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1、Ref. Division: _Department: _No.: _商品合同MERCHANDISE CONTRACT本商品合同由供货商为一方,和“家乐福商业公司”为另一方签订。This Merchandise Contract is executed by the Supplier on the first part and Carrefour Commercial Companies listed hereafter on the second part.供应商编号:_Supplier Code:_供应商名称:_Supplier Name:_工厂 批发商 代理商 贸易商 (进出口)Manu

2、facturer Wholesaler Agent Trading Comp.(Import/Export)联络人(名片)Contact Person (Name Card) 定义 DEFINITIONS“家乐福商业公司”系指在本商品合同生效之日以许可方式正式授权其所属商店使用“家乐福”商号的所有中国公司。“Carrefour Commercial Companies” means all Chinese companies duly authorized by means of a licence to use the tradename of Carrefour for their Sto

3、res.“含税购货金额”系指因向商店交付的商品而应在本合同约定的期限内向供应商支付的的价款金额,该价款金额已扣除销售折让和退货。“Purchase Amount incl. VAT” means the amount to be paid to the Supplier for the goods delivered to the Stores in the period of time as agreed in this Merchandise Contract. The amount is net of sales discount and goods return.“商店”系指由中国境内

4、的家乐福商业公司所经营的并依本商品合同向其交货的所有商店。“Stores” means all stores operated by the Carrefour Commercial Companies in China and to which goods are to be delivered according to this Merchandise Contract.1. 保证 WARRANTY供应商在此保证,供应商的商业网络中有关联并涉及到本商品合同履行的各方(如经销商、运输公司、生产厂家、代理商等)应就供应商对本商品合同条款及条件的履行以及对有关法律和法规要求的遵守承担连带责任。T

5、he Supplier hereby warrants that all parties implicated in the Suppliers commercial network and involved in the execution of this Merchandise Contract (such as distributors, transporters, manufacturers, agents, etc.) shall be jointly and severally responsible for the performance by the Supplier of t

6、he terms and conditions of this Merchandise Contract as well as for the compliance with all requirements set by the relevant laws and regulations.签署本商品合同的供应商及其所代表子公司、关联公司、分销商等在此保证,供应商及其所代表的子公司、关联公司、分销商等提供给商店的商品增值税发票开票方的名称与实际收款方的名称保持一致。The Supplier who signs the Merchandise Contract hereby warrants f

7、or himself and its subsidiaries, related parties, distributors, etc. that the names of those who issue VAT invoices shall be same with the names of the payees.供应商与其商业网络中的其它方之间的任何赔偿及债务责任应由其自行解决。Any claims and liabilities between the Supplier and other parties of its commercial network shall be of the

8、ir own concern.2.1 共同配送商品细目 COMMON ASSORTMENT ITEMS由供应商供应的商品已在本合同附件“共同配送商品细目协议”中列明。如若供应商未经家乐福商业公司商品处同意,擅自向任何商店销售或拟销售已经由家乐福商业公司商品处选出的并在本合同附件中已列明的商品以外的任何其它商品,家乐福商业公司可立即终止本商品合同,且供应商应就所售或拟售的商品按项支付_元人民币的违约金。The items to be supplied by the Supplier are listed in the “Common Assortment Item Agreement(s)” a

9、s attached hereto. If the Supplier, without consent of Merchandise Division of Carrefour Commercial Companies, sells or proposes to sell to any Store other items than those selected by Merchandise Division of Carrefour Commercial Companies and listed in the Attachments hereto, then Carrefour Commerc

10、ial Companies may immediately terminate this Merchandise Contract, and the Supplier shall pay a penalty of _ _RMB per item sold or proposed to be sold to the Stores.各方在此同意,“共同配送商品细目协议”仅在家乐福商业公司所有内部批准手续办理完毕后方可生效。The Parties hereby agree that a Common Assortment Item Agreement shall take effect only a

11、fter all Carrefour Commercial Companies internal approval procedures have been completed.2.2 商品质量 QUALITY OF GOODS供应商在此承诺,将以市场上最优惠的价格提供最好质量的商品。供应商也承诺交付与其在谈判中向家乐福商业公司出示的样品完全一样的商品。商店有权拒绝接收损坏的或其质量不符合本商品合同及其附件要求的商品。The Supplier hereby undertakes to supply goods of the best quality and at the best purcha

12、se price on the market. The Supplier also undertakes to deliver the exactly same goods as the samples shown to Carrefour Commercial Companies during negotiations. The Stores have the right to refuse to take damaged goods or goods the quality of which does not match with the requirements set in this Merchandise Contract and all attachments thereof.供应商保证,交付的商品符合中国有关法律、法



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