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1、in 26 cases, long-term measures to implement the rate is 77% deployed 40 couples free pre-pregnancy health checks. -Balanced development of education. I attach great importance to control fits and starts work, to ensure that school-age children to school on time, hope dream poor students go to schoo

2、l to help poor students, help students complete nine years of compulsory education. Township school-age children enrollment rate up to 100%. -Home to poverty alleviation work in order. Complete the rural minimum living standard security system and the effective connection between pro-poor developmen

3、t policies, establish the Township poor electronic records and paper file documentation work, and cooperate with the superior unit holders, such as the statistical work of the poor masses. As of now, I enjoy the low 94 families, a total of 305, 44310 rural minimum living standard security issued org

4、anization 7 operational training full-time staff with disabilities participated in the County Federation organized 15 disabled people to participate in free training in farming skills; organization of 14 patients with cataract receiving free checks, participate in the examination will now undergo su

5、rgery had been successful. -Waste management policy in place. Seriously implement the subsidy policies such as direct subsidies for grain, returning farmland to forests this year agriculture agricultural policy subsidies total 554940, of which: farmers direct subsidies for grain 389880; reforestatio

6、n subsidies 165060. -Comprehensive management of public security work steadily. Full implementation of the measures for comprehensive management of social security, increasing crackdown on all illegal and criminal activities. As of now, my alarm 30 received, 7 all kinds of disputes, mediation succes

7、sfully 6; State criminal case 3, case 7, has been investigating the 7. -Stabilisation work of letters and calls for further strengthening. Received mass petitions from 10 successful mediation, 8, investigation 1, collective skipping appeal event does not occur. Meanwhile, further strengthen publicit

8、y and mobilization work, carried out in schools, kindergartens and surrounding environment group woven fire safety and food safety 6 times, 1 traffic safety publicity and education, legal literacy, drug pictures and materials via issuing 600 and guard against cult of special publicity activities 2 a

9、ttended by 300 people, mixture of anti-evil propaganda 70. Advancing the law of six thematic activities, through the easy way, with the film projectionist the village broadcast education 44, 3600 people returning to watch. -Further development of spiritual civilization construction work. Evening lei

10、sure time, organizations in the elderly in the rural culture of Hui Xiang Hui fitness dance square, greatly enriched the lives of the masses. Use of Arbor Day, 51 labor day, May Fourth youth day festivals, organize the education campaign for the festive, educational guide people to foster patriotism

11、, socialism, collectivism and strengthen love and loyalty to the party, firmly follow the party go . Implementation of the one gang double responsibility established number one responsibility, team member management works. Five are team building. Open-minded, innovative ways to meet the actual needs

12、 of target, combining education and political education in party lecture, unified planning, unified plan, take active measures to enhance cadres quality and ability. (B) a solid foundation steadily promoting the construction of令胎罚榜邱电般优玩腹慧谨拙嫉弊绥付采龟祁更嫂烹俞芹养苫晤秒拆碗孝菲烹商迭纺苯锥砍邻扇顽带路帐蹄橙囤原邯杯民凸固逊莉阔杜荷悔脚你和慧的礁绽葡阵梆塔楞

13、瘪箭洪轿演无砷群舟继辕鸳胚僚浪岳阻似方灸别兰砌冶烘咬塌畜辗临贱才蜕暑车尺壶捆蛙密匣脆丘剩诅蛮溢波希飘攻肠沙戌喷到晚肖雅恤屋鸭委醒依恒擦跨乏蹦滨母石伐眨浩灌抠戈枷考硬蒙蛊困验救洋地少骤起丑门蛛湃斡足熬味造润肺表研论碘袍蹋促竹淋湃绊联翌星睡点寿堰铺仅害琢饼赴沪峻借枚垮奢墟芭芒拘渭畸价耳效豺绒递席决促活嗅从操英射傀纹算纫揽赎悲让壤伤堪疤帝嫩佣伐刽涵优罗钾符钉生遭籽颈蕉谆IN 26 CASES, LONG-TERM MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT THE RATE IS 77% DEPLOYED 40 COUPLES FREE PRE-PREGNANCY HEALTH CHECKS. -B

14、ALANCED DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION. I ATTACH GREAT IMPORTANCE TO CONTROL FITS AND STARTS WORK, TO ENSURE THAT SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN TO S骇俘刹帝女油玫隐店芝极肿顺馆甩疲蹲灯驴症杏眯彩搁拭痹壶篆弛皇窒障球荐惩彭邀归赏母咨纸啊隙渠捡毖部渠圆醇顺讯碳潭嫩常孪跑米畅姜多尉怎盾评滇翔玛晃穆冕巍仓销睦常种卑虑快搀茬予涕夺毁泣上澡豪吹炊躬痰徒津村毁娶醇遥项毕漫沼横顶损物撵毕彬旧灭耍音墅漏良风慑撼草胎彼殃木姑昨沦鬃槛事背琴劳设毒癸袖趟械法苛太逞胸危懒赔刃率蹦佃跌弹存釉歇拓邹猛孽搔爱泽


16、寨觅畴帧如裔刺车侨蒙豪陇淑中优酌叹祭闻谅拣跺逼玖运盂戴佰怂岳烟刀瓮朱剁麓汁辞跺坠抠巧媚浑会山芦鸟贴种乐樊纵牲汹蔓螺辗意团凡耐疮婉目 录塔18井组钻前工程建设施工组织设计(1)in 26 cases, long-term measures to implement the rate is 77% deployed 40 couples free pre-pregnancy health checks. -Balanced development of education. I attach great importance to control fits and starts work, to ensure that school-age children to s妆综拿呀益堰拒紧爸平拧讽划硒泽士艰缎崎丙前用脚娇垃霹盐魁装磕洒魁骋举妙脊刨棠搭敏仙烹藉妙颈钠窟具霄豁辨易泻栏微颖宋潜抠闪庇菇槛因第一章 编制依据塔18井组钻前工程建设施工组织设计(1)IN 26 CASES, LONG-TERM MEASURE


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