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1、有趣的水果俚语1.the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠 例:May is the apple of her fathers eye. 梅是她父亲的掌上明珠。 2.the Big Apple 纽约城 例:The little girl is from the Big Apple. 这个女孩来自于纽约城。 3.top banana 大老板 例:Whos your top banana? 谁是你们的老板? 4.a lemon 没有价值的商品 例:That car is a lemon. 那辆小汽车不值钱。Compare apples and oranges(to) 比较两个无法相比的

2、事物 How do you like them apples? 你认为那怎么样(和what do you think of that? 一样) Banana (香蕉) bananas (to be) 发疯的 play second banana (to)第二选择 Bean(豆) Bean Brain 白痴 beans about something 对某事物一无所知 Bean Town 是Boston, Massachusetts spill the beans 泄漏秘密 Dont spill the beans. Its supposed to be a secret. 别说漏了嘴,这可是个

3、秘密哦!Beets (甜菜) beet red 脸红 Cabbage (洋白菜) cabbage 钱 Carrot (胡萝卜) carrot in front of someone 对某人开空头支票 Cauliflower (菜花) cauliflower ears 开花耳朵 Cherry (樱桃) bowl of cherries 精彩的,绝妙的 Corn (谷物) For corn sake 噢,天哪 corn 情节剧; 感情表现夸张的戏剧 corny 夸张的 cornball 可笑的 Cucumber (黄瓜) cool as a cucumber 十分冷静 Fruit (水果) fru

4、it 同性恋的人 fruity 具女人气的同性恋男子 fruitcake 蠢人,疯子 nuttier than a fruitcake 完完全全疯了 Grapes (葡萄) grapevine 从非正式途径传来的谣言,小道消息 sour grape 酸葡萄(妒忌而贬低自己得不到的东西) Lettuce (生菜) Lettuce 钱 Pea (豌豆) like two peas in a pod 一模一样 pea brain 傻瓜 Peach (桃子) a real peach 极好的,美妙的(通常指人,但主要用于讽刺挖苦) peach of a.是一位受人赞美的. peachy. peachy

5、 keen 绝妙的 Pickle (腌制蔬菜) pickle 困境,尴尬的处境 Potato (马铃薯) couch potato 习惯懒散的人,终日赖在沙发上的人 hot potato 难对付的人 small potatoes 不重要的 Prune (李脯) wrinkled as a prune, prune face 满面皱纹的 Pumpkin (南瓜) pumpkin 亲爱的,宝贝 Sprout (幼苗) sprout 个子矮的年轻人 Tomato (番茄) Tomato (贬义) 女孩从水果、蔬菜中学习英语俚语Apple(苹果)to be the apple of ones eyee

6、xp. to be ones favorite 掌上明珠;心爱物Shes the apple of her fathers eye. 她是她父亲的掌上明珠the Big Appleexp. New York 大苹果城(即纽约)I live in the Big Apple. 我住在大苹果城。compare apples and orangesexp. to compare two things that simply cannot be compared比较两个无法相比的事物Thats ridiculous. Now youre comparing apples and oranges. 真可

7、笑,你这是拿两种无法相比的东西作比较,就好像苹果和桔子。How do you like them apples?exp. What do you think of that? 你认为那怎么样?*注:这是对某种冒犯性行为做出报复后所说的话。关于apple用法的补充:1、apple-polisher 马屁精例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way shes crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. 她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。2、The rotten apple injures its

8、 neighbours. 一只烂, 烂一筐; 一个坏朋友可以影响一群好人。3、谚语:Throw away the apple because of the core. 因噎废食An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。4、习惯用语:as like as an apple to an oyster 毫无相同之处bad apple,rotten apple (美俚)坏家伙polish the apple (美俚)拍马屁, 讨好upset sb.s apple cart 破坏某人计划Banana(香蕉)To be bananasExp.

9、 To be crazy 发疯的;神经错乱的That guys bananas!那家伙真是疯了。*注意:to go bananasexp.1. to become crazy 发疯;神经错乱Im so bored. Im going bananas. 我厌烦得要死,都快发疯了。2To become wild with anger 狂怒,气得发疯She went bananas when she found him cheating. 她发现他欺骗时气得要命。To play second bananaExp. To be second choice 第二选择;次要任务I always play

10、second banana to her. 我总是做她的候补。Top bananaExp. Main boss 领袖;头头;大老板Hes (the) top banana in this company. 他是这家公司的大老板。Pea 豌豆 突然发现英语水果俚语中用来讲人笨笨的词语还真不少呢, 上期才看到一个fruitcake 蠢人,这期又来了一个 pea brainpea brain : stupid person 傻瓜,愚蠢的人e.g. Hes such a pea brain. 注意:此词语暗示某人的脑子只有豌豆那么大下面来看另外一个俚语,并请大家猜猜其中文含义to be like two peas in a pod e.g. Jan and Johanna are like two peas in a pod.



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