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1、精文教育五年级第一学期小学英语质检卷一.选出下列各组中不同类的单词。5%( ) A. MondayB FrdyC.SnyD. day( ) 2.A. MissB. musicC. rD. Mrs( ) 3. A atB. tallC.bgD. bag( ) 4.te keC. milD. egg( ) A. smart.stictC. shotD. ugar二选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。%( ) .befB. teaC eeD. reak( )2A. bnB elow.indoDsnow( )3A. owB. cropC. a clean( ) . A. ack. bloC. roD. b

2、ck( ) A coB. gC.radD. moth三.按规定写出下列单词的合适形式。10%1.Tsday(缩略形式)2.have(第三人称单数形式)3 tomato(复数)4ndes(单数)5. dnt(完全形式)四.选择填空。10%( ). my s 10 ol.A. yarB yeryun( ) 2. Tmatoes my fvourite foodA iB. reC.()3 e firs day a wek i .A.SurdayB. SunayC. Mondy( ) 4. Tee are daysn week. sB.elvnC. seven( ) 5 I le icecram.It

3、s .A. ourB.se. alty五句型转换。%1. do, , h,Wedesy, ou?(连词成句)2We hav art n mus a nay(改错句). ts Saturay(就划线部分提问). ke pork for nch.(改为否认句)5 hav to ea vegetables(译成中文)六.阅读理解。阅读下面对话,根据对话内容判断下列句子的对错,对的的在括号里写“T”,错误的写“”。10 Srah:Hi, Chn Jie. Chen Ji:Hi,Sarah.o you hav nw tees? ata:e. We have two w tahers. Chen Jie:

4、o aeey? atah:n Engl tache,a music techr ad Chinestacr. hJi:ow, t o god Wh yourEnglsh eacher? Sarah:Msshite. h veryact. He class s o uch fun.Weall like he. Chen Je:hts shelke? Sarah:She tall and thn.hesyun. e ave Engsh class day. Ch Jie:at great! ( ) . Sarah has three newtecers ( )2.Sarah Ceseteacher

5、 is a ew teahr ( ) 3. Mis Wit i a mic teacher. ( ) . Miss Whit s sor ad thi. ( )5. Sara hasEngishclss a.第一题,听音,选择所听到的内容。. oo. nie3. twomaps4. ridge.Thrsda6. tst7. hury8. eggplant.do hoswok1. dliksome mutn第二题,听音,标号。cik2.haburger3.4sou.rice6.fihmlk.nooles9.abbage1.pork第三题,听音,判断下图与所听的内容与否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的

6、打“”。.r.Bonis short ad thin. I hv haburgrand atr for bradfst. I often ply compuer gasn Sns4. s ridy, we ave ath and P.E. I lke Frdays.5. lk chken, cabge, grs a eggplant第四题,听音,选出对的的答案。1. os you tteache?2. MrCeni Xio Mins fater, Is heyoung?3. What dyis t tday?4. Wa o you have fo unch ta?5. Whats ou fao

7、urte food?第五题,听音,填空。1What ou fao frut?. oe do homwk Saturdays. 3. What day it a? tsWednsda 4. Is he kd? es, is. 5. Hes tall nduny.听力部分(4分) 姓名_ 得分_ 一、 听句子,选出句中所涉及的信息。每个句子读两遍。(每题1分,计0分。)( ) . . father B. mothr C. boter ( ) 2 . A. nine . rd C.oi() 3 . A. long B. laes C ee ( ) 4 A. aunt har .ncle ( ) A

8、tchr B. docr . lek ( )6 . A nose B. at C map ( ) 7 . Aup B. ast C.ef ( ). A. Caada B.Chin . .S. ( ) . . Chnese renh CEnlsh( )10. A. now .ow knee 二、听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每题分,计0分。) ( ) A lo B. red .blu ( ) A. ow . gh . lef ( )13 . .Canda B.hin C.urala ( )14 . . B. Ye X ( )1 . A. re B.hnes CEnglsh 三、看图,听

9、音判断。如果你听到的句子与图意相符,请写“T”;如果不符请写“” 。每个句子读两遍。(每题2分,计10分。)( )21 ( )2 ( )2.( )24. ( )25.四、听音,在横线上写出你所听到的单词。每个小题读两遍。(每个单词1分,计10分。) 26.Th i m_, m _anme. 27. Heis _th Je . A _o heorld 29. In_,we_ _. . Do yo _what country is _ofth_, LiMin ? 笔试部分(6分) 一、根据汉语意思,写出对的的英语单词。(每题2分,计10分。) 1. Jennyis_(高) tha LiMin . 2。_(北京 ) s thecapital city of ina . . _( 北 ) poitspnamap . 4Thisis _(西方 ) . 3. A ma o _(加拿大 ) . 二、 看图写出对的的单词。(10分) 6._ ._ 8._ 9._ _ 三、把图片与单词连起来。(10分) 11.Auali 12.China 3.the .S. 4 Cana 15. theU. 四、单选。(每题1分,计10分。)( )16.They r_han my ather. A. od B lder . yoe ( )1


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