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1、上期高一护理英语中期测试题命题人:关兰 满分:100分 考试时间:9分钟 班级: 姓名: 总分:一、 语音辨析,找出划线部分发音不同的.(1x110分)( )1.A. late B.lazy C. ame D bad( ). lie B. life C. i D. tme( ). .book . ood C. look Dspon( )4.A .go B o C. no t( )5. cty B cook C. ce D. Cap ( ).oom B.on foot Dnodle ( )7.rie .ive .give i ( )8.A. me B. be C.he D.she ( )9.A.

2、phoe B.how C.n .ove ( )10A hs B. these .they D.thi二、 单选(x0=10分)( )11. Wat doyo usually have_ iner? A o B.of C. fo D Fm( ) . Wuld youlik t _ some bed? A. rink B. ave C. has D. bol( )13. Can I _your orer ow? Atake B. mae C. like D.aes( )4. I no reay yet.to oder B. der C rdr f . orerig( )15. I drn soci

3、ety, o people _zier a lz. go B.ke C. need D.become( ) 6. Byspla _sports thn irs . mor . muh C.man less( ) 17.Yu wlfind _ot easyogive up te bd hait A. i B tht C./ D. one ( ) 18.Which is th _on, hesu, the monnd te eth? . bigger B. the bger C. biges big( )19. Youd _ gveup the hai. A. god .ll C. bet D.

4、beter( )20 Everyoneesknd ad _ to me. A. frendly . rend frinds .a iendly三、 交际运用(20分)Witer: Good eeing. 1 utomer: Um,Im not ready tordert. Waitr:CrtnlyTake yorime.(Fie intes ater)Watr: 23 Cstomr: Yes, thiso.I liethe vegetable ou to tart ith.Waite: 2 tomer: Ros beef andsald, les.Waier: 25 utomer: usta

5、botleof waer.aiter:Th you.A. Can I have a minute or two?B. And for the main course?C. What can I do for you?E. Can I take your order now?F. Would you like anything to drink?BBBen: Hi, Tony. You lk unhpy Wawrng?Toy: _26_Ben: Whathappne?Tony:_2_ Th ahne boe dwn.en: Ddntr. Brn tll you wat to d?Tn: Yes,

6、 he did But_2_Ben:Dtheokers help o ixit?Tony: es,they di. Bt_29_Bn: otworry 30 A. We all do it sometimes but be careful next time!B. I pressed the wrong button. C. I made a mistake today.D. I didnt pay enough attention.E. I still feel so sorry for my mistake. 四、 完形填空(分)Someep pend to uc tein(31) f t

7、eTV ndat too much un d.Thcme laier adlzir.The are calecouch(32) . Ty say theyliefas fodbuseit i t. B the badthin boutfast fooi that it cag us (33)rely fas.A heal(34) shuldgv usthclories we eedbut nototain to mh fat sur. But fst fod ca giv u (5) mre thanwe neednd itbeomes ftand stas ih us. owestr to

8、look ft.e(3) ant to e cuch potatoes Wcanwe do?hy swr s: do (37)exrcise,and oll be ealthy nd fit. pe (3) tme front of the T ad computers, adyou ill e limad (39)Go t theplaygound d ji(4) all nsofutdoor activties, wil you?( )31. A. sidB. fotC beindD. befor( )3. A. apple B. anana. orangesD potatoe( )3.

9、. lm. hehy. fatD.atter( )34 . foo . ietC. foods . dets( )3.A. r. tooC.manyD. muc ( )36. A. o. wnt. dont. woudn ( )7. A.leB. much. mnD. moe( )38. A. oremuch many D. lss( )39. A. fatB. healthyC. ar D. thn ( )40. A.toBin it. up 五、阅读理解(30分)(A)In England, o ekdas, brakft n o homes i ofte hurried mal ofml

10、k, brd, juicor coffe.Som just sto t offee hpsr cofeeButn weend, things re quitefferent They oen havea ar brakfas wih eggs,fried ptaoes a bre. Lunchi st a hot eakfro he yswok ant is nota big eal. tulylasts less tanan hu Mos poplhave sandih or fui for lunch Peopl ther ake thi unto wok eattfas ood resaurant. inner isthe stimptant mal of h day ilnd. At hsmeal, ost families cansit ow ogether. I is usally hot, arge meaand it isqitediffrent from luh. Mostole hvemeat, vegetbe d potatos Mik and soft dinkacomo.I s a happy tim o fail memers tsit rounthdinetableand eno tedliiousfd.(



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