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1、2011年11月24日星期四 刘振威 专用 王印祥编辑 答疑电话:138041320012011年公安边防消防警卫部队院校招生统一考试英 语 模 拟 试 卷 III本试卷分第第卷(选选择题)和和第卷卷两部分分,满分分1000分,考考试时间间1200分钟。第卷注意事项:1答第卷前,考考生务必必将自己己的姓名名、准考考证号、考考试科目目涂写在在答题卡卡上。2每小题题选出答答案后,用用2B铅铅笔把答答题卡上上对应题题目的答答案标号号涂黑,如如需改动动,用橡橡皮擦干干净后,再再选涂其其他答案案标号。不不能答在在试题卷卷上。3第卷卷共655小题,共共80分分。在每每小题给给出的四四个选项项中,只只有一项

2、项符合题题目要求求。一、语音辨辨析(共共5分,每每小题11分)选出下列各各组单词词中划线线部分与与其他三三个不同同的读音音。( )11、Afilm Bchild Cwish Dthink ( )2、Amost Bshop Ccost Dcopy ( )3、Asome Bwomann Ccoverr Dabove ( )4、Ayou Btouchh CcounttryDtrouublee ( )5、Amusicc Bpupill CstudenntDJune 二、单项选选择(共共30分分,每小小题1分分)在所给选项项中选出出最佳答答案。( )66.Joohn_in Syddneyy foor t

3、ten yeaars andd heelll bee baack nexxt wweekk. AA:haas ggonee B:hass beeen C:haas lleftt D:wass( )77.Toom,ppleaase hellp mme_tthe piccturre oon tthe walll.A:pput up B:pput on C:puut ooff D:puut iintoo( )88.I donnt knoow iif iit_toomorrroww.Iff itt_,I wonnt go. A:willl rrainn;raainss B:willl rrainn;w

4、iill raiin CC:raainss;raainss D:raiins;willl rrainn( )99.Illl hhavee a meeetinng iin SShannghaai ttomoorroow.WWoulld yyou minnd_ thee tiime forr alll tthe fliightts tto SShannghaai ffor me?A:loookinng ffor B:loookiing aftter C:fiindiing outt D:takkingg affterr( )110. Do youu knnow_? A.whheree dooes

5、he comme ffromm B.wheere is he froomCC. wwherre hhe ccomee frromD. wheere he wass boorn ( )111. Li Honng_Enngliish. A.doees llikeeB.doo liikessC.dooes likke ( )112. Marry hhas so manny iinteeresstinng bbookks _. AA. rreadd B. reaads C. reeadiing DD. tto rreadd ( )113. Katte _ tthe penn foo

6、r ttwo dayys. AA. hhas buyy B.havve bbougght C. hass haad D. haas bbougght ( )114.WWe mmadee _ posssibble beccausse wwe sstuddiedd haard AAthhat BBitt C DDthhis ( )115.I askked thee giirl _ AA:whhichh onne sshe likkes besst C:whiich onee dooes shee liike besst BB:whhichh onne ddid shee liike besst D

7、:wwhicch oone shee liikedd beest ( )116.Itts tooo nooisyy ouutsiide.I ccant hhearr thhe rradiio ccleaarlyy.Leetss_.A:tturnn itt upp BB:tuurn it on C:turrn iit ooff D:turrn iit ddownn( )117.Itts tooo hoot ttodaay.WWhy nott_youur ccoatt? A:takke uup BB:taake awaay CC:taake outtD:taake offf( )118.We hh

8、ad to putt offf _tthe spoortss meeet beccausse oof tthe heavvy rrainn.A.havve BB.too haave C.hadd DD.haavinng( )119Theyy _aa laargee add. bboarrd bby tthe roaadsiide to inttrodducee thheirr prroduuctss.A.putt upp B.pput on C.putt offf DD.puut oout( )220.Not onlly _hhelpp hiim wwithh hiis mmathh ,bbu

9、t youu shhoulld hhelpp hiim wwithh hiis CChinnesee.A.youu shhoulld B.shoouldd yoou C.youu wiill D.willl yyou( )221.Not onlly tthe stuudennts butt allso theeir teaacheer _itA.likke B.likkes C.likkingg D.tto llikee( )222.TThe foood iin tthatt reestaauraant is terrribble .Soo I donnt ggo l

10、onngerr morre C.aany lonngerr D.anyy moore( )223.He aalwaays askks mme _addvicce wwhatteveer hhe ddoess.A .foor B.on C.of D.aat( )224.-Musst wwe hhandd inn thhe mmoneey ffor thee tiickeets noww?-No,yyou_A.musstnt BB.caant C.nneeddnt D.mmay nott( )225.Well havve aa _hoolidday. Whatt abboutt gooi

11、ngg too thhe WWesttLakke?A.twoo daays BB.twwo-dday CC.twwo-ddayss D.twoo-daay( )226._ oof tthemm loove to plaay bbaskketbballl.A.Eacch B.Eveeryoone C.Eveery D.Botth( )227.The stuudennts _thhe wwinddowss allreaady ,soo thhe cclasssrooom loooks mucch bbrigght.A cleean BB.haave cleeaneed C.aree clleann

12、ingg D.wwilll clleann( )228.She likkes neiitheer ssummmer norr wiinteer. Theyy arre _tooo hoot _tooo coold.A.botth;aand BB.eiitheer;oor C.neiitheer;nnor DD.noot ;butt( )229.Pleaase telll hhim _me a ccalll ass sooon as he_hhomee frrom givve ;comme B.ggivee ;ccomees CC.too giive; coomess DD

13、.giivess; wwilll coome ( )30. Thhe ggreaat hhalll waas ccrowwdedd wiith manny ppeopple, _ manny cchilldreen _onn thheirr paarennts laaps.A. inncluudinng seaatedd B. inncluudinng seaatinngC. inncluudedd ssat D. inccludded siittiing( )331. Its ssaidd thhat thee Ollymppic Gammes _ in Beiijinng iin 220088 cooverred morre eevennts thaan aany othherOlymppicss diid.A. hooldiing B. to



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