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1、2022年考博英语-中国科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The materials probe complex and _ issues concerning the ways in which a language affects the thinking that goes on in the human minds.问题1选项A.cohesiveB.conduciveC.elusiveD.exclusive【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. cohesive 结合的,凝结的 B. conducive 有助于的,有益的C. elusive 难以捉摸的,难以解释的

2、D. exclusive 专有的,排他的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处作定语修饰下文的“issues(问题)”,表示这些材料所探讨的问题是什么样的。and连接两个并列定语,说明空格处要和“complex(复杂的)”相对应,这些问题很复杂,也就意味着很难理解它们。elusive指难以理解、定义或记住,因此C选项elusive“难以捉摸的,难以解释的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项cohesive“结合的,凝结的”指使人或事物联合起来,结成一个紧密的整体,不能和“issues(问题)”进行搭配;B选项conducive“有助于的,有益的”指使某事更容易或可能发生,不符合题干的语义逻辑;

3、D选项exclusive“专有的,排他的”指仅供一个特定的人或群体使用或其他事物不能与其同时存在,不能和“complex(复杂的)”相对应。【句意】这些材料探讨了关于语言影响人类思维方式的复杂而难以捉摸的问题。2. 单选题Studies have proved that smart people tend to be smart across different kinds of( ) .问题1选项A.institutionsB.occasionsC.charactersD.realms【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。institution “机构,制度”;occasion “场合,机会”;c

4、haracter “性格,角色”;realm “领域,范围”。句意为:研究表明,聪明的人容易在各个不同的领域都表现得很聪明。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题If youre planning on going sightseeing around the old city, a guide is ( ).问题1选项A.indicativeB.indifferentC.indispensableD.incredible【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。indicative “象征的;指示的”;indifferent “冷淡的,不关心的”;indispensable “不可缺少的”;incredi

5、ble “难以置信的”。句意:如果你打算去旧城观光的话,向导是_。根据句意可知,选项C符合题意。4. 单选题She has helped thousands of men and women( ) with things that bother them and that they could not talk about with others.问题1选项A.come to the pointB.come to termsC.come into forceD.come into contact【答案】B【解析】考察动词短语辨析。come to the point 切入要点;come to t

6、erms处理;处置;come into force生效; come into contact取得联系。句意:她帮助成千上万的男女解决了那些困扰他们并且无法跟别人谈起的事情,让他们走出了困境。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题You are accident _ because youre a bit careless in what you do.问题1选项A.proofB.orientedC.inclinedD.prone【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. proof 能抵御的,可防护的 B. oriented 以为方向的,重视的C. inclined 有倾向的,有可能的 D. prone 有做倾


8、的,有可能的”指主观意愿上倾向于做某事,想要做某事,不能和“accident(事故)”进行搭配。【句意】你很容易出事故,因为你做事有点粗心大意。6. 单选题We do need help from others, but well never _ others for support.问题1选项A.indulge inB.engage inC.embark onD.lean on【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. indulge in 沉湎于,沉溺于 B. engage in 从事,参加C. embark on 着手,开始 D. lean on 依靠,依赖【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空

9、格处和下文的“others(别人)”构成动宾逻辑,目的是为了“support(得到支持)”。由but可知,前后两个分句之间存在转折的逻辑关系,前半句说到“我们确实需要别人的帮助(do need help)”,说明虽然需要别人的帮助,但会自己努力,而不是依赖于别人予以支持。lean on指依靠某人或某物的帮助和支持,因此D选项lean on“依靠,依赖”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项indulge in“沉湎于,沉溺于”指放任自己做喜欢的事情,尤其是有害的事,不能和“support(支持)”进行搭配;B选项engage in“从事,参加”指参加到某个活动中,不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项emba

10、rk on“着手,开始”指开始做新的或困难的事,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】我们确实需要别人的帮助,但我们绝不依赖别人的支持。7. 单选题It seems like only yesterday that we were extolling the virtues of such socially produced wonders as Linux and Wikipedia. These communal endeavors heralded a utopian age of unparalleled access to systems and information at little

11、or no cost, and converted Web 2.0 from a mere collection of technologies to a system of liberation and empowerment.But the road to Utopia all too often ends up detouring through the business district, and Web 2. 0 has been no exception. By offering the means of production free to their users, other

12、leviathan sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have generated enormous amounts of content at almost no expense. Even better, this content is a gold mine for targeted advertising.Over in Utopia, the workers who generated all those articles, photos,tweets, and videos would get a cut of the p

13、rofits they helped to generate. In the business district, however, users retain their amateur status, while the companies they labor for rake in billions. Worse, contributors dont even own the content they create. The smallest of the small print in the terms of use, which you must agree to in order

14、to get an account, states that the company can use your content as it sees fit.To Nicholas Carr, this smacks of exploitation rather than emancipation, and he coined a term for it: digital sharecropping. Just like the farm laborers of old age who worked the land but didnt own it, digital sharecropper

15、s grow the product that earns Web 2.0 companies their profits, but they relinquish ownership. Heck, even the most put-upon sharecropper earned a share of the crop he worked so hard to cultivate; todays digital serfs work on their profiles, timelines, and feeds for free, with targeted ads their only “compensation.”To be sure, no one on these sites sees their uploading of posts, photos, and videos as “work.” But th


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