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1、湖南省株洲市天元区八年级英语Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music(1) 学案(无答案) 人教新目标版Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。一、Learning aims(学习目标):1. Language goals(语言目标): Would you mind cleaning your room? Im sorry. Ill do it right away.Would you mind not playing baseba

2、ll here? No, not at all.Could you please wash the dishes? OK, Ill do them in a minute.2. Ability goals(能力目标):(1)能够向他人礼貌地提出自己合理的请求。 (2)学会在生活中得体地向他们表示歉意。3. Emotion goals(情感目标): 乐于在工作和学习中接受他人建议、得体地表达歉意,并能合理地提出自己的请求。二、Learning contents(学习内容): P52、P53。三、Directional guide (定向导学): . Check. 10. Prevision (预

3、习导学): 30 1Lead-in (导入):52. Self-study (独学) : 10【学法指导】:(1)大声朗读52和53页内容,并划记不会读的单词。 (2)划记下列短语,翻译并记忆。 关小(声音) 一点儿也不 打扫院子 移动你的自行车 立刻 洗碗 从出来 穿上 in a minute 看起来很糟糕 (3)想一想。 Would you mind用于礼貌地向他人提出请求,意为“你是否介意”,其后接什么形式,又有哪些回答方式呢?_ 你还知道哪些句子能客气地提出请求? _“你能否不要穿那双旧鞋子?”译为Would you mind _ “你介意我坐在这吗?”译为:Would you min

4、d my sitting here? “你介意他/ 她在这打棒球吗?”译为:_ 我们知道turn down是关小(声音),你还知道哪些turn的短语呢? _ 3. Pairwork and groupwork(对学和群学):15(1)结对互相抽背独学部分短语。(2)结对或小组讨论核对想一想部分的答案。(3)将未能解决的问题板书到黑板Problems专栏,集智解决重难点。 巩固拓展: 你们能否不要在这打篮球?Would you mind_ _ _ here? 你能将音乐声调小一点儿吗?Could you please_ _ the music? I cant hear the music! Wo

5、uld you mind_ _ _? Its so dark(黑暗的)here. Can you_ _ the lights(灯). Please_ _ the TV,I dont want to watch it. 听之前记得看清题目,划记关键词哦!. Listening 10 听P53 2a和2b,完成相应练习。.Show (展示导学): 30展示所编对话。Model 1: - Oh, the yard is dirty(脏的). Would you mind cleaning the yard? - OK, Ill do it right away. Model 2: - Excuse

6、me, my sister is sleeping. Would you mind not playing baseball here? - Sorry / No,not at all, well play in the park. V. Feedback(反馈导学):101. Quiz (达标检测):5 Mother:_?You have to help me in the kitchen.Daughter: OK, Ill get up right away. But I havent had my breakfast. _?Mother: Of course you can have your breakfast first. But your room is really in a mess. _?Daughter: Sorry,Ill clean my room in a minute. _, I dont want to go shopping today.Mother: Sure,maybe next time.2. Sum-up(整理):5



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