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1、语法填空训练 30 题语法填空训练 30 题Exercise 1In some science fiction movies,the robots (1)_ (be) just like humans.Theyhelp (2)_ the housework and do the most (3)_ (pleasant) jobs.In the future, there willbe more robots everywhere, and humans will have(4)_ (little) work to do.New robots will have many (5)_ (diffe

2、rent)shapes. Some will look like humans and (6)_ might look like snakes,after(7)_ earthquake, a snake robot will help look for people under buildings.That may not seem possible now, (8)_ computers, space rockets and evenelectric toothbrushes seemed (9)_(possible)a hundred years ago. Wenever know (10

3、)_ will happen in the future.Exercise 2When I mention England to you, (1)_ comes up in your mind first? Thefoggy weather, the elegant gentleman, (2)_ the most celebrated Big Ben?England has (3)_ special culture that was inherited (4)_ the old GreatBritain. The most attractive thing must be the polit

4、e (5)_(impress) ofthose English people.Ladies there are probably greatly (6)_(respect), butmen can also get some good treatment. England is a developed country. It(7)_(great) depends on (8)_ tradition of courtesy (礼貌) .If you areseeking for a safe place (9)_(spend) your holiday, do not wait (10) _mo

5、re, come to England.Exercise 3The UK is one nation, (1)_ a single passport, and a single governmenthaving sovereignty(主权) over it all, but (2)_ the full name of the nationsuggests, (3) _ is made up of different elements. It (4)_(including) fourparts: the Island of Great Britain is made up of England

6、, Scotland (5)_Wales,and Northern Ireland, a province on the (6)_ (neighbour) island,completes the set. (7)_ when discussing Britain and British some considerationhas to be made of these (8)_(different): for example, a woman from2Scotland would not be (9)_(please) if we were to call (10)_ English.Ex

7、ercise 4When I first worked in a newspaper office, I (1)_(tell) to proofread(校对) the stories (2)_ they were printed. (3)_ a saying goes, proofreadingis like (4)_ (sweep) away the ash, (5)_ always appear after you haveswept them away. Its true. You cantimagine (6)_ hard my first month in theoffice wa

8、s.What impressed (7)_ most was a 200-word story, with which I wasasked to proofread it for ten times. Every time I felt (8)_ article was perfect,my boss could always pick out another error (9)_ (easy). I had to spend fourhours and a half (10)_ it.Exercise 5Two young ladies were lost (1)_ a snowstorm

9、 on the way to the Alps.They (2)_ (hide) in a nivation cirque (雪坑) and had nothing (3)_ twobars of chocolates. Amazingly, they went back home safe and sound. (4)_(compare) with men, women seem very thin and weak. But the (5)_ (true) is,the fat in a woman, even if it is a very thin (6)_, is far more

10、than that in(7)_ ordinary man. Thats one of the reasons(8)_ the two young ladiescould survive. They waited (9)_ (patience) in the nivation cirque and gotout (10)_ the weather was fine.Exercise 6Can you imagine something (1)_ is already a wreck gets ruined (2)_too much news reports and over-concern?

11、Well, that seems to be happening to the Titanic, the worlds most famous ship (3)_ is reported on TV time (4)_again.Only a few years (5)_, the Titanic was in rather good condition and(6)_(expect) to last another 100 years. (7)_ with too many historians,film-makers and excited tourists (8)_ (get) in a

12、nd out of the shipwreckevery day, maybe (9)_ will take only about 30 years (10)_ the Titanic istotally ruined.3Exercise 7We all know that the Internet is playing (1)_ more and more importantpart in our (2)_ (day) life. (3)_ the Internet, we can get as muchinformation (4)_ we can. We can send e-mails

13、 to (5)_ friends and talk to(6)_ as well. Besides, on the Internet we can read books, enjoy music (7)_watch ball games. We can also do shopping without (8)_ (leave) our homes.(9)_ many students spend (10)_ much time playing Internet games. Theywaste a lot of time. We must make good use of the Intern

14、et.Exercise 8In the future, the umbrellas are quite different (1)_ what it is at present.One day in 2020,when you are in a cafe (2)_ (hide) from a rain, you mayfind (3)_ LV purse in the hand of an old lady (4)_ (turn) into anumbrella. And then you shall see a boy press a button on his backpack, (5)_


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