云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第12课时 八下 Units 5-6练习

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《云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第12课时 八下 Units 5-6练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材系统复习 第12课时 八下 Units 5-6练习(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第12课时八年级下册 Units 56一、单项填空1(2018江西模拟一)No one knows which team will win the World Cup in Russia.Yes. That is the of the exciting game.Amagic Bcause Chope Dluck2(2018云南昆明中考)The most beautiful thing about learning is that can take it away from you.Aanybody BsomebodyCeverybody Dnobody3(2019预测)I hear Dani

2、el has got into great trouble in managing his bookshop.Yes. But he never gives up. Its of him to face such a difficult situation.Apolite BclearCbrave Dhelpful4(2018安徽合肥三模)Sorry, Ive forgotten where you are from. Can you me?Oh, Australia.Aremind BreceiveCrespect Dremember5(2018云南昆明西山一模)Why didnt you

3、answer my call last night?Im so sorry. The moment you called me, I a shower.Awas taking BtookCam taking Dhave taken6(2019原创)My mother told me we should keep our down in public places.Amouth BvoiceCsound Dnoise7(2018河北邯郸魏县第四中学模拟)She had to sell the house even though it was her own wishes.Aabove BonCa

4、gainst Dfor8(2019预测)Mrs. Smith planned to go hiking with her friend. But they stayed at home going out because of the rainy day.Ainstead of Bthanks toCas for Dsuch as9(2018山东青岛市北二模)My car alarm is always whenever my neighbors cat goes under my car.Agoing out Bsetting offCgoing off Dbreaking down10(2

5、019原创)Its difficult for us to find the place where my mother lived 30 years ago, because it has changed.Aslowly Bcompletely Cluckily Dhardly二、完形填空(2019预测)There was once a bad king. All the people hated him. One day in a summer he was swimming alone 1 a river.The king was good at 2 , but while he was

6、 in the middle of the river, he suddenly felt ill. He cried out, “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working nearby. They 3 ran over, jumped into the water 4 saved him. They didnt know that he was the king before he was pulled out of the water.The king was 5 , so he said to the farmers, “You

7、 have saved my life. Now you may 6 anything, and Ill give it to you.”One of the farmers said, “My son is ill. Please send him to a good 7 ” The king promised(承诺) to do so. Then he spoke to the old farmer, “And 8 can I do for you, old man?” The old man 9 for some minutes and then he answered, “You ca

8、n do a very important thing for me.” “What is that?” asked the king. “Dont tell 10 that we have saved you.” The old man answered.1A.at Bin Con Dof2A.swimming BswimsCto swim Dswim3A.clearly Bquickly Chardly Dstrongly4A.but Bor Cand Dthough5A.sad Bangry Cupset Dhappy6A.ask for Bthank forCcare for Dpay

9、 for7A.teacher BscientistCdriver Ddoctor8A.when Bwhat Cwhere Dhow9A.heard Bsaid Cthought Dtook10A.someone Bone Canybody Dnobody三、阅读理解A(2018甘肃白银中考)Alice in WonderlandChapter 2Alice was not hurt, so she jumped to her feet in a moment. She looked up, and found the White Rabbit was still in sight. She w

10、as close behind it when she turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen. She found herself in a long, low hall.There were doors all around the hall, but they were all locked.Alice walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again.Suddenly, she came upon a littl

11、e threelegged table. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alices first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall.But, alas! Either the locks were too large, or the key was too small. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not notice

12、d before and behind it was a little door.She tried the little golden key in the lock, and she was pleased to find it fitted!1The hall where Alice stayed is .Along and low Bbig and high Cwide and low Dbig and wide2What did Alice want to do when she got to the hall?AShe wanted to know how to get some

13、food.BShe wanted to know where her sister was.CShe wanted to find out how to get out again.DShe wanted to meet the Rabbit.3Where did Alice find the tiny golden key?4How did Alice feel when the gold key fitted into a lock?ATired. BShocked. CHappy. DInterested.5Which is TRUE according to the passage?A

14、Alice had never seen the White Rabbit before she got to the hall.BSome of the doors around the hall were locked.CAlice noticed the little door as soon as she entered the hall.DThe passage is from Alice in Wonderland.B(2013云南中考)One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧头) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女) came out


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