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1、诚悦教育七年级上册英语期中测试卷(岀卷人:陈老师 满分:150分)姓名: 年级: 成绩:一:在下列四线格中写出26个英文字母的大小写形式(10分) 二:词汇和句型 (25分)(一)据汉语提示和单词首字母提示用单词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. The store sells many En glish-Ch in ese(字典)2. I?have?a n?婶婶)?in ?America3. This is 我的)ruler.4. His l name is Smith.5. Those are her g .They are very old.(二)根据要求完成句子(15分)1. That i

2、s my dicti onary. (变为复数句子) our.2. two, is, and, these, my, sisters, my, that, brother, are连词成句)4.Is this your brother?(作否定回答), 5.My name isLinda .(对划线部分提问) Name?6.That?is?her?eraser.(变为一般疑问句)her. ?三:从下面四个选项中选出正确答案(30分)1. Mum, my English teacher .Miss Chen.A:they areB:she isC : he isD: these are2.-Wh

3、at color is it ?-IX ” -It sA:my sisterB:rightC : redD : his pen cile3.-Niceto meetyou .-Niceto meetyou 一A:tooB: toC: onD: two4. -B. Can you spell “watch” D. He can spell “watch”Yes, W-A-T-C-H, watch.A. Is it a watch?C. How do you spell “watch”5.Are these your brothers?A. Yes, they is B. No, they are

4、C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they arent6. Some books and a pencil-boxin the bag.A. areB. isC. haveD. has7. s this your pencil case?A. Sorry B. Im sorryC. Excuse me D. Hello8. Please call Mary356403.A. inB. atC. toD. of9 this inEn glish ?- It apen.A: WhereB : WhyC : HowD : What10. This isorange and that

5、ischair.A. an aB. /; a C. a; aD. a , an11. Arestude nts in your class?A. thatB. ThisC. theseD. you12 -.Whats your first n ame ,Jim Gree n ?A:Gee nB: Jim Gree nC:Gree n JimD: Jim13. -Good morning ,girls and boys.- Miss Che n.A :Good after noonB: Good eve ningC: Good morni ng D: Good ni ght14. - are y

6、ou ?Im fine, thanksA :What B : How C : Where D: Why15. -What is your ?- It 213-4538.A: pho ne nu mber B: n ame C : color D: father四:补全对话,从方框中选出可以填入空格的最佳选项(10分)A. How do you doB. Nice to meet you, tooC. This is my motherA. Gllummt:JnSriJim. JimE .(NX, shes not my friendB. (2), Mrs Smith. C: Good morn

7、ing, Jim. How do you do ?B: (3)?C: Who is the girl? Is she your friend?B: (4)Shes my sister, Kate.C: Nice to meet you, Kate.A. rice, meat and vegetablesB. no odles and dumpli ngsD: (5), Mrs Smith.五:完型填空(20分)I am a boy. My _1is Tom Green.2 _ is my last name. What 3 sinEn glish? It s a pen .It is 4 pe

8、 n. It is blue. I like it very much. This is my jacket. It is very big(大的).It is in a size( 尺码)5_. This is my sister.6_n ame is Lin da. She7_ seven. I have(有)a8. Its number is 555-3788. There are( 有)9 people(人)in my family. It is a happy( 幸福的)10. My pare nts love us. We lovethem, too.1. A. familyB.

9、En glishC.n ame2. A. GreenB. Tom Gree nC.Tom3. A. itB. thisC.you4. A. yourB. hisC.my5. A. SB. MC.L6. A. HerB. SheC.Its7. A. amB. isC.are8. A. phoneB. rulerC.key9. A. twoB. threeC.four10. A. familyB. schoolC.map六:阅读理解(30 分)AHello! My name is Mile. I am from the USA. Now I am with my parents. I like C

10、hina with my pare nts. I like Chin a; I like Chin ese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I have an egg, some bread and porridge粥)for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have differe nt food for lun ch. I

11、 eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodle(面) and dumplings (水饺).I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1. Mike is.A. America nB .En glish2. For breakfast, Mike hasA. an egg, an apple and porridg

12、eC. an apple, bread and milk3. He has lunch.A. at schoolB. at home4. He hasfor lun ch.C. Chi neseD. in the USAB. an egg, bread and porridgeD. an egg, an apple and breadC. in a restaura nt D. with his pare ntsD.A and BC. chicke n, meat and fruit5. Sometimes they have dinner.A. at schoolB. in a restau

13、ra nt with some frie ndsB根据下列启事的相关信息选择正确答案。Lost: AFound:A dogLost:Found: A math bookLost:backpack,Black and white.A pin g-p ong bat,Is that your mathMy computer gameMy n ame isPlease call MsMy n ame isbook ? Please callIt s yelloMy namePeter. PleaseGree n. Pho nefrMike. Please callAlice.Phone#is Tom

14、. Please callcall 529-6403685-6034235-0285495-3456495-3539()6. You lost your math book. You may (可以)call.A. 495-3456B. 495-3539 C. 529-6403D. 235-0285()7. You found a backpack. Maybe 可能)it bel ongs to(属于).A. AliceB. TomC. PeterD. Ms. Green()8. Ms. Gree n found.A. a black dog B. a white dog C. a black and white dog D. a blue dog()9. Tom lost his.A. computerB. yellow computer game C. yellow computerD. pin g-p ongbat()10. If you found a pin g-p ong bat, you can call.A. 495-3456B. 495


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