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1、Sentcetres 语句重音(一)语句重音指的是人们在朗读连贯的语句时哪些词要重读哪些词不重读的规则。下面简介的是有关语句重音的最一般的但却是最重要的规则:(一)在连贯的语句中需要重读的词有:名词、形容词、数词、实义动词、副词、某些代词(批示代词等)、疑问词、叹词等。这条规则可以用四个词来总结:实词重读。)名词 一般状况下名词在句中应重读。例如:An elephn is anail.(大象是一种动物)2)形容词一般均有语句重音。如:Her sht is bue and whie.(她的裙子是蓝、白色)3)数词分为基数词和序数词,两者在句中都应重读。例如:ohns nine.(约翰9岁)M s

2、cond broher s doctor.(我的二哥是个医生)实义动词实义动词有完整的意义,能在句中作谓语,一般均有语句重音。例如:Mary lov he dolls.(玛丽爱她的洋娃娃)Sh ins ll(她很会唱歌)5)副词大都在句中要重读。如:speas nglish sowly ad arfully.(她说起英语来又慢又小心)(6)代词指具有语句重音的代词,如批示代词:his, that, hee, hse 返身代词:mself, ouself, himslf如:He hiselfr hs ownfee.(是她自己伤着了自己的脚)不定代词:e,evey, al, bot, on,oth

3、er,many, few,sebd, sming等等。如:veybod a late.(每个人都迟到了)We are many,they re fe. (我们人多,她们人少。) Soe ae red, oe eue.(有某些是红色的,有些是蓝色的)疑问代词:h,hom, wose, wt, ich等。如:Who s tha?(那是谁?) Woebag an it be?(这能是谁的包呢?) would yoliketat?(你想吃点什么?)Whch s yorssr? (哪位是你的姐妹?)7)叹词 叹词在句中一般都要重读。例如,O, is sning!(啊,在下雪。) ey, thats ni

4、ce shot!(嗨,那是个好球!) My, h a dwnur!(哎呀,好大的雨啊!)Der !(表达惊讶:哎呀!)语句重音(二)(二)在连贯的语句中不重读的词有:1)冠词 冠词有两种:a(或an) t, 两者在句中一般都不重读。2)代词 指没有语句重音的代词。如:人称代词I,e, ou, h, him,sh, he等。物主代词 y, you,his, er, its,r, ther3)动词 指非实义动词 如:助动词 be(a, is, re, wee,was), all(shld), wil(wul)hae(has, had),do(does, did) 情态动词ca(could), ay

5、(migh), must, ae to(a , at), shal(shold), will(wod), ouht to, dae, need,usd to等。这些情态动词在语句中一般没有重音。4)连词 一般在句中不重读的连词有等立连词,如:and,or, o,bu;比较连词,如:, thn 附属连词,如:(f, whe, whle, nce, now tht,s if(tough等。5)介词 介词(特别是单音节介词)如出目前句子中间时一般不重读。常用的单音节介词有:t, b, for, from, of, to, no等。TENT WOSFUTIN OD elecron, en, radiu

6、s, pecies,strata expel, irgat, mitai, vole, rasct rcal, easle,leg, obsoete, vlid nua, arbrily, optionlly, pragmatically, heotaly mine, yors, hs, hers, thers ti, hat, the,tho;.g. Tilooks terestig. who, wht, when,whr ot, ant, it th, a, be, have, do I, you, /he, w, they this, that, tese, the; e.g.I lik

7、this universit. , n, vr, near, to ad,bcaus, t, so上面解说的只是语句重音的一般规则,但语句重音并不是一成不变的语音现象。根据说话时的不同心态、不同的着重点、不同的强调内容、不同的语调等可以使本来在句中应重读的词失去重音,而本来不重读的词却又成了重读的词。这些较为特殊、复杂的规则就无法在语音小常识中做具体的解说,只能留到后来的学习阶段再来学习、探讨了。Sntece StrssSine speeci mad uf wor trung togthr,we us ls k hse words in groups, inphrasesor insetncs

8、 in oder to observe wht hapsto the strs attern In auralconcted sech, fo arious eaon, som wors re treed, os anot Te strss i a sen is alled ntenestres(句重音). Senence sress can casified into theetes: sensres (表意重音),lical stess(逻辑重音) n motinal stress ( 感情重音).I.Snse stressSee stress i a erycommo hnoeon in

9、 cnetedpeech. Thditribtio of suchstrses is sube to te maning that the speae ishsto convyn nrl seech we u resn ordsseanticlly importnt. Such ors ae caldcontt r lexcalwd (实词), sh a nouns, adjetie, advebs, notinl verbs, numerl, intjecios, dontraie, inteogatve proounsand the ablutefomof thepssessive pro

10、nos; e moranns ae caled frmr sul rds (虚词或构造词),whicare ed o oin together thewods th crry meng. I unmai pec, uh words are usually stessd. Teyare rticles, monosyllbic peposton, monoylabc conjntions,personalponous, poseiv prnun, rcproca pouns,reflexivesd rlatve prnun,auxiiy anmodal vers anderb o EEamles

11、 f wordwit sntenc stress:1.NonsJohnis aeahr rom Aeican2. djectivesWhtabeautiulsght!3. AebIve seldmmet i reenly4.tioal ebhey would di raherthan yied.5. Nmerlsw lu hree quls fves ddess is ort-sx LidenSteet.6 InterectinsOh, s Vwnderfl!. DemnsratipronusThiis ur olleg.8 nergaiveponounsWho watanthe phoe?

12、heabolue form posssiv rnnsThis boo s mieAnd your is over theeame frwodsithno setenc sress:1. ArtilesHeis echerf Englih.This i thebokI wa.2. nosyllabicepitionsHe wa rprised at herattude Monosyllbi conjunciosJoh,Henryd Roet l entut Ptrdint.4. Persl, ssesv, rcprocl,eflexi and relaive ponnHetaugh uEngishH brothe isybest fiendLets leanfrom ach othe.They help ne aother in theiwork.h though ersel bettrthan anyn else.Do ouow the man wo is sitn hee?5. Auxiliay and moda verbTy have been in te ountrysde recenly.You my now.6



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