八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings Section D学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings Section D学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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1、Unit5 Topic3 SectionD【知识与能力目标】了解保持好心情的建议。【自主先学】 一、英译汉,朗读并默写这些词语,然后在1的短文中圈出来,体会它们在句中的用法。spirit_silent_ decision_ sense_ in good spirits_ take care of_think over_make a decision_ a sense of_ 二、阅读短文,和同伴讨论文章中给出的有关保持好心情的建议。三、大声朗读Grammar中的句子,写出这些句子的类型,并用这些句型造句。四、熟读Functions中的功能句。【课堂导学】学习任务一1.阅读1的短文,完成文后的表

2、格。2. 利用表格内容复述课文。学习任务二1.根据自身实际完成2a。2.翻译短语:怎样保持好的心情_从某人那里得到帮助_仔细考虑_影响我们的心情和情绪_做一个重要的决定_回归到_工作或学习得更好_照顾我们自己_你的日常活动_每天运动和放松_幸福感_和朋友交谈_记得吃健康的食品_睡眠质量高_认为_不要保持沉默 【小组议学】 一.知识链接教师点拨释疑1.think it over/think about it /think of it 2. get back to 回到3. give a sense of happiness 4.such as+名词或doing5. in good spirits

3、=in a good spirit心情好 6. decidedecision二.学生归纳整理重要句型:1.Itsvery important for us to be in a good mood 2.We must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in good spirits.【交流展示】 根据2a,写一篇关于如何保持高兴心情的短文,先在组内交流,然后在大班展示,看哪一组的同学写得最好。【当堂检测】一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Its very important for us_(study)English hard 2.It will

4、help you bring back a sense of _(happy)二、汉译英。3.你应该仔细考虑一下我的建议。_.4.你一定要学会照顾好我自己。_.5.我们决定这个周末去野餐。_.三、单项选择。( ) 6- Oh, I always make mistakes. - Before doing things, use your head to _.A. think them of B. think them over C. think over them( ) 7. - I left my book at home. - It doesnt matter. Remember _ it

5、 here tomorrow.A. brings B. bringing C. to bring ( ) 8. - Follow the doctors advice _ you will get well soon.A. so B. or C. and ( ) 9. Everybody in our class _ very excited because we won.A. felt B. feel C. feels ( ) 10. It is very important _ us _ English well.A. of; learnB. for; to learn C. for; learning 反思小结:1.本课我们学习了有关如何保持好心情的话题。所涉及的重点词汇有spirit,_等。短语有think over,_等。复习了语法_。通过本课学习,我能用英语_。2.通过本课学习,我觉得自己在_(词汇、语法、写作、阅读)方面掌握的很好,在_方面还需要加强。我会通过_方法来解决。


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