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1、专利权转让合同s Republic of China中华人民共和国科学技术部印制Printed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People本合同乙方将其 的专利权转让甲方,甲方受让并支付相应的转让价款。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分 地表达各自意愿的根底上,根据?中华人民共和国合同法?的规定, 达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。Party B desires to assign its Patent of to Party A, and Party Adesires to accept such assignment and p

2、ayment a corresponding assignment fee. On the basis of truly and fully expressing their own respective intentions and in accordance with the Contract Law of the People Republic of China, both parties hereto, through negotiation, agree as follows.第一条:本合同转让的专利权:Article 1 The Patent to be assigned here

3、in1. 专利类型 Patent type:创造 invention、实用新型 utility model、 外观设计design。2. 创造人 Inventor /设计人为 Designer: 。3. 专禾U权人 Patentee 。4. 专利授权日 Date of Issuance 。5. 专利号 Patent Number 。6. 专利有效期限 Valid Term of the Patent: 。7. 专利年费已交至 The payment of annual fee of the patent has been made as of。第二条乙方在本合同签署前实施或许可本项专利权的状况

4、如下:Article 2 The exploitation or licensing of the Patent by Party B prior to the execution of this contract is as follows1 .乙方实施本项专利权的状况(时间、地点、方式和规模)Party B s exploitation of the Patent (date, place, method and size): 。2 .乙方许可他人使用本项专利权的状况(时间、地点、方式和规模)Party B sicensing of the Patent (date, place, met

5、hod and size) to any third party : 。3 .本合同生效后,乙方有义务在 日内将本项专利权转让的状 况告知被许可使用本创造创造的当事人。After this contract becomes effective, Party B is obligated to notify the licensee of the patent assignment hereunder within days.第三条 甲方应在本合同生效后,保证原专利实施许可合同的履行。Article 3 After this contract becomes effective, Party A

6、 shall ensure the performance of the original patent licensing contracts.乙方在原专利实施许可合同中享有的权利和义务, 自本合同生效之日 起,由甲方承受。乙方应当在 日内通知并协助原专利实施许可合同的让与人与甲方办理合同变更事项。Party B srights and obligations under the original patent licensing contracts shall be borne by Party A from the date when this contract becomes effe

7、ctive. Party B shall, within days, notify and assist theassignee(s) of the original patent licensing contract(s) in dealing with the change of contract(s) with Party A.第四条本合同生效后乙方继续实施本项专利的,按以下约定办理:Article 4 If Party B continuously exploits this patent after this contract becomes effective, it shall

8、be handled as follows:。第五条为保证甲方有效拥有本项专利权,乙方应向甲方提交以下技术资料:Article 5 For the purpose of ensuring that Party A effectively owns this patent, Party B shall submit the following technical data to Party A: ;第六条乙方向甲方提交技术资料的时间、地点、方式如下:Article 6 Party B shall submit the technical data to Party A according to

9、the following date, place and method:1 .提交时间 Date of Submission:。2 . 提交地点 Place of Submission:。3 .提交方式 Method of Submission:。第七条本合同签署后,由乙方负责在 日内办理专利权转让登记事宜。Article 7 After this contract is signed, Party B shall be responsible for going through the registration procedure for the assignment of Patent.

10、 第八条 为保证甲方有效拥有本项专利,乙方向甲方转让与实施本项 专利权有关的技术秘密:Article 8 For the purpose of ensuring that Party A effectively owns this patent, Party B shall assign to Party A the technical secrets relating to the exploitation of this Patent.1 .技术秘密的内容 Content of Technical Secretsj。2 .技术秘密的实施要求 Requirement for Implemen

11、ting the Technical Secrets:。3 .技术秘密的保密范围和期限 Scope of Non-Disclosure and Term of Technical Secrets:。第九条乙方应当保证其专利权转让不侵犯任何第三人的合法权益。如发生第三人指控甲方侵权的,乙方应当 。Article 9 Party B shall undertake that its patent assignment does not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. In the event

12、 that if any third party brings a charge against Party A, Party B shall o第十条乙方对本合同生效后专利权被宣告无效,不承当法律责任。Article 10 If the patent is declared invalid after this contract becomes effective, Party B shall not be legally liable therefore .第十一条甲方向乙方支付该项专利权转让的价款及支付方式如下:Article 11 Party A shall pay Party B t

13、he assignment fee for the patent assignment as follows:1 .专利权的转让价款总额为 The total amount of the assignment fee for the patent assignment shall b e。其中,技术秘密转让价款为 Wherein, the assignment fee for the technical secrets shall be。2 .专利权的转让价款由甲方一次、分期或提成支付乙方。Theassignment fee for the patent shall be paid by Pa

14、rty A to Party B in one lump sum, in installments or by deducting a percentage of earnings.具体支付方式和时间如下The method and date of payment are asfollows : 。乙方开户银行名称、地址和帐号为 The name and address of Party B opening bank and the account number are as follow s开户银行:Opening Bank:地址:Address:帐号:Account Number:_第十二

15、条 双方确定,在本合同履行中,任何一方不得以以下方式限 制另一方的技术竞争和技术开展:Article 12 Both parties acknowledge that during the performance of this contract, neither party may restrict the technical competition and development of the other party in the following ways:。第十三条双方确定:Article 13 Both parties acknowledge that:甲方有权利用乙方转让专利权涉

16、及的创造创造进行后续改良。Party A shall have the right to make subsequentimprovement to the invention and creation involved in the patent to be assigned by Party B. 由此产生的具有实质性或创造性技术进步特征的新的技术成果,归(甲方、双方)方所有。具体相关利益的分配方法如下:The ownership of any new technical achievement thus obtained that has substantial or creative features of technical


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