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1、初三学案 Unit 4 Lesson 15 Very few people will be killed by future cars.(第一课时) 新授课学习目标:1、 学生通过文章上下文理解,能够掌握一般将来时的被动语态的结构和用法2、 学生能够通过阅读活动,能够抓住文章主旨大意,阅读回答问题。3、 学生能够在阅读中认识并正确理解一般将来时被动语态的句子。4、 学生能够根据上下文理解文章中的重点词语并会拓展运用。一、复习导入(一)翻译下列词组1、和一样_ 2、花费时间做某事_3、不得不_ 4、多长时间一次_5、尝试做_ 6、多久 _7、我认为不_ 8、忙于干某事_ 9、越来越困难_ 10、

2、为什么不_11、花费做某事_ 12、对不好_ 13、和一样_(二)写出下列词的过去式和过去分词.eat _ _( ) catch_ _( ) buy_ _ ( ) bring _ _ ( ) think_ _ ( ) teach_ _ ( )grow_ _ ( ) know_ _ ( ) blow_ _ ( ) draw_ _ ( ) 二、学习过程:(Learning activities)1. Read the text and answer the questions.(1) Is the overuse of car thought to be one of the major caus

3、es of air pollution in many big cities?_(2) Why are todays car in trouble?_(3) How many ideas of cars in the future are mentioned in the passages?_(4) How will the Supercar run if gas is in short supply?_(5) Whats the main idea of the passage?_2. 把下列词组翻译成中文。too much _ ask (sb.)for_in trouble_ air po

4、llution _in short supply _ hold the same idea_warn sb. not to do sth. _ in fact _3. 从文中划出被动语态的句子正确理解其含义,并总结一般将来时被动语态的结构。一般将来时的被动语态结构:_+_+_+_+_4. 重点词语解析和拓展(1)overuse n. v. 过度使用原句呈现: The overuse of cars is thought to be one of the major causes of air pollution.练习巩固: 过度使用电脑对健康没好处. Its not good_.知识迁移:ov

5、er- 过于 过多 过度overweight_overtime_overload_overwork_( 2) control v. 控制,支配,操纵n. 控制 controlled, controlling原句呈现:It wont need a pollution control system because it wont use gas.能力拓展: 我很生气,但是我想办法控制住了自己. I got angry but I managed to_. 灯是由这个按钮控制的.The lights _ this button.(3)warn v. 警告,告戒warn sb. not to do s

6、th.原句呈现: We are also warned not to ask for pretty colors.练习巩固: 老人告诫男孩子们不要在河里游泳.The old man _ in that river. 医生告诫他不要抽烟.The doctor _.(4 ) heat n.热,暖气, 热度, 热烈,激烈,发烧 v. (使)变热,(使)激动练习巩固: 翻译下面的句子和短语 Its very hard to work in this heat._. Could you heat some soup for me?_. a heated discussion _(5)be thought to be 被看作,被认为练习巩固: 他被认为是我们班最好的学生. She is _student in our class. 人们认为他很自私. He _ very selfish.1用心 爱心 专心


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