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1、2023年黑龙江软件水平考试考试考前冲刺卷(9)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.电子邮件应用程序利用POP3协议()。A创建邮件B加密邮什C发送邮件D接收邮件2.Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports

2、. PPP was designed to run directly over these serial links. But with the advent of broadband Internet (3) technologies such as ADSL and cable modems there has been a considerable increase in the bandwidth delivered to the end users. This means that the host computers at the customer premise connect

3、to the (4) or cable modem over a much faster medium such as Ethernet. It also means that multiple (5) can connect to the Internet through the same connection.(1)处应填入()AbufferBmodemCcomputerDserver3.在进行金融业务系统的网络设计时,应该优先考虑优胜 (1) 原则。在进行企业网络的需求分析时,应该首先进行 (2) 。(1)处应填入()A先进性B开放性C经济性D高可用性4.Traditional Inte

4、rnet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports. PPP was designed to run directly over these serial links. But with the advent of broadband Internet (3) technologies such as ADSL and cable modems there ha

5、s been a considerable increase in the bandwidth delivered to the end users. This means that the host computers at the customer premise connect to the (4) or cable modem over a much faster medium such as Ethernet. It also means that multiple (5) can connect to the Internet through the same connection

6、.(2)处应填入()AparallelBdigitalCserialDvariable5.Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports. PPP was designed to run directly over these serial links. But with the advent of broadband Int

7、ernet (3) technologies such as ADSL and cable modems there has been a considerable increase in the bandwidth delivered to the end users. This means that the host computers at the customer premise connect to the (4) or cable modem over a much faster medium such as Ethernet. It also means that multipl

8、e (5) can connect to the Internet through the same connection.(3)处应填入()AaccessBcacheCcastDstorage6.在进行金融业务系统的网络设计时,应该优先考虑优胜 (1) 原则。在进行企业网络的需求分析时,应该首先进行 (2) 。(2)处应填入()A企业应用分析B网络流量分析C外部通信环境调研D数据流向图分析7.Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to t

9、he dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports. PPP was designed to run directly over these serial links. But with the advent of broadband Internet (3) technologies such as ADSL and cable modems there has been a considerable increase in the bandwidth delivered to the end users. This mean

10、s that the host computers at the customer premise connect to the (4) or cable modem over a much faster medium such as Ethernet. It also means that multiple (5) can connect to the Internet through the same connection.(4)应填入()AFDDIBHDSLCADSLDCDMA8.Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were

11、so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports. PPP was designed to run directly over these serial links. But with the advent of broadband Internet (3) technologies such as ADSL and cable modems there has been a considerable increase in the

12、bandwidth delivered to the end users. This means that the host computers at the customer premise connect to the (4) or cable modem over a much faster medium such as Ethernet. It also means that multiple (5) can connect to the Internet through the same connection.(5)应填入()AcablesBhostsCserversDmodems9

13、.某供应商数据库中的供应关系为SPJ(供应商号,零件号,工担号,数量),如下命令查询某工程至少用了3家供应商(包含3家)供应的零件的平均数量,并按工程号的降序排列。SELECT工程号, (59) FROM SPJGROUP BY工程号 (60) ORDER BY工程号DESC;(59)应选入()。某供应商数据库中的供应关系为SPJ(供应商号,零件号,工担号,数量),如下命令查询某工程至少用了3家供应商(包含3家)供应的零件的平均数量,并按工程号的降序排列。SELECT工程号, (59) FROM SPJGROUP BY工程号 (60)ORDER BY工程号DESC; (59)应选入()。 AA

14、VG(数量)At平均数量BAVG(数量)AS平均数量C平均数量At AVG(数量)D平均数量ASAVG(数量)10.某系统的进程状态转换如下图所示。图中1、2、3和4分别表示引起状态转换时的不同原因。原因4是由于 (57) ;一个进程状态转换会引起另一个进程状态转换的是 (58) 。(57)应选()。A就绪进程被调度B运行进程执行了P操作C阻塞进程等待的事件发生了D运行进程时间片到了11.设关系模式R(A,B,C),传递依赖指的是 (61) ;下列结论错误的是 (62) 。(61)应选入()。A若A→B,B→C, 则A→CB若A→B,A→C,则

15、A→BCC若A→C,则AB→CD若A→BC,则A→B,A→C12.在模型一视图一控制器(NVC)模式中, (63) 主要表现用户界面, (64) 用来描述核心业务逻辑。(63)应选入()。在模型一视图一控制器(NVC)模式中, (63) 主要表现用户界面, (64) 用来描述核心业务逻辑。 (63)应选入()。 A视图B模型C控制器D视图和控制器13.下面给出了四种设计模式的作用。外观(Fagade):为子系统中的一组功能调用提供一个一致的接口,这个接口使得这一子系统更加容易使用;装饰(Decorate):当不能采用生成子类的方法进行扩充时,动态地给一个对象添加一些额外的功能;单件(Singleton):保证一个类仅有一个实例,并提供一个访问它的全局访问点;模板方法(Template Method):在方法中定义算法的框架,而将算法中的一些操作步骤延迟到子类中实现。请根据下面叙述的场景选用适当的设计模式。若某面向对象系统中的某些类有且只有一个实例,那么采用 (65) 设计模式能够有效达到该目的:该系统中的某子模块需要为其他模块捉供访问不同数据库系统(如 Oracle、SQ



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