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1、Unit Friendship一、 Analysis of the MaterialThis unit carried out various kinds of teaching activities around the topic of “ friendship ”content.The involved in this unit include : why do we need friend?How to make friends with others?The way to express and build relationshipSo the students will be ab

2、le to know the rich connotation of friendship. It will also enhance the Ssunderstanding of friendship.So they can talk about this topic with their friends freely.This is my Ss first English class in senior high school.Whether this class is successful or has a direct effect onthe students English lea

3、rning interest in the future. So this class is very important.二、 Analysis of the studentsMy students are first-grade students of senior high school.They have been learning English in junior high school and have accumulated a certain number of vocabularies.They have mastered some simple learning stra

4、tegies and skills with a preliminary ability of speaking and writing.However, the differences in students personality and English proficiency arevery large. So my teaching design should have gradient to meet the need of different student.As a language, the most basic function of English is human com

5、munication.But the general condition of Chinese students is that they do not want to speak English.So in my class, I strongly recommend the students to speak up to practice their oral English.三、 Teaching objectives1.The Ss will learn the new words, grammar and useful expression in this text.2.The Ss

6、 will learn some basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is the focus in this lesson.Reading skills for Ss including( predicting, skimming, scanning and careful reading.)3.The Ss will have a better understanding of the importance of friendship. Encourage the Ss to value the

7、 friendship. 四、 Teaching key points and difficult pointsKey points: Learn the use of direct speech and indirect speed of statement and question. Learn how to express agreement and disagreement.Difficult points: Train the Ss to sum up the information obtained from the text and speak out in their own

8、words.五、 Teaching MethodsAccording to the psychological characteristics of high school Ss, the teacher should adopt various forms of teaching methods, and Ss should participate in the class activity, in orderto stimulate Ss interest, so that they will learn to participate in and learn from participa

9、tion. I decide to use the following teaching methods.1. Task-based learningfor example: Let the Ss complete some reading tasks.2. Cooperative learningfor example: group discussion六、 Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead inAt the beginning of the class, I will introduce some proverb to the Ss. Such as:A lif

10、e without a friend is a life without a sun.A friend in need is a friend indeed.You can buy friendship with friendship, but never with dollars.So the Ss will know people generals views on friend and friendship.Purpose: to introduce the proverb is to introduce the topic to the Ss in a interesting way.

11、 And it can also develop the S s habit ofaccumulating language.Step 2 Warming up(1) I will ask the students to discuss some questions in groups. After a few minutes, I will ask the group leader to report their answers. This part is designed to know the Ssview on friendship. It is also a preparation

12、for the survey of next stage. If the time permitted, I will ask the Ss to write their answers on the blackboard.Names S1S2S3QuestionsA.Areyougoodatmaking friends?B.Doyouhavefriends?C.What are the specialqualities of your bestfriend?D.What do you wantfrom a friend?(2) Let the Ss fillin the survey in

13、the Ss book. Then I willanalyze and give comments on students answers. Purpose: So I will have an In-depth understanding of each student attitudes towards friends, and help Ss to examine themselves, to guide Ss to form the correct values and principle. Step 3 Pre-readingGroup discussion: divide the

14、students in to groups to discuss the following questions.1.Why do you needs friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you?2.What else can be our friends besides human beings?3.Look at the title and skim the first paragraph of the text to find what Anne s best friend is.(1)For the

15、first question, I will guide the Ss to use the mind-map to list why friends are important to us. This thinking process, which is very effective learning strategy, can open Ss mind at a large extent. Next, I will ask the Ss to discuss. At last, I will sim up the Ss opinions.Mybest friendoftenFriends are helpful.helpsmewithmystudies.WeplaybaseballFriends are good company.together. We.Friends


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