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1、三年级英语期中调研试卷听力部分(40 分)听录音,给下列图片标上数字序号。(10分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) (#B. cray onB. un derB. myC. rulerC. wi ndowC.your()9.A.book B.boxC.Bobby()10.A. what B. whoC. where听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1. A.dri nkB.talkC.eat()2. A.sleepB.capC.pie()3. A.runB. birdC.parrot()4. A.standB.sitC.shout()5.A. class B. chairC. cake(

2、)6.A. rubber()7.A. behi nd()8.A. he(10三、听录音,判断所听内容与所给句子是否一致, 一致的写“T”不一致的写“F” 分)()1. This isn t my pencil.()2. Don t talk, Liu Tao.()3. Where s my pencil? Guess.()4. Is that your pencil?()5. Please open the door.四.听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)()1. A. I m sorr y.B. Yes, it is.()2. A. It s a pencil case. B. No, i

3、t isn t.()3. A. It s on the desk.B. He s behind the door.()4. A. Y es, Miss Li. B. No, tha nk you.5. A. Its a bird.B. How beautiful!笔试部分(60 分)、根据中文提示将句子补充完整。(10分)1. This is my(2尺).2. Where s the-(鸟)?It s( 在后面)the desk.3. D on t drink my-(牛奶 ).4. Pleaseope n the:(门).Y es.二.找出不同类的单词,把序号写在题前的括号内。(5分)()

4、I.A.eat B.talkC.window( )2.A.pe ncilB.ope nC.rubber()3. A. in B. un der C. chair()4. A. my B. you C. your()5. A.where B.this C.that三、选择填空。(10分)()1. Don t run, Mike! .A. Sorry, Mr Gree n. B. Y es, please. C. No, tha nk you.()2. a new schoolbag?C. It isA. This is B. Is that()3. Liste nthe teacher(老师),

5、pleaseA. atB. toC. in()4.the pie,please.-OK.A. EatB. DrinkC. Sleep()5.Thisyour ruler. Your ruler is over there.A. isn t B. is C. not()6.The bird isthe tree.A. onB.不填C. in()7. Is thisschoolbag?-Y es.A. IB.yourC. you()8.,please.OK.A. ComeB. come in C.Come in()9. ItsEn glish book.A. IB. myC.me()10. Its

6、 cold (冷).the win dow, please.A.Don t openB. OpenC. Talk四.给下列句子选择合适的译文。(10 分)()1. Is that your pen?A.那是你的钢笔吗?B.这是你的钢笔吗?()2.Where s my lunch box?A.我的书包在哪里?B.我的午餐盒在哪里?()3.Its under the tree.A.它在树下。B.它在树上()4.Its not here.A.它在那里。B.它不在这里。()5. Don t open thewindow.A.把窗户打开。B.不要把窗户打开。五.情景匹配。(10 分)()I.Would

7、you like a sweet?A.Y es. its my pencil()2.Is that your pen cil?B. Its on the desk.()3.Wheres the book?Cm sorry.()4.Whats this?D.No, tha nk you.()5.Dont shout.E.Its a rubber.六.根据情境选择合适的句子。(10分)()1当你想知道那是不是一块橡皮,你说A. It s a rubber.B. Is that a rubber?C. Is this a rubber ?()2.当你想把某物给某人时,你说 .A. This is f

8、or you.B. Thank you.C. Is this your bag?()3. 同学在课堂上吃东西,你提醒他:A. Don t talk.B. Don t drink.C. Don t eat.()4.妈妈告诉你蛋糕在书桌上,她会说:A. The cake is on the desk.B. The cake is in the desk.C. The cake is on the table.()5.当你的钢笔不见了时,你问别人 A. Where s your pen? B . Wherer s my pen?C. Is this your pen?七.将下列句子排列成完整的对话。

9、(5分)A. Hello, Yang Ling.C. What s this?B. No, it isn t.D. Hello, Mike.E. Is this your schoolbag, Yang Ling?F. It s a schoolbag.A听力材料二 听录音,给下列图片标上数字序号。 (听两遍 )1. a chair 2. a bird 3. sleep 4.a pencil case 5. a desk 二听录音,选出你所听到的单词 (听两遍 )1. talk 2. pie 3. run 4. shout 5. class6.crayon 7. under 8. your 9

10、.box 10. what三. 听录音,判断所听内容与所给句子是否一致,一致的写“T”不一致的写“F” (听 两遍)1. This is my pencil.2. Don t talk, Liu Tao.3. Where s my pencil? Guess.4. Is this your pencil?5. Please close the door.四. 听录音,选择合适的应答句。(听三遍 )1. Is that a big rubber?2. What s this on the desk?3. Where s the book?4. Please open the window, Liu Tao.5. Look at the bird.



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