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1、课题:Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic1 We are preparing for a food festivalSection A(第一课时 )【学习目标】1.读准并会默写本课的单词。2.谈论筹集资金的计划。3.鼓励学生积极参与有益的课外实践活动,培养学生乐于助人的品质。【知识链接】初步学习that引导的宾语从句并掌握其基本用法。【预习达标】1.了解关于2.一个12岁的加拿大男孩3.获得更多关的信息 .建造一个新学校.一个贫困的小村庄 .举行一次美食节.筹钱.向某人求助.与某人取得联系_0.制作一张海报1.考虑2.组织一次美食节_13. make tea_14. make

2、cheese pies_ 15. cook soup_16. learn to cook food_ 17.make biscuits_ 18. make strawberry pancakes_ 19.set the table_20. write a song_【学习流程】 自学指导1 Shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children.(1) Shall we do sth?表示建议 。我们做什么-好吗?(2)raise money to do sth/for sth2 .I think w

3、e can have it on our school playground on Sunday.这个句子为含有宾语从句的主从复合句。主句是I think,之后省略了连词that, that在句子中无实际意义,在口语和非正式文体中常常省略,在句中不做任何成分,由that引导的宾语从句,其主句的谓语动词主要是know, think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, mean, feel, wish或系动词be加afraid, sorry, sure, glad, happy, angry, worried等形容词构成的复合谓语。Eg, Im afraid (t

4、hat) you are wrong.3.I imagine (that) we will prepare delicious foods.(1)imagine+that从句 (2)imagine (sb)doing sth想象sb做sth4 I will turn to our teachers.turn to sb=ask sb for help向某人求助5 Ill get in touch with Craig Kielburger on the Internet to get more information about him.(1)get in touch with sb与某人取得

5、联系(2)keep in touch with sb与某人保持联系(3)get sth about sb获得某人的信息6 Lets try our best to make it a success.让我们尽最大努力使之成功。(1)success名词。succeed动词。successful形容词。successfully副词。(2)try ones best to do sth=do ones best to do sth合作探究(一)处理1a1请自读1a,完成1b,并找出生词,推测词义,且翻译下面的重点句子。(1)我的任务就是制作一幅海报。 (2) 我将认真考虑我们怎样组织这次美食节活动。

6、【当堂检测,点击中考】一根据汉语提示完成句子。1.I know Zhao We But I dont_ _(了解)her.2.We should _ _(考虑) how to help them.3.Lets_ _ _(尽力) to learn English well.4.We _ _ _(做海报) for the food festival last night.5.How shall we _ _(筹钱) for the poor children in the village? 课题:Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic1 We are preparing for a f

7、ood festivalSection B(第二课时 )【学习目标】1.读准并会默写本课的单词,新的词组。2.学习不同的国家不同的食品。【知识链接】继续学习that引导的宾语从句并掌握其基本用法。【预习达标】1.摆放餐具 2.西方食品 3.such as 4.American chocolate cookies5.Greek cheese pie 6.Indian curries7.Italian pizza8.Chinese fried rice and dumplings9.Japanese sushi10.South African beef curry11.Russian black

8、bread12.Whats more.13.Will you please do sth?=Would you like to do sth?14.tell sb. sth.= tell sth to sb.15.send sb.sth. = send sth. to sb16.很高兴做某事学习流程】1.请自读1a,完成1b,并找出生词,推测词义,且翻译下面的重点句子。(1)I have a sweet tooth.(2)Im sure that fried rice and dumplings will be popular. 二自学指1 I have a sweet tooth.=I li

9、ke eating sweet food.2 Will you please tell me something about yourself and Free and Children.Will you please do sth?是一种客气地请求对方做某事的句子,其否定句是在do前加not,意为,请不要做。好吗?Will you please not smoke here?3 Ill send you an e-mail later on,Ok?Later on (1)再过一些时候。用于将来时。She will call me up later on.(2)意为,后来。用于过去式。Late

10、r on he got a job as a cook.(3)一段时间+later,意为,。之后,过了。用于过去式。Two days later, he left for Beijing(二)小组活动,根据1b,把各国的食品连起来。【当堂检测,点击中考】一根据句意思及首字母提示完成句子。1. He often i_ me to his party.2.Most of us like w_ food.3.She is an I_, she is from India4.We are _ _ (准备) a food festival.5.His parents will buy him a com

11、puter _(随后)二用所给的词的适当形式填空:1.The girl is a _(Russia).2._(sell) rice and dumplings will make much money.3.I often invite my friends_(have) dinner.4.What about _(buy) a sandwich for him?课题:Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic1 We are preparing for a food festivalSection C(第三课时 )【学习目标】1.读准并会默写本课的单词。2.如何用英语表达愿望。【预习达

12、标】1.结果是2.in order to do sth3.hope to do sth.4.thank (sb).for doing sth. 5.来自,出生于6.童工 7.一个12岁的男孩8.参加_ 9 .instead of.10.fight against11 at the age of_ 【学习流程】 自学指导1. Thank you for inviting me to your food festival.译:_点拨:invite sb. to sp.邀请某人去某地; 链接:邀请某人做某事_ 练习:a.怎么不邀请她参加你的生日派对呢?_ _ _ her _ _birthday party?b.他邀请我们参加美食俱乐部。He _ _ _ _ the Food Club.2 I gathered my friends and started a group, the Twelve Twelve-Year-OldsStart(1)开办,创办 (2)出发,起程。(3)开始3 We student will cook many de



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