the rain tonight was unexpectedly heavy, and were grateful to you for your understanding and cheerful good humor. I may say that we had hoped that temporary repairs would suffice. But we were recently informed by our surveyor that the whole roof wi



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