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1、英语九年级上册第八单元教学案执笔人 罗伟斌Section A一、课前预习词汇:查出下列单词的中文意思,并抄写五遍。hunger( ) cheer( ) advertisement( ) establish( ) major( ) commitment( ) elementary( ) veterinarian( ) coach( ) 二、重点讲解及课堂练习clean up 打扫,收拾干净cheer up (使)高兴起来,使。精神起来give out 分发,散发put up 张贴,挂起;建起,举起put off 推迟,延期set up 建立,组建come up with 想出,跟上not onl

2、ybut also 不但而且,主要用来连接两个并列成分,也可以连接两个分句。not onlybut also连接主语时,其谓语动词的单复数依照“就近原则”确定。如:Not only you but also Tom is fifteen years old. 连接两个分句时,为了加强语气,可将 not only放在前一分句主语之前,这时,主谓应用到装形式。如:Not only has he been to Beijing but also he has been to Shanghai.sth. takes sb. some time 某事花费某人(多长)时间It takes sb.some

3、time to do sth. 做某事花费某人(多长)时间Itll take you about an hour to write the composition.堂上练习( )1. He felt so that he ate three bowls of noodles. A. hungry B. hunger C. hungrily D. full( )2. He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to them . A. set; up B. clean; up C. cheer; up D. put; up( )3. Ke

4、ep quiet ! Ill the examination papers. A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give down( )4. Never till tomorrow what you can do today. A. put off B. take off C. be off D. take down( )5. He couldnt an answer when I asked him why he was late. A. come over B. catch up with C. come out D. come up with( )

5、6. Your bedroom is too dirty, please _ A. clean up it B. clean it up C. clean in it D. clean it in( )7. _ of the two boys got a new English book at the beginning of this term. A. Every B. All C. Each D. None( )8. They all the sports meeting yesterday. A. joined B. attended C. took part in D. to join

6、( )9. Joy spent two hours _ her aunt. A. to write to B. write to C. writing down D. writing to( )10.-Didnt you give roses to your father on Fathers Day? -Oh, not only my father, my grandpa got red roses. A. or B. and C. but also D. until家庭作业( )1. My mother always tells me out alone at night. A. go B

7、. not go C. not to go D. don t go( )2. You are so busy, what do you want me for you? A. do B. done C. to do D. doing( )3. My father will an important meeting next week. A. join B. take part in C. join in D. attend( )4.The song made my father his childhood.A. think over B. thinks aboutC. to think of

8、D. think of( )5.If you still have any other questions, please _ your hand. A. put off B. put down C. put on D. put up( )6.The book is useful to me, so I have to _ 20 yuan it. A. spend; to B. take; on C. pay; for D. cost; on ( )7.You can t put off _ your homework. A. doing B. do C. did D. to do( )8.

9、Can you help me the living room? A. cheer up B. give up C. fix up D. clean up( )9.He puts his love good use working in a hospital, A. on; by B. at; on C. to; by D. to; about( )10. you but also he to attend the meeting. A. Not only; has B. Not just have C. Not also; has D. Not with; have( )11.At last

10、 the inventor an idea. A. come up with B. came true C. pointed to D. opened to( )12.Although he was a child, he tried to find ways _ people life more. A. to help; enjoy B. help; enjoy C. to help; enjoying D. help; enjoying( )13.He looks sad. Let s . A. cheer up him B. laugh at him C. cheer him up D.

11、 take after him完成句子。1.学生们计划在学校内建立一个支援者工程. The students plan to _ _ a student volunteer project at their school.2她一心用在了这位老人身上。 She is her to the old man3不仅他擅长游泳,我也擅长。 he I am good at swimming.4It takes him twenty minutes _ . (walk) to school.Section B一.课前预习1.词汇查出下列单词的中文意思,并抄写五遍。fix( ) repair( ) similar( ) strateg



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