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1、2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题I shall explain the rules _ we have received many objections.问题1选项A.to whichB.to whereC.to whoD.to whom【答案】A【解析】考查语法。空格处需要选择一个定语从句的引导词,而先行词是物,所以只能用which或者that,但是先行词在从句中充当的宾语,objection to表示“反对”,因此前面引导词要用to which。句意:我将解释一下之前收到许多反对意见的条例。因此A项正确。2. 单选题The factory

2、s waste was found to be detrimental to the environment.问题1选项A.harmfulB.helpfulC.harmlessD.harsh【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。detrimental表示“不利的,有害的”;A项harmful“有害的”,B项helpful“有帮助的”,C项harmless“无害的”,D项harsh“严厉的,严酷的”。句意:人们发现这家工厂的废物对环境有害。因此A项正确。3. 单选题Critics of early schooling cite research that questions whether 4-yea

3、r-old children are ready to take on formal learning. Educators find that 21 toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, 22 their younger counterparts are more likely to _23 _. Kindergarten children who turn five during the 24 half of the year seem to be at a disadvantage when it

4、 25 physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. Additionally, children who are nearly six when they enter kindergarten 26 to receive better grades and score higher on achievement 27 throughout their schooling experience 28 do those who begin kindergarten having just turned five. Being

5、 bright and verbally skillful and being ready for school do not seem to be the 29 thing. It is easy to confuse the superficial poise and sophistication of many of todays children 30 inner maturity. Indeed, evidence suggests that early schooling boomerangs: Youngsters 31 parents push them to attain a

6、cademic success in preschool axe less creative, have 32 anxiety about tests, and, by the end of kindergarten, fail to maintain their initial academic advantage 33 their less-pressured peers.Many psychologists and educators remain skeptical of approaches that place 4-year-olds in a formal educational

7、 setting. They question 34 environmental enrichment can significantly alter the built-in development timetable of a child reared in a non disadvantaged home. They do not deny, however, the 35 of day-care centers and nursery schools that provide a homelike environment and allow children 36 freedom to

8、 play, develop at their own 37_, and evolve their social skills. But they point out that many of the things children once did in first grade are now 38 of them in kindergarten, and they worry lest more and more will now be asked of 4-year-olds, There psychologists and educators believe we are drivin

9、g young children too 39 and thereby depriving them of their 40_.问题1选项A.olderB.tallerC.strongerD.smarter问题2选项A.sinceB.now thatC.therebyD.whereas问题3选项A.fallB.failC.fleeD.fear问题4选项A.lateB.laterC.latestD.latter问题5选项A.lies inB.deals withC.comes toD.calls for问题6选项A.helpB.wantC.tendD.prefer问题7选项A.testsB.tr



12、6题:A第17题:A第18题:C第19题:B第20题:B【解析】21.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查上下文。A项older“更年长的”,B项taller“更高的”,C项stronger“更强壮的”,D项smarter“更聪明的”。根据后文中的their younger counterparts可以知道这里是一个对比,所以我们应该填入一个和younger做对比的词语,A项最符合。句意:教育家们发现,年龄较大的学步儿童更有可能在他们的学校生涯中取得成功。故选择A正确。22.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查语义。A项since“自从”,B项now that“既然,由于”,C项thereby“从而,因此

13、”,D项whereas“然而,鉴于”。根据句子Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, their younger counterparts are more likely to(教育家们发现,年龄较大的学步儿童更有可能在他们的学校生涯中取得成功,他们的年轻同龄人则更有可能)可知,此处需要一个表示转折的连词,A、B、C选项都是表示因果的,故选择D正确。23.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查语义。A项fall“摔倒”,B项fail“失败”,C项flee“逃走,

14、消失”,D项fear“恐惧,害怕”。根据句子Educators find that older toddlers are more likely to succeed during their school careers, whereas their younger counterparts are more likely to(教育家们发现,年龄较大的学步儿童更有可能在他们的学校生涯中取得成功,然而他们的年轻同龄人则更有可能)可知,年纪大一点的孩子更容易取得更好的成绩,那也就是说年纪稍小的容易出错或失败,故选择B正确。24.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查固定搭配。A项late“迟,晚”,B项later“随后”,C项latest“最近的,最新的”,D项latter“后者的,近来的”。根据句子Kindergarten children who turn five during thehalf of the year seem to be at a disadvantage(



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