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1、八(上) Unit Three A day out 期中复习 如皋市港城实验学校 2013-10-188A Unit 3背诵讲义(一) p.30-34一 单词1. 咖啡 (n.) coffee 9. 我们自己 ( pron.) ourselves2. 顶部 (n.) top 10. 我自己 ( pron.) myself3. 总统 (n.) president 11. 你们自己 ( pron.) yourselves4. 吨 (n.) ton 12. 他们自己 ( pron.) themselves5. 天空 (n.) sky 13. 加入 (vt. vi.) join6. 旅行,旅程 (n.

2、) journey 14. 够好 (adv.) fine7. 网络 (n.) Internet 15. 乏味的 (adj.) boring8. 页面,页码 (n.) page 16. 澳大利亚 (n.) Australia (名词:澳大利亚人)Australian(形容词)Australian17. 宽的 (adj.) wide (副词) widely18. 照耀,发光 (vi.) shine (过去式)shone (现在分词)shining19. 晴朗的,清晰的 (adj.) clear (副词) clearly20. 最后 (adv.) finally (形容词)final(最后的)(名词

3、)final(决赛)21. 到达 (vi.) arrive (同义词)get reach(名词)arrival22. 兴趣 (n.) interest (形容词) interested(感兴趣的) interesting(有趣的)23. 主要的 (adj.) main (副词) mainly24. 文化 (n.) culture (形容词)cultural二短语1. 爬山 climb a hill2. 需要锻炼 need to exercise3. 保持健康 keep fit/healthy4. 我们玩个痛快 enjoy ourselves5. 乘船旅行 take a boat trip/ta

4、ke a trip by boat6. 走过 go past7. 玩得痛快 have a great/ good/nice/lovely/wonderful time enjoy oneself8. 保重 take care9. 去的顶部 go to the top of 10. 万事如意 all the best 11. 一个有大花园的漂亮建筑物 a beautiful building with a big garden12. 美国总统 the President of the USA13. 多宽 how wide14. 由钢制成 be made of steel15. 重达一百多万吨 w

5、eigh over 100,000 tons16. 干得不错 do fine17. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.18. 加入他们的学校旅行 join their school trip19. 在晴朗的蓝天里 in a clear blue sky20. 许多车辆 a lot of traffic21. 一次无聊的旅行 a boring journey22. 到达公园 arrive at/get to /reach the park23. 迫不及待地做某事 cant wait to do sth.24. 下公共汽车 get off the bus25. 一百多处名胜

6、古迹 over/more than a hundred places of interest26. 全世界 all over the world27. 变得很兴奋 become very excited28. 看上去和真的一样棒 look as great as the real one29. 不相信自己的眼睛 cant believe ones eyes30. 主要风景 the main sights31. 歌舞表演 the song and dance shows32. 了解许多不同的文化 learn a lot about different cultures33. 在网络上 on th

7、e Internet34. 把它们放到主页上 put them on the home page35. 你们亲自 for yourselves三释义1. join-take part in2. journey-a long trip3. boring-not interesting4. finally-after a long time, at last, in the end5. arrive at-get to a place, reach a place6. whole-full7. main-most important8. sights-places of interest四句型这座

8、山没有真的高。 This hill isnt as/so high as a real one.这座桥有多宽?英尺宽。 How wide is the bridge? Its 90 feet wide.这座桥是钢制的,是不是? The bridge is made of steel, isnt it?吴先生邀请我参加他们前往世界公园的学校旅行。Mr. Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.乘大巴去那里花了我们大约两个小时。(两种) It took us about two hours to get there by

9、bus. We spent about two hours getting there by bus.8A Unit 3背诵讲义(二) p.35-41一 单词1. 它自己 (pron.) itself 6. 免费的 (adj.) free2. 拖,拉 (vt. vi.) pull 7. 希望 (n. vt.)hope3. 岩石 (n.) rock 8. 票,入场券(n.) ticket4. 费用 (n.) cost 9. 广场 (n.) square5. 休息 (vi.) rest10. 幸好 (adv.) luckily (名词) luck (形容词)lucky11. 登山者(n.) cli

10、mber (动词) climb12. 支持 (vt.) support (名词) support supporter(支持者)13. 欢呼 (vi. vt.) cheer (名词) cheer (形容词)cheerful cheerless14. 无助的(adj.) helpless (反义词) helpful15.有用的(adj.) useful (反义词)useless16. 意思 (n.) meaning (动词) mean (形容词)meaningful meaningless17. 味道 (n.) taste (动词) taste (形容词)tasty tasteful tastel

11、ess 18. 留着 (vt.) keep (过去式)kept二短语1. 和一样舒服 as comfortable as2. 将他自己拉上岩石 pull himself up the rocks3. 对视 look at each other4. 伤着自己 hurt oneself5. 保守他们自己的秘密 keep the secret to themselves6. 进入篮球比赛的决赛 get to the final of the basketball competition7. 举行 take place8. 为我们队加油 cheer for our team/cheer our tea

12、m on9. 忘记把你们的朋友们带来 forget to bring your friends10. 有(没有) 你们的支持 with (without) your support11. 这次旅行的费用 the cost of the trip12. 每生20元 ¥20 per student / 20 yuan per student13. 抵达运动中心 reach the Sports Center14. 乘地铁 take the underground/ by underground15. 30个学生的团队免费 be free for groups of 30 students16. 前天



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