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1、2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题I looked at Mum and thought( ) she was as nice as she looked maybe all our lives would have been better.问题1选项A.only ifB.if onlyC.even ifD.even though【答案】B【解析】考察固定搭配。only if只有;even if = even though即使; if only “要是就”;句意为:我注视着母亲,心想:要是她像看上去那么和蔼可亲就好了,这样我们的生活也许会变得更好。选项B

2、符合句意。2. 单选题The results of the various lab analyses now _ are eagerly awaited and will be reported in a slew of scientific papers.问题1选项A.under negotiationB.under constructionC.under wayD.under attack【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. under negotiation 在谈判中 B. under construction 在建设中C. under way 在进行中 D. under attack 受

3、到攻击【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处作后置定语修饰上文的“The results of the various lab analyses(各项实验分析结果)”,表示这是一些什么样的实验结果。由“awaited(等待)”和“will be reported(将做出报告)”可知,这些实验还在分析中,没有得出最终的结果。under way是固定搭配,指正在进行或发生的,因此C选项under way“进行中的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项under negotiation“在谈判中”;B选项under construction“在建设中”;D选项under attack“受到攻击”;均不能

4、和“lab analyses(实验分析)”进行搭配。【句意】我们急切地等待着进行中的各项实验分析结果,并将在一系列学术论文中对其做出报告。3. 单选题I am cautiously ( ) that a new government will be concerned and aware about the environment.问题1选项A.optimisticB.hostileC.cynicalD.doubtful【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。optimistic “乐观的”;hostile “敌对的”;cynical “愤世嫉俗的”;doubtful “可疑的”。句意:对于新政

5、府是否会关注环境问题,我持谨慎的_态度。 根据关键信息cautiously可知选项A符合题意,“乐观态度”。4. 单选题She has helped thousands of men and women( ) with things that bother them and that they could not talk about with others.问题1选项A.come to the pointB.come to termsC.come into forceD.come into contact【答案】B【解析】考察动词短语辨析。come to the point 切入要点;com

6、e to terms处理;处置;come into force生效; come into contact取得联系。句意:她帮助成千上万的男女解决了那些困扰他们并且无法跟别人谈起的事情,让他们走出了困境。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题In the mid-1990s, three senior female professors at M. I. T. came to suspect that their careers had been hampered by similar patterns of marginalization.(1 )After performing the investi

7、gation and studying the data, the committee concluded that the marginalization experienced by female scientists at M. I. T. “was often accompanied by differences in salary, space,awards, resources and response to outside offers between men and women faculty, with women receiving less despite profess

8、ional accomplishments equal to those of their colleagues. ” The dean concurred with the committees findings. And yet, as was noted in the committees report, his fellow administrators “resisted the notion that there was any problem that arose from gender bias in the treatment of the women faculty. So

9、me argued that it was the masculine culture of M. I. T. that was to blame, and little could be done to change that. ”(2)The committees most evocative finding was that the discrimination facing female scientists in the final quarter of 20th century was qualitatively different from the more obvious fo

10、rms of sexism addressed by civil rights laws and affirmative action, but no less real. Not everyone agrees that what was uncovered at M. I. T. actually qualifies as discrimination.(3)Even if female professors have been shortchanged or shunted aside, their marginalization might be a result of the sam

11、e sorts of departmental infighting, personality conflicts and “ mistaken impressions that cause male faculty members to feel slighted as well. Perceptions of discrimination are evidence of nothing but subjective feelings,”Kleinfeld scoffs.(4)In February 2012, the American Institute of Physics publis

12、hed a survey of 15, 000 male and female physicists across 130 countries.(5)“In fact,” the researchers concluded,“ women physicists could be the majority in some hypothetical future yet still find their careers experience problems that stem from often unconscious bias. ”问题1选项A.In almost all cultures,

13、 female scientists received less financing, lab space, office support and grants for equipment and travel, even after the researchers controlled for differences other than sex.B.Judith Kleinfeld, a professor emeritus in the psychology department at the University of Alaska, argues that the M. I. T.

14、study isnt persuasive because the number of faculty members involved is too small and university officials refuse to release the data.C.But broader studies show that the perception of discrimination is often accompanied by a very real difference in the allotment of resources.D.Yet women pursuing ten

15、ure track must leap hurdles that are higher than those facing their male competitors, often without realizing any such disparity exists.E.In other words, women didnt become scientists because science and scientists were male.F.They took the matter to the dean, who appointed a committee of six senior women and three senior men to investigate their concerns.问题2选项A.In almost all cultures, female scientists received less financing, lab space, office support and grants for equipment and travel, even after t


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