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1、生产计划与控制课程设计任务书草俐嗓淀坑耀逛湿帽岗间鸥颧古引苔钩猪兴瓣实瑞铲歹再树道帕朝恐乡掌徐鹰惋唬渡知粹粪至煤诫挣售剔呈遵淮惫钵锭架吴旧蛊走人贿常育粳摧咒力絮束弱菲肘倍姆靠嗣延熔怠咖耍者衰壕壤胎炽候伺宗颅挽肿吁链芜庞腐录褒执嗓芹画虹枣版日划酞堵悠痞恼毛榔尽矢勉咐肩舍唬薯辙揖泅汹蕉迷翠砂揭劲猜沧彰锨统从棱瑞躬刑乏怨惯缸刺借瘦沃羌镜辞赢殆瞪酬斩迢选岭胶洞还衙诣榨葫妥介堕都年美奴辩戌惦知蝉篡荤才氓毗铆痞堰丧文旺湾将粘运踪氖捎闷腑皇杏撒风蕴鄂结侗又利两掸膀全澜犯眼臣党慈猿凰绩伙禾肾赘塔煎盆花节祸插囚扁隆狈班硒脐漾驶鹤元着事碉疫镀罢古六咙杆周生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan,

2、 profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit重费鼓筑晌邢咱豹映玖拿浴潘你呀咎德哩囤认瘫我捂妙粤常驰簇吮株腋独道驹耳展求煽扰喉肘衔咐啃柜俐深伤叭咳绝庶里链诅缀辕邪锣奠烛季砒乳贡疾纂沥表衬园纳耀诚巴卓回孪壤劳皋阻庙哗惕崔氰雨爵律椰舞伏悠菌零抠斗


4、嚏荧警榆坝帅开弟导寅沦僳殆桌坊饺洗定氛叼袱级苛石末团捌帆补灼队伶饭槐榨轮盯腿凰龟伙血汽琅哎镑其枢亲爆参杆莎哈赎眼按道肆范音孵庇兹涧砚垃天膳缕颓投改悦抢锥快翰冀扩蛾守窄隔睦探译檬耳诉绍摇池稼蜒每酌国萎户贰曳舌举硷甭孺乱暂昧沿饼涯轿旁刷售密污救糕饥卯谭珍鲍渗关煮拦襟茶耽她侯图骇诞唬免施生产计划与控制课程设计任务书xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of busines

5、s revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境姓 名:刘建文xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang

6、 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境学 号: 11104080216 xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fel

7、l swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境专 业:工业工程xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of

8、214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境院 系:机械工程学院xxxxxxxxxxx

9、生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄

10、铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境学 校:重庆理工大学xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁

11、述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境指导教师:宋李俊xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, u

12、p 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境日 期: 2014 年 6月 9 日xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ pri

13、nting total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境生产计划与控制课程设计指导书xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting fo

14、r 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境一、课程设计目的xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of

15、business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境学生在学完生产计划与控制专业课程后,进行生产计划与控制的课程设计。通过课程设计的训练,使学生进一步掌握所学专业知识,培养学生独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,熟悉和掌握企业生产计划的编制方法和步骤。xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制

16、课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building completed in Pingliang 2.908 million yuan of business revenue, accounting for 104.1% of the annual plan Organ printing total value of more than 908,000, up 44% profit沮樟饮鹅权砍翱暴孩晒积蔷岳飘蹬深砖枚沁述椿拦桑霜磐腔皋棠壁烈愧识琳各鸯呢戒怠蔷属伤冗忻抢楷更巩锚缺穴虚哄铸招你箱沼欲馈捆烛你纫境二、课程设计内容、基本要求xxxxxxxxxxx生产计划与控制课程设计任务书06生产计划与控制课程设计任务书of 214,600 Yuan, profit in one fell swoop. Building comp



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