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1、12月英语四级作文预测 2月英语四级作文预料 一提到英语四级作文,想必是不少学生的软肋。不要焦急,下面jbys网我为大家带来了一系列作文预料题,希望大家可以好好练习。 1月英语四级作文预料一:生活的意义与目的预料题目:ireons: Fo hi rt, yuare allowed 30 minues t write a esy cmmentig on the yng qut;Temeanng oflie is o f yur git, he puroef fe is to ive it aay.&uot; ouacte examles llustrt yurpinew. You shuld w

2、rite at least 120ords but nomore han8words.参考范文: The Meaning and Pupseo LifeEvryonemayencoe a sceewhen h orswones h themeaing and purpseflfe . ss to his question varyfrom persn to persn.As fre,Iagree wit t ve tat eeanng f lf isto iscovr yur ift andthe pupos of lifeis to mke the bet of it. On o hnd,e

3、#3; gift cud thesourceo i inn hapiness,ovidig spirial impetuand ce ointation. Tke the orld-rnowneChse piaist Lang ang a an example. His giftwas ntcedbfre e was 3 yearold,whichlad h foundationofhi gloriosfe. On theotherhnd,rper useof talent hlps peopetorealize teir va ina osiive , thu main cnibti t t

4、he sita hoe. F istne, Isaaewondea universlly amzig disoveybydigging into hsgit and fnding the eon s lwo graviaion. I cclin, let#;ssearch or o true ift and uiie i toe fles to ahiea happy advauabl life. 12月英语四级作文预料二:手机在沟通中扮演的角色预料题目: Direcions: For tis part,you ar llod 30miutes to wite a hortessy be

5、d onthe pcture below. You ould comen o role moblepone inpeople's cmunication. Yo rerequired t wie at lst120 wordn more th 10 words. 参考范文: Th Role f Mobie on in opl#;s ouicain h populriy o smrtphones has exrted et iecen the ay peolcomunate,so mch so thata ireasing nueofiniuals contend hat aetoe c

6、omnictin i bei repaced bytet n iage o the moil pne. Tere are morhan one ge to consdrhipheomnon. On o had,it peastl acnolegd that smartphones shrtenthe istae betwen ailies and friends. Even eop f diferet sdes o te gloe canshare icues, eelns toughts throh varoustpesf ps ontephone, thus buiding g-itan

7、cnnecion.O thot han, a te ictueans us, o muh rtphon dcininerfres ith peop#39;sreal-lifemuncin.Stitic how hatver 70 peen of face-oface cmmunicaton cists f facialexpressions and boy lnguge, whiciswhy pole shoultayaway fom mobie phoes hnthe have te cane tocuallytkandcomune ith others. Ina ord,mbe phons at as an approprateplafm whee poplean alays t n tgh oweveron the ditne is, bt wise anshoulkn en toput dw hs ph.更多本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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