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1、九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Robot Comic strip and welcome to the unit精品学案 牛津译林版课 题9Bunit2 comic strip and welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标掌握本课时的重点词汇。能力目标能谈论机器人的用途。情感目标通过学习有关机器人的词汇,了解机器人的一些优势学习重点谈论机器人的用途。学习难点正确的表达机器人的优点。课前自学一、 Millie 对文中短语掌握不好,请帮助她翻译,好吗?1.需要干某事 2.为我寄封信 3.一些推销员 4.干洗衣服 5整理床铺 6.照看孩子 7.洗碟子 8.熨烫衣服 9.做饭 10.

2、太空 二、Millie 有些单词不会请你帮帮她.1.Please (记得)to give my best wishes to your teachers .2.I have to (清扫) the floor every day .3.Would you please (邮寄)this German letter for me ?4.Modern robots can do all the (家务活) 。5.Please solve the (问题) yourself .三、你对机器人了解多少呢?思考回答以下问题。1.Do you like robots ?Why or Why not ?2.

3、Would you like to buy a robot ?Why or Why not ?3.When do you think robots will be in commom use ?4.Do you think robots are cleverer than human beings ?Why or Why not ?四、有感情的朗读Eddie 和 Hobo 对话回答以下问题。 1.Why is Eddie writing a complaint letter ? 2.What does Eddie ask Hobo to do ? 课堂交流展示1 核对预习一答案(要求各组课前把

4、答案写在黑板上)。2 学生相互核对第二题答案,教师进行适当的点拨。3 两人一组完成第三题的问答。4表演Eddie 和 Hobo 的卡通漫画对话。(集体展示,小组展示预习题中的问题)1.Why is Eddie writing a complaint letter ?2.What does Eddie ask Hobo to do ?5 根据课本23页Amy和 Daniel的对话编写对话,并进行表演。 A:Do you have a robot ? B:Yes ,I have one .A:What can a robot do ?B:It can do lots of things .For

5、example,wake me up in the morning.then help me get dressed,brush my teeth and wash my face .A:Really ?Thats sounds wonderful .B:Would you like to buy one .A:Yes . 课堂达标检测一、 进一步完成书本23页内容。二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Robert is (lazy ) than any other boy in his class.2. He has explored a lot of places .He is a famo

6、us (explore)3. Mr Ma has so much knowledge,and he knows everything (good0.4. A robot can also look after (child).5. Sandy often helps her mother wash (dish)after dinner.三、根据提示,完成下列句子。1、机器人能帮助科学家探测危险的地方。Rotots can help scientists 2、我们学生每天需要多睡会儿。We students to have sleep a day.3、你在为谁寄信呢?Who you the le

7、tter ?4、我不知道机器人能为我们做什么。I dont know robots can for us.5、请你解释一下昨天为什么迟到。Please you were late yesterday.6、我不想听你的辩解。I dont want to your .学习感悟comic strip and welcome to the unit二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.lazier 2. explorer 3.well 4.children 5.dishes 三、根据提示,完成下列句子。1.explore dangerous places 2.nood more 3.do post for 4.what do 5why did 6.listen to explain.



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